Cricket can't park at

Update: It appears there was a misinterpretation of the source. There was a bid of $6 million for, but it wasn’t Cricket Communications who made the bid. We apologize for linking them to this situation. You can go here for Cricket’s statement on the issue.
Here’s an interesting tidbit: Cricket recently bid $6 million for the domain name…and were rejected. The domain is owned by, a company which owns roughly 1,100 domain names. They plan a name change soon, since they deal more in website development now. And that’s just what they plan to do with, which claims to be “The number one destination for cricket lovers, worldwide…Coming soon!” Either that, or they’re just trying to pump up the bid.
Before the “Coming soon” page, had an ads page parked there, noting that they had no affiliation with Cricket Communications. With CC’s noted interest in the domain, the cell-phone-related ads raised a few legal queries, thus the site was changed to the sport of cricket, rather than cell phones. owns a few choice domain names, including, which racked in $10 million in revenue in 2007. So they know that they stand to make some money via the development route. Cricket might have to do considerably better than $6 million to obtain the domain. ESPN snatched up from for $35 million.
It appears for the moment that Cricket will continue to be stuck with I guess the question is how much new business the domain would bring in. It appears the answer, for now, is at least $6 million.
[Domain Name Wire]]]>