Boost introduces integrated social networking
September 26, 2007/

It seems Boost is really in on this mobile social networking deal. First they picked up Crush or Flush, a kind of dating social networking service. Now they’ve hooked up with Intercasting to bring ANTHEM, a service that brings together a number of social networking sites, including LiveJournal, Vox, Xanga,,,,, and Rabble. It’s actually the same deal Virgin has with Intercasting.
“ANTHEM can aggregate a number of social networking providers, which greatly reduces the time and cost of provisioning multiple partners in this category,” said Shawn Conahan, founder and CEO, Intercasting Corporation. “ANTHEM will provide the efficiency necessary for Boost to continue to lead the mobile social networking trend.”Well, since Virgin had this service first, wouldn’t they be leading the mobile social networking trend? And with MySpace going mobile, does this render the ANTHEM service behind the times?
Intercasting Corp. also makes its platform available to established social networking sites as well as major brands and entertainment companies looking at developing mobile social networking communities. With ANTHEM, Boost has the ability to quickly launch any social networking site in the future.That makes a degree of sense. Why wouldn’t wireless carriers establish their own social networks? Everyone else is doing it, and it actually makes sense for wireless carriers, who have a ready-made platform to execute such a plan. We figure we’ll see a lot more of this mobile social networking stuff in the news in the next couple of months. It’s the hot ticket, and everyone wants to get in on it. [Via press release]]]>
Posted in Boost Mobile