Straight Talk clears the air on data limits

1.5GB data cap on AT&T SIM cards, it felt like the beginning of a wider-spreading policy. While Tracfone brands Net10 and Straight Talk advertise unlimited data, that isn’t actually the case. As we’ve learned, Straight Talk has no set data cap, but will absolutely throttle your data speeds if you exceed their acceptable usage trends. If this all sounds confusing, Straight Talk sympathizes. They recently wrote a blog post that clarifies their position on data usage. They specifically note: “We are NOT cutting off data at 1.5GB on Straight Talk.” (Emphasis theirs.) They go on to say, “most of our customers enjoy their unlimited data plans with no issues or complaints regarding their data speeds or service.” That might sound like a fib if you read our Straight Talk user reviews. But remember, the people who post reviews there not only represent a minority of users, but they also represent a specifically motivated group. Those who feel wronged are more likely to leave reviews than people who have received acceptable service. Straight Talk serves millions of customers, and it’s conceivable that at least 51 percent of them have service with little complaint. In any case, Straight Talk urges customers with further questions to check the terms and conditions, specifically sections seven and eight. ]]>
Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see what they throttle you to. I don’t really mind a throttle after heavy usage, if reasonable.
We, it’s not reasonable in my opinion.
My personal experience:
I’ve been with them for ~2 years, and never got throttled until last month. My usage pattern hasn’t changed. I don’t use an excessive amount of data. Typically I use around 2GB. Last month, without warning, they throttled me way down to between 56k and 100k. I am on their AT&T-based SIM. I don’t know if they are throttling t-Mobile-based SIM users. My SpeedTest history shows that at best I got 237k, but that was the very rare exception. Typically, it was under 100k. It’s barely useable for web browsing.
They did restore me to full speed 15 days later, after refilling.
Contrary to their “official” position, after a good amount of prodding, the agent I spoke with ultimately disclosed that in fact they do throttle at 1.5 GB. Don’t believe that dribble from corporate. There is nothing unlimited with ST except for perhaps a steady stream of BS.
I wish we had a consumer-protection law that required companies who use the term “unlimited” with regard to mobile data to adhere to a standard. We would see a lot of the BS disappear overnight.
That consumer protection law is called going to another carrier who gives better service.
This is 2015 I purchased unlimited data talk and text 9 days ago and they say I went through my3.5GBs all ready so there’s no way possible in 9days could I have used it .but the technician I spoke with said I did even though the month before I used it the exact same way so I’ve been robbed. I used net 10 for 8years and they were always helpful and would admit to their mistakes. This woman just said there is no dispute here. Dam thieves so who used my data service?