Cricket signs mobile content deal with Fox Interactive Media
July 31, 2008/

Cricket rolling out a ton of new markets, but they’re also expanding their handset and entertainment lines. Two weeks ago, they added the Motorola RAZR V3m to their AWS handset lineup. Yesterday, they signed a deal with Fox Interactive Media which will provide Cricket subscribers with access to its slew of mobile sites. This means Photobucket, MySpace, IGN, FoxSports, RottenTomatoes, and a few more.
“This is a significant milestone in Cricket’s efforts to form strategic relationships with industry leaders who can provide rich content and exciting applications to our customers,” said Doug Hutcheson, President and CEO of Leap. “Research shows that Cricket’s young and diverse customers are already heavy users of mobile content and applications. By providing them with a vehicle for expressing themselves in a mobile environment, their wireless handsets become much more than a simple phone. We look forward to working with Fox Interactive Media to bring their exciting portfolio to our customers and maximize the resulting business opportunities.” “Our goal is to extend the reach of FIM’s leading Web brands across all platforms, and we’re already seeing tremendous demand for mobile access to our sites and content,” said Peter Levinsohn, President Fox Interactive Media. “By forging this relationship with Cricket, we’ve taken another important step in ensuring that consumers can enjoy our popular content and applications wherever they are and on whatever device they are using.”This seems like a win-win deal for both companies. Cricket subscribers out there, let us know how this arrangement is working for you. Do you like the setup? Or is it easier to just access these sites through the mobile Web?]]>
Posted in Cricket