A few more prepaid phone options with T-Mobile
June 6, 2007/

SureType keypad, and might — just might — have Blackberry Connect. It seems to be one of those high-end looking phones that has low-end features. If it has a low-end cost, it will be well worth it. The T419 is for your meat and potatoes kinda person. It’s completely stripped down, with it’s only “extra” being a very low-res camera. For people (like us) who only use the phone to place and receive calls, and send and receive text messages, it seems like the perfect stocking stuffer. To boot, it’s Bluetooth compatible, so you can avoid being pulled over by the man. No word on release date or pricing yet, but the rumors make it sound like this one will be prepaid affordable. [Engadget Mobile]]]>
Posted in Prepaid Phones