Who owns the Internet?
October 18, 2007/
Make you a deal. You got a house and I build roads. So I’ll build your road, and you’ll pay me each month to use it. I’ll even let the government decide how much. Then, once it’s built, it’s mine. I’ll decide what you drive, how much you pay, where you can go and how fast. Deal? This is precisely the deal we’ve made in our time with the phone and cable duopolists. Those lines were built under regulation, under rates set by the government, in exchange for public goods like right-of-way and exclusivity.The rest of the article is a great read. It might not be totally accurate — a free and fast web seems like a pipe dream to us, but Dana thinks it’s completely feasible. We’d love to hear further opinions on this. [ZDNet]]]>
Posted in Consumer Issues