Hey guys: think women talk on the phone too much? Think again

AT&T, “men average 458 minutes of monthly wireless phone usage, and women average 453 minutes.” Okay, so it’s close. But that’s not the disturbing fact. As recently as 2005, men averaged 571 minutes per month, with women lagging behind at 424. The reported reason for men talking more is because they use it for business conversations. Women use the phone more to talk to family and friends. We can kind of see how that would make a separation. A land line can be used to talk to family and friends, so that drastically cuts down on women’s cell phone usage. In fact, the survey also shows that women average 532 minutes per month on the house line, while men average just 237 minutes. Ah ha! So the title of this press release — “AT&T Survey Reveals That Guys Still Gab More – Barely” — is kind of misleading. If they had qualified it by saying that guys gab more on cell phones, fine. But when you add it all up, women are crushing men, 985 to 695. So there you go. [PR Newswire]]]>

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