Ready Mobile introduces new brand of unlimited plans

It really is an unlimited plan kind of week. On Monday we heard of a $45 unlimited plan from Straight Talk and a $50 unlimited plan from kajeet. The newest offer comes from Ready Mobile, though it’s not exactly like the normal brand of unlimited plans we’ve seen from many carriers. Instead it works on a three-day or seven-day basis. Plan details after the jump.
There are two tiers of service: three days and seven days. The three-day plan has unlimited voice minutes and 40 text messages for $9.99. The seven-day plan has unlimited voice minutes plus 100 text messages for $14.99. This works great for heavy weekend talkers, who can activate a $10 card on Friday and then use Ready Mobile’s other, lesser offerings to carry them through the week.
Fred Haumesser, VP of Sales for Ready Wireless, put it best. “Many of our customers really want to be able to buy unlimited services, but for many customers it’s difficult to commit to an entire month at any given time.” One advantage we’ve always touted about prepaid is the lack of commitment. This new plan brings that idea to a new level.
You can check out the new unlimited plans at Ready’s website. Phones and cards should be available at Stripes and Town and Country stores this summer.]]>
Tracfone is such a great Value. Great deal and you get the great service provided by Verizon as Tracfone uses Verizons network. What a great deal.
I love my Tracefone. Had it for over a year now. But mine is on the AT&T network not Verizon.