Protect Your Smartphone From Cold

Cold winter weather is on the horizon for a lot of the US this week. Whether or not you like the cold, I guarantee that your phone likes it even less. While every phone has different perimeters and optimal operating temperatures, extreme cold isn’t good for any phone. Freezing and below freezing temperatures can actually cause your phone’s battery to drain faster, your screen to react slower, internal damage, error messages and can even make your phone stop working entirely. However, if you must go outside in the winter weather this season with your device, here are some tips to be sure your phone stays in working order.
  • Don’t leave it in the cold – Never leave your phone in the car overnight in the winter, but more than that try and keep your device inside as much as possible when the temperatures are frigid. Phones have delicate internal pieces that are easily damaged, and cold phones are more likely to break when dropped or bumped.
  • Keep it in your pocket – If you must go outside with your beloved phone, then put it in a pocket near your body so your natural body heat will provide some protection. A good weatherproof case can go a long ways as well, and several are available for most phone models.
  • Use a Bluetooth – In the winter, use a Bluetooth headset to take calls instead of pulling out your phone in the icy wind. Not only will you reduce risk of dropping the expensive device with your clumsy gloved fingers, but the phone will be exposed less. Some Bluetooth devices even have a button to answer calls, which is even better.
  • Charge it fully – Charge the device fully before heading outside. Cold temperatures can cause smartphone batteries to lose their charge faster so start with as much battery life as possible.
  • Let it warm up – If something happens, and your phone turns off or freaks out over the cold weather–leave it be. Don’t turn it back on until you are inside and the device is back to room temperature to avoid causing any additional damage.
If you find yourself making a trip out in the cold this winter, I might also recommend you bring along an additional charger or portable battery for your device. Be sure to check the manual of your phone (or Google it, if you threw it away like I did) to check the temperature limits of your phone.]]>

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