kajeet offers entertainment through text messaging

We love text messaging. We’re sure that many of our readers feel the same. But you know who loves text messaging more than all of us? Kids. It’s kinda like when instant messaging came out. We were young, and we loved it more than anyone, including older siblings. Yeah, they liked it and all, and used it plenty, but they didn’t have the same attachment as we did. Text messaging appears to be in the same vein…our little sibling uses about seven times more messages than us per month. So kajeet, the cell phone company in tune with kids, has launched Feeds, an entertainment-based text messaging service. Once a kajeet customer signs up for Feeds, he or she will be eligible for a number of daily text messages in various categories. Currently, kids can receive: Word of the Day, Horoscopes, Fortune Cookies, Sports Trivia, Animal Trivia, Fun Facts, Girl Power, and Joke of the Day. We particularly like “Word of the Day,” especially if kids actually learn and use the words. “Kids love to text, so it makes perfect sense for kajeet to provide something unique in the world of texting,” said Daniel Neal, CEO and Founder of kajeet. “Distributive Networks provides compelling mobile text content plus the flexible content management platform to scale and deliver the service. Their creative writing team designed a custom package of text alerts and worked closely with our kid specialists to provide high-quality daily feeds in the unique voice of kajeet. And, their technical team developed a creative solution that enables us to manage both content delivery and subscriptions through Distributive Networks’ content management system.” Parents and their children alike, though, have to understand that Feeds counts as a standard text message. So each time you receive one of the messages, you will incur the normal 10 cent fee. However, if kids really want this, it can — if used properly — be a further lesson in budgeting. If they want it, they’ll have to figure out how to afford it. And that’s a lesson we like.]]>