MetroPCS revamps LTE plan lineup

MetroPCS was greatly expanding the number of plans it offered for its LTE customers. It most recently added a $30 LTE plan, and last April it tinkered with its LTE plans. At that point they had four plans, but this week they announced a reduction to three. The elimination of options does mean waving goodbye to the $30 plan, but that was promotional in nature. The three remaining plans offer MetroPCS customers straightforward options for their smartphone needs. As always the plans all offer unlimited talk and text, as has been MetroPCS’s signature style. All data is unlimited; the different tiers reflect limitations on the amount of 4G LTE data available. $60: Unlimited LTE data. $50: 2.5GB of LTE data $40: 500MB of LTE data These plans are now reflected on MetroPCS’s website. ]]>
What happen to the $70 plan?
MetroPCS has done away with the M Studio “Video on Demand(VOD)” (unclear as to whether it was contractual issues with the vendor because customers were never really fully advised as to why this was happening, only that it was.) “Oh and by the way, sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you” –This was the excuse that I was given when speaking to their customer service agent. The VOD was featured together with Rhapsody under the $70 plan, which I found to be awesome.
This brings me to my point – There doesn’t seem to be any advantages to paying the $70 monthly plan if you’re getting the same type of unlimited features under their $60 plan. Unless you count the extra $10 a month for the unlimited Rhapsody.
I’m almost tempted to drop my plan down to the $60 dollar plan if Metro doesn’t restore the $70 dollar plan with better features and perks than the $60 dollar plan.
The $70 dollars a month just doesn’t seem to be worth it anymore unless they plan on sprucing it up a bit at some point. Throw in Metro Navigator… something, please .