Page Plus adds $69.95 plan with 5GB of 3G data
November 30, 2012/

Page Plus understands the future of the industry lies in data. They recently increased the data on Talk N Text plans, less than six months after they started offering more data on The 55 plan. In fact, if you look at our Page Plus news page, you’ll see that the last five updates involve increasing data. This post is not about increasing data, but rather adding a data-heavy plan. For $69.99 Page Plus customers can buy an unlimited talk and text plan that includes 5GB of 3G data. This pairs well with the many Android handsets that customers can bring from their old Verizon accounts. It’s amazing how this Verizon MVNO has become Verizon’s greatest competitor in prepaid. Via Howard Forums.]]>
Posted in Page Plus
Page Plus is indeed on top of it. Combining their longtime assets of Verizon coverage, cdma byod and great rates, they are Verizon Prepaid’s biggest challenger as well as relative . They singlehandedly are more successful then a score of Att and Sprint mvnos.
I don’t know, seems pretty pricey to me, compared to competitors.