Mobile entertainment allows everyone to create content

Have you seen the promos on Comedy Central for their new show, Lil’ Bush? It’s about a kid version of our president cavorting with his buddies: Lil’ Cheney, Lil’ Rummy, and Lil’ Condi. We haven’t seen anything more than the brief previews, but we think it’s safe to assume that many a jab will be taken at George W.

The best part, though, is that this show started as a short on Amp’d Mobile. Soon after the five-minute shorts began appearing on the mobile network, they were Amp’s most downloaded feature. Not just at the time — ever. It became a smash with a larger audience once it was introduced to and YouTube. Eventually, Comedy Central picked it up as a full half-hour show.

Now, before you start thinking that this could be your big break, understand that the mobile shorts were written by Donick Cary. You may not recognize the name, but he’s a former writer for The Simpsons. So it’s not like this is some guy in his mom’s basement who just happened upon this great idea.

Still, if the idea is good enough, mobile downloads provide a new platform. “It’s so freeing, you can literally try anything — high budget, low budget, something you make in your living room, something you make in a studio. It takes all the rules away, and you can do anything you want, which is great,” says Cary.

The show airs on Comedy Central at 10:30 p.m. eastern time.

[ABC News]

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