Look for the LG Esteem on MetroPCS next month

MetroPCS customers will get a nice treat next month. In July we heard the first rumors of the LG Esteem Android handset, which would represent one of the most advanced smartphones to hit MetroPCS to date. Thanks to a Howard Forums user we now have further details. Back then we heard that it would drop in October for around $300, but those numbers were somewhat off. The internal document pegs the release date at September 21st, and the cost at $379.99. While this is more expensive than other MetroPCS Androids, it also has some of the best features: 1GHz processor, 4GB of internal memory, 5 megapixel camera, etc. It figures to signal a further push into higher end smartphones for MetroPCS; CEO Roger Linquist has hinted that late 2011 and 2012 could be a bit period for them. Via PhoneNews.com.]]>


  1. Daniel on September 18, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    its actually going to be $349.00