Samsung Admire now available from MetroPCS for $129

Earlier this month MetroPCS announced the Samsung Admire Android smartphone. The announcement left out two of the most important details, though: the price and the release date. Today we got those answers: now and $129. MetroPCS is making the Admire part of a back-to-school promotion, marketing it towards high school and college kids who want a modern phone but whose parents don’t want to pay $200 and sign a two-year contract. You can grab the admire at a retail outlet or at MetroPCS’s website.]]>


  1. Gelliano on August 23, 2011 at 2:01 am

    So Samsung are suddenly pushing out the new handsets at a great rate. Tracfone has just got the Samsung Galaxy Prescedent droid ($150 to go with the $45 unlimited everything plan), and then Boost has the Samsung Prevail ($180 to go with their $60 unlimited everything – including long term loyalty discounts), and then now the MetroPCS option (and not sure if MPCS has an unlimited everything option?)

  2. Adam on August 25, 2011 at 10:47 am

    This phone rocks! I am a MetroPCS employee so i know the ins and outs of all the phones we sell…this is hands down the best phone we carry now. The Galaxy Indulge is $300 and is only slightly faster than this at $129. I liked the phone so much i purchased one the day they came into the store (yesterday.) If you are considering an android prepaid phone go with this one!
    And to the above post all of the plans offered at MetroPCS are unlimeted everything…all droids require the $50 plan…

  3. Nette on September 3, 2011 at 12:42 am

    Adam, does this phone (samsung admire) have a front camera as well? It looks like it, but can’t figure out how to use it. If it’s not a camera, what is the little dot up top? Thanks!

  4. Ed on January 7, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    No it doesn’t Nette. That is a sensor for your phone to know if you are close so you don’t push buttons accidentally and also to let your phone know if it is horizontal or verticle.