Straight Talk launches LG Optimus Black

It has been something of a confusing week for Straight Talk. First we heard that they cancelled the launch of the LG Optimus 2X. That was a shame, since it is a relatively powerful device. As it turns out, though, they just pulled a switcheroo. Instead of launching the Optimus 2X, they launched the Optimus Black — which is the same as the Boost Mobile launched in January. To review, it’s an Android 2.3 Gingerbread device with a 4-inch touchscreen, 5-megapixel camera, and 1GHz processor. It also comes with a 4GB microSD card. The device is available right now for $329 on Striaght Talk’s website. Via]]>

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  1. T Pee on March 26, 2012 at 6:56 am

    Hmm. Was planning to get the X2 for my husband for his birthday next month. Quick question from a rather ignorant cell phone user; for the average user, is there a huge difference between the X2 and the Optimus Black? I could go with this phone, or now that StraightTalk allows the BYOD SIM, I could stick with my original choice of the X2 and buy the ST Sim for an unlocked phone. Advice please? It’s a fair amount I’m spending, so don”t want to make the wrong decision!