MVNOs, options are still limited. In any case, there’s a new device on the market, called SIMable, a chip that attaches to your SIM card, rendering it unlocked.
Yes, it’s really that simple. There are three steps involved.
- Punch a hole in the SIM card, using the tool that comes along with SIMable
- Place SIMable chip on SIM card
- Insert SIM into locked handset
The best part is that because this is a temporary measure, it does not invalidate the handset’s warranty — or so SIMable claims.
This is a British company, but they do ship worldwide. If you go to SIMable’s website you can check it out for yourself. Through
PayPal‘s converter, I found out that the device runs $40.74 U.S. dollars. That includes delivery and the cutting tool.
The only unfortunate part of this is that it doesn’t cater to a larger market. Hopefully, unlocking will come around full force once the major carriers switch to LTE technology.]]>