Mobile phone radiation causes sleep complications?

But wait. 38 in 71 is barely over 50 percent. But this was published in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. So it has a bit of credibility. Still, there are plenty of alternate solutions. Like it being a psychosomatic thing. Many people relate their cell phone to stress, since it’s so closely tied to work. Much of the Symposium isn’t revealed in this article, so it’s tough to debunk any other claims. I just find it hard to believe that headaches, change of moods, confusion, and trouble sleeping is in any way related to mobile phone use. It just sounds like symptoms of 50 percent of Americans anyway. I’m a huge fan of scientific advancement, and I appreciate the time and effort doctors and scientists put into these studies. I just think the results of this one are misleading. Just like how they say that the backlight from your TV or computer monitor leads to a lesser degree of sleep. I have the TV on all night about two nights a week. And once again, I’ve never slept better than I have over the past three weeks. Not in my entire life. So please, don’t go tossing your cell phone. It probably won’t alleviate you of the aforementioned symptoms. []]]>

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  1. Rakesh | Mobile Phone on January 22, 2008 at 7:09 am

    yes directly use of mobile really causes problems
    and i think excessive use of bluetooth headset may also