Could Virgin be getting the Samsung Intercept?
We mostly deal with hard news here, but sometimes we’ll run into a rumor that’s too good to let pass. These normally come from reliable and credible Howard Forums users, and for the most part we haven’t been burned when going with one. The latest tidbit is the possibility of an Android handset on Virgin Mobile. It should be the Samsung Intercept, a device that launched on parent company Sprint in July. It’s a touchscreen slider that features a 3.2 megapixel camera and all the perks of Android. What makes me think that this is ripe for Virgin: the Intercept has an EV-DO Rev. 0 radio, while most newer 3G smartphones have an EV-DO Rev. A radio. This means slower speeds, which could be compatible with Virgin’s cheap data offerings. Again, we have no solid word on this yet, but it sounds like the device could be announced in the next few weeks. We’ll keep you updated.
Via HoFo, with a hat tip to reader Keshon for sending it in. ]]>