FreedomPop Adds International Calling
November 13, 2014/

Sprint MVNO FreedomPop Wireless announced this week that they will be offering free international calling to draw additional customers to their network. As of yesterday, all customers who download the FreedomPop Free Talk and Text app for Android and iOS will get 100 free minutes of international calls each month to around 50 countries. The service is expected to be expanded to more than 100 countries in the next few weeks. Countries currently available include Mexico, the UK, Canada, China, Brazil and India among others. To get these free minutes, customers do not have to have a FreedomPop phone or FreedomPop service, but you do need to register an account.
Customers who want additional minutes can purchase 500 minutes for $5 per month, or unlimited international calling for $10 per month. FreedomPop will also be offering a service that will give customers an international phone number that will allow incoming and outgoing calls to be made at local rates. This service is expected to cost around $9 per month.
According to the FierceWireless article, FreedomPop CEO Stephen Stokols was intending to launch an ‘agressive’ and ‘disruptive’ international calling service that not only competed with other traditional wireless carriers, but with VoIP services like Skype and Vonage. And, while giving away free service will cost FreedomPop in the sort term, Stokols said that he expected it would help boost overall customer growth even further.
“We think having a compelling international plan that will move more people to our underlying devices and services,” Stokols told FierceWireless. According to the article, FreedomPop currently is on pace to hit 1 million subscribers by the end of 2015–if not earlier.
Some of you might remember the rumors and reports that FreedomPop was entertaining bids for acquisition agreements earlier this year. FierceWireless confirmed that FreedomPop is still considering the proposals and is poised to make a formal decision and announcement by the end of 2014. Further comments, or release of which companies have made bids, were not available.]]>
Posted in FreedomPop