MetroPCS discontinues MetroFlash program.

MetroPCS introduced something that at the time was pretty revolutionary. With a program dubbed MetroFlash, they would take your existing CMDA phone and make it compatible with the MetroPCS network. For $30 users could take any non-AWS phone in and use it with MetroPCS. This worked at the time, because Metro had a pretty thin handset lineup. But times have changed over the last four years, and it no longer makes as much sense for Metro to carry such a service. As recently as October 2009 Metro was embroiled in a legal battle over MetroFlash with Virgin Mobile. That’s basically the last we heard of MetroFlash. Of course, it was around then that MetroPCS started to add better handsets to its lineup, including Android smartphones. So that could be a big reason why they ended the Flash program. It appears that MetroPCS is instructing dealers to cease using the Houdini flashing service immediately. Via]]>
Hey guys are you sure about this? We contacted Metro directly and they said there is no change to the service…
I’m pretty confident that it’s accurate. In addition to the article, a reliable Howard Forums member mentioned it as well. I know it’s dicey trusting forums, but this is a trusted mod on a popular forum. His rep holds up, at least in my experience.
what a load of crap metropcs is still advertising there metro flash service as well