Frontline gets serious about open access
October 10, 2007/

pulls a fast one with the 700 MHz spectrum, Frontline, a company that lobbied for open-access, is working its own magic. They’ve assembled an open access advisory council, “whose job will be to advise Frontline on all matters open access.” What that means, we’re not quite sure. We love the idea, though. Open access can be a boon for citizens, and shouldn’t be held back by the likes of Verizon and AT&T.
“These experts make up a dream team of open networks expertise and their guidance will be critical to Frontline’s plans for ensuring that our next-generation mobile broadband network will benefit end-users and innovators alike,” said Frontline CEO Haynes Griffin today.Who is on the panel, you ask? First is Lyman Chapin, a “networking industry and Internet community leader,” whatever that means. Next is a personal favorite of ours, Amol Sarva, the dude who co-founded Virgin Mobile. Finally, Tim Wu, professor of law at Columbia University. He’s a huge open-access advocate and his written extensively on it. We’re actually big fans of Wu. You can go to his website to read more of his writings. They’re quite fascinating. We’re not quite sure what this panel will actually do, but it’s formation can do no harm for the cause. Hopefully it will lead to Frontline and Google partnering. That could be the only way they’ll beat out Verizon for the open-access portion of the spectrum. [Wired]]]>
Posted in 700 MHz spectrum