Samsung Galaxy SIII available from Virgin, Boost

Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile have both launched the Samsung Galaxy SIII, last year’s best-selling Android handset. Furthermore, it’s a perfectly adequate device even aged a year, in my opinion topping nearly every competitor on the market. It costs $399.99 on both carriers, though their plans differ. With Virgin you can get a $35 plan that covers 2.5GB of data, unlimited messaging, and 300 anytime minutes. Their plans go up to $55 per month for unlimited everything (with the data restriction in place). With Boost you can get only the unlimited everything plan (with the 2.5GB data limit) for $55 per month, but every six months of on-time payments reduces that bill by $5, with a floor price of $40 after 18 months. You can get the Galaxy SIII at Boost Mobile’s website or Virgin Mobile’s website.]]>