Who Uses Prepaid Phones?
May 10, 2015/

Prepaid phones are pretty awesome. You have freedom, choice, cheaper plans—what’s not to love? But, I find that a majority of my friends and family members don’t really use prepaid. I’m obviously in the minority, but exactly what kind of minority are we talking about? Have you ever wondered what the average prepaid user looks like? I did, and here’s what i found:
According to a research study conducted by the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association) in 2013, the average prepaid user in 2012 was a white male, aged 35 -44 who made more than $25,000 but less than $50,000 per year. The study is based on information gathered in 2012, which was unfortunately the most recent information I could find.
Personally, I can say with confidence that I fit exactly zero of those categories. So, curious where you stand in the averages? Here’s a summary of the percentages that the study measured:
- Male: 54.3%
- Female: 45.7%
- 13 – 17: 6.5%
- 18 – 24: 9.2%
- 25 – 34: 13.9%
- 35 – 44: 15.1%
- 45 – 54: 20.8%
- 55 – 64: 17%
- 65+ : 17.4%
- less than $25k: 29.7%
- $25k – $50k: 30.8%
- $50k – $75k: 17.6%
- $75k – $100k: 8.7%
- $100k+: 13.2%
- White: 80.2%
- Black/African American: 10.9%
- Asian, Native Hawiian or other Pacific Islander: 6.7%
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