MetroPCS files net neutrality suit against FCC

MetroPCS was under scrutiny for perceived net neutrality violations. Consumer groups actually sued the company over its tiered-access LTE data plans. MetroPCS won’t take such measures lying down, though. In an attempt to block the FCC’s net neutrality regulations, MetroPCS has filed suit against the Commission. This comes after Verizon filed a similar suit for similar reasons. Both companies think that the rules dampen competition. Said MetroPCS CEO Roger Linquist:

MetroPCS’ concerns regarding the jurisdictional basis for the net neutrality rules, the recent appeal filed by Verizon, and challenges raised by some proponents of net neutrality to MetroPCS’ recent 4G rate plans, have caused Metro PCS to appeal the FCC’s net neutrality order to ensure that the concerns of competitive wireless carriers, like MetroPCS, are addressed.
With LTE smartphones coming to both MetroPCS and Verizon within the next month or so, it will be interesting to see how these cases proceed. Either way they fall, net neutrality proponents and detractors will likely continue clashing throughout 2011. Via FierceWireless.]]>


  1. James Waldrop - HostMyCalls Hosted PBX Service on January 27, 2011 at 10:04 am

    Robust broadband competition is the best solution to the net neutrality debate. Typically, multiple competitors offer wireless broadband Internet in a given geography than wired. If Metro PCS customers are not happy with the equipment and Internet access as provided, then they should switch their business to a competitor. That will force Metro PCS to improve their service.