MetroPCS customers can use VoIP over LTE
February 16, 2011/

MetroPCS, has yet to allow VoIP with its LTE network. This has become a bit of a controversy, and has even led to some consumer complaints of net neutrality violations. While consumer groups will still likely badger the FCC and MetroPCS over tiered internet solutions, the VoIP on LTE issue is apparently not going to be a part. As FierceWireless’s Mike Dano reports, MetroPCS will now allow its 4G LTE customers to use VoIP services. Here is the written statement from MetroPCS on the matter:
Restrictions on VoIP services initially were carried over to 4G LTE services because the first handset–the Samsung Craft–also was BREW-enabled. However, as MetroPCS continued rolling out its 4G LTE network, reviewed the commission’s new net neutrality rules, planned for the recently-announced arrival of an Android-based handset for its 4G LTE service and drew upon its experience with 1xRTT Android handsets, MetroPCS revisited the prior restrictions on VoIP Services. Having completed this review process, MetroPCS now allows all of its 4G LTE customers to utilize VoIP Services on any handset that is technically capable of using such a service.That right now includes the Samsung Indulge, and should include other Android LTE handsets in the not so distant future. ]]>
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