Got $300? Then you can get a nifty phone

Newly available on the AT&T website: the Samsung A717. This phone packs some serious punch: media player (MP3, WMA, AAC, ACC+, video), microSD memory slot, stereo Bluetooth, HSDPA…the works. There was a chance it would be ready by the launch date, but Video Share calling is still coming soon. It’s pretty small, too: 4.1 x 2.12 x 0.5 inches, and weighing 3.29 ounces. Of course, it will set you back $350 — $300 if you actually remember to mail in the rebate. Put it on your “to do” list. It’s sister phone (or brother, depending on your vantage point), the A727, is scheduled for release in a few weeks. It essentially has the same features, but it isn’t a flip, so it’s a bit slimmer and lighter (specs aren’t available on the AT&T website nor the Samsung site). Oh yeah, and they’re part of the Samsung 3G series, so they get this cool flame logo next to them. That means they’re hot. Or something. [Engadget Mobile] [AT&T]]]>