Republic Wireless to take on new customers this summer

Republic Wireless opened its doors for business last November, they were predictably flooded with people who wanted to try their $19 unlimited service. Since they were going through a beta period, they closed the doors relatively quickly. They’re not currently taking on any new members, but that could change as early as this summer. Republic is able to offer cell service so cheaply, because it makes great use of Wi-Fi networks. Their custom Android handset automatically connects to open Wi-Fi networks, and then routs all calls, texts, and data over that connection. Part of their current issues center on handoff issues. That is, there can be issues when traveling between Wi-Fi and cellular networks. According to a recent report, they’ll roll out new technology in May that will smooth out the handoff process. Additionally, Republic is set to introduce new Android handsets in June. That will certainly attract more users, who perhaps don’t want to use their version of the LG Optimus. New phones, combined with more seamless service, will certainly attract more customers. Thankfully, Republic seems ready to let more into the program. It’s still not clear when they will go completely public with the service. Certainly there are myriad issues that could hinder their progress at any time. Too much Sprint voice and data usage from their customers, for instance, could throw a wrench into their plans. There are also plenty of data management issues that will continue to be an issue for the foreseeable future. But once they work past those, they could really be on to something. Once Republic does reopen its doors, are you going to give it a whirl? It’s probably not something you’d port your number into, but as a data-heavy device it could supplement another prepaid phone account nicely. Via FierceWireless.]]>
Can’t beat the price of the service, but if you have issues, look out! No phone support, only email, which is free for now. Problem is, they do not always reply to emails.
At this point, they can not be trusted for your main phone. I keep a second line with PTel at the moment.