Cricket stores offer phones, voter registration

presumedly finalized yesterday, it seems like an apt time to talk about voter registration. But wait…isn’t this a cell phone blog? Yes, so it’s a good thing that a cell phone company is getting involved. Cricket, as we’ve mentioned before, is doing its part to encourage people to vote this fall. They’re touring the country with an original copy of the Declaration of Independence, and now they’re offering a voter registration program at their retail locations. This service is available for customers and non-customers, so if you want to register but don’t know how, you can just drop in and they’ll help you with the process. Deadlines vary across the country, so it’s best to do this now. That way, you’ll know you’re eligible to vote on November 4. If you don’t have a Cricket store in your area, you can visit their partner, Declare Yourself, in order to register to vote. ]]>