MetroPCS has been quiet lately

MetoPCS this year. In fact, the only real announcement they’ve made this year has been their expansion in to the Jacksonville area. Beyond that, it’s been all quiet. They did, though, pick up some spectrum in the 700 MHz auction. But still, silence. I think you know where this is going. It appears the tables have turned since Metro made an unsolicited bid to merge with Leap Wireless back in September. It appeared Metro was the stronger company then. But with Leap’s recent efforts at expansion and their rolling out of the AWS network, they may be the ones holding the cards right now. I’m still convinced the two companies will merge. With the major carriers offering unlimited plans, it might be their only way to really fight back. However, Leap might be the ones doing the acquiring now. Late last year, I really thought it was a mistake for Leap to reject the bid. I further thought that claim was validated when Leap announced that it had overstated its financials for the past few years. But then it turned out to be not so bad for Leap. And then Metro basically fell silent. It all goes to show that I’m not one for analyzing business deals. But I know what makes sense. And in order to keep up a high level of competition, collaboration may be required.]]>