HarperCollins and kajeet team up for Mackenzie Blue promo

kajeet has an interesting spot in the market. While other carriers are moving towards a more general audience, kajeet remains one of the few committed to a certain demographic. That might seem like a disadvantage, but strategically it’s a smart move. It allows them to stay on message — that they’re the safest cell phone company for kids — and allows them to run promotions which specifically target their chosen demographic. Their latest promotion, a partnership with HarperCollins to promote Mackenzie Blue, a new children’s book, is something that only kajeet could do. There could be many more promotions like this in the future. The promotion is pretty basic: kajeet subscribers can access graphics featuring Mackenzie and crew. They’ll also have access to Marcus’s Money Tips, which is intended to teach kids a thing or two about fiscal responsibility. This is not new for kajeet; they often add promotions and programs which help teach kids the responsibility of owning a cell phone. While Mackenzie Blue likely won’t win kajeet any new customers on its own, the promotion is part of a trend which shows that the company has a game plan. Give kids what they want and they’ll want your services. In other words, it’s not just Mackenzie Blue. It’s Mackenzie Blue and various other content promotions which will help kajeet move forward in this difficult MVNO environment.]]>
I am sure that the great people at Kajeet will remove this entry from this Blog as soon as it gets posted. This is the first time I have ever submitted a blog or response about a company but I feel like other people should know about the problems I am having with Kajeet and their failure to resolve the problem.
It started when I order the phone and was promised a deliver date if I paid extra for shipping and it didn’t show up as promised. When I tried to use the tracking number they gave it didn’t work. Instead of them trying to solve the problem I got “Sorry that is all we can do”. I had to call FedEx on my time to find the shipping info.
I was able to find a retail store that still had 2 phone for sales. We purchased them both and Friday night activated the phone. It said it would take 4 hours. After 4 hours we called and they said there was nothing they could do and to give it till Saturday. I called Saturday and still got “Sorry that is all we can do”.
After getting a supervisor on the phone and explaining to her the problem, I still got “Sorry that is all we can do”. I told her I had a second phone and said I would be willing to activate that phone. We did and we were able to get a phone number. I told her I wanted the GPS service and she informed me to wait till Sunday to order it. I did as was instructed and on Sunday no GPS service. When I called on Monday Amber told me she would deactivate the service and reactivate it and to give it 4 hours and it would work. After 4 hours when it didn’t and I was forced to call back, I was told by an employee and also the supervisor that it would take 24 hours to activate GPS. So by Amber doing what she did she delayed the process even longer. The manager, Stephanie once again gave me “Sorry that is all we can do” and in 24 hours it should work.
24 hours later, it still isn’t working and I when I called they said it would be escalated to another department which is going to take 24 to 48 hours. I would have been better off buying a phone from one of the majors and paying the price. I guess customer service is dead in this country but the one thing that lives on is “you get what you pay for”.