Boost Unlimited may expand coverage
We’ll spare you our ardor for unlimited, flat-rate prepaid plans — for the time being. When you think of those cell phone plans, the first names that come to mind are MetroPCS and Cricket. However, Sprint thought it was such a good idea that they launched a trial of a similar service through Boost. It started out in select regions in Texas and California, and has done quite well to this point, having signed up 100,000 subscribers in the second quarter of this year. You might see Boost Unlimited hitting your market soon. Sprint CEO Gary Forsee, in a conference with Goldman Sachs investors, hinted at the expansion of the unlimited service. There are some reservations, since an unlimited plan could take away from Sprint’s contract customers, but the company feels that the service is valuable enough to continue. This is only going to put further pressure on Metro and Leap to get something done. Boost has a much larger network and an ubiquitous brand. Metro and Leap have limited coverage maps, and since they don’t penetrate many major markets, less recognizable names. However, merging would at least expand their networks and allow them to both enter many markets. They could leverage the merger with the coming 700 MHz spectrum auction to create a powerful national network. Honestly, we’re happy with Boost’s decision to expand. Boost Unlimited has potential, and we’d like to see how it does in other markets. Remember: no contract. It’s just one more way of empowering the consumer. [Wireless Week]]]>