Rumor: Big changes coming to MetroPCS

MetroPCS has called its dealers into a meeting to discuss big changes to the company. At first it was tough to get excited about this. So many times we hear that a company has a big announcement planned, and after all the hype it almost always falls flat. But, after I learned some details of the changes, I changed course. While there’s one provision that works against consumers, the other two definitely help. Details after the jump. What follows is a rumor. Once again, it is unconfirmed. I’m just reporting on what I heard. Consumers should see a number of differences at MetroPCS starting on January 12.

  • No more first month free. That’s about the only downside for the consumer. This is a change for the dealers. They’ll get the first month’s service as a commission. Obviously, new customers have to pay this fee up front. It is prepaid, after all.
  • All plans will include tax. So when you get the $40 plan, you pay $40. This is to combat Boost Mobile’s flat-rate billing.
  • All locations, even independent MetroPCS dealers, can now handle your technical needs. This includes adding lines, changing plans, ESN changes — basically everything a corporate Metro store can do.
There’s also a rumor of one-year contract plans, but it’s unclear if that will come at the same time as these other changes. Customers who sign a one-year contract will get a new free phone very year, though it will probably be a cheapie. The one-year contract deal will help Metro reduce the churn that greatly hurt their third quarter. We have just six more days until these plans should be announced. If you want to pick up that first free month of service, you might want to get one now. If you were thinking about becoming a dealer, now sounds like the time. ]]>


  1. mike freeman on January 6, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    The only real way to get back their thunder is if 1)They stop charging for roaming to increase their coverage area.
    2)They launch phone flashing in the Trimode areas for at least other Trimode handsets.
    Other then that, I don’t see Metro really doing hot.
    Going Contract in an effort to reduce churn smacks of desperation.
    They should just merge with Leap and be done with it.

  2. jack on January 8, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    1yr contract plans is a no go. everything else looks to be true