Look for more Android prepaid handsets

Motorola i1 is a slightly higher end model, but for the most part carriers are getting lower end handsets. Specifically, we should see the Kyocera Zio on a number of carriers later this summer. According to a recent Bloomberg News article, we could see more of that in the future, too. The article mainly discussed Google’s low-end aspirations on handsets in the Asian and European markets, but with more and more American consumers heading for prepaid carriers I can see the trend extending to America. It looks like Google is working with Huawei and LG, and both companies have released handsets in America (though LG more notably). As we see prepaid services continue to rise in popularity, chances are those manufacturers will want to bring their handsets to America. This opens a whole slew of questions regarding the Android platform. For instance, would they make a non-touchscreen handset for prepaid carriers? Or is it going to be touch only forever? Will this change the way carriers handle prepaid data rates? In any case, it’s nice to see the newest technology on prepaid carriers. They might not be getting the best of the best, but spreading the Android platform is Google’s goal. It seems like they have an opportunity with prepaid in America. ]]>