Wait, wait — Amp’d was going to provide porn?

We all know that Amp’d Mobile is currently going through bankruptcy hearings. We suppose that’s what happens when you sign up 200,000 customers and don’t have management strategies in place to handle that many. So when 80,000 of those subscribers stiff you on payments, yeah, you kinda did it to yourself (though that’s no excuse to not pay your bills).

There have been varying opinions on whether they will reemerge. Obviously, the company’s figureheads believe they will return stronger than ever. However, they’re in a whole boatload of debt, so restructuring that may be more than they can handle. With many of the facts still under wraps, it’s really tough to speculate at this point.

However, we all the sudden find ourselves routing for a reemergence. Why, you ask? It appears that, in an effort to continue their aggressive marketing campaign to late teens and 20-somethings, Amp’d planned to be the first service provider to offer pornography downloads straight from them.

This, of course, was the next logical step. Through Amp’d, you can already download pictures of fully-clothed porn stars (but what’s the fun in that?), and can access mobile-ready pornography sites with their mobile web application. However, since mobile pornography is still in its infancy, most sites are not equipped for mobile use.

Those plans are obviously now on hold. Something about “fear of alienating subscribers.” Ugh. Well, we suppose it would be met with a lot of backfire from parents, anyway. There are little, if no, means to verify age via cell phone, so that means 15-year-old kids could run amok on the provider-sponsored porn sites. Something tells us that moms across America would storm the gates of Amp’d’s headquarters.

Still, this definitely adds incentive for Amp’d’s reemergence.

[New York Times] [Deal Breaker]