T-Mobile could be readying prepaid BlackBerry
June 3, 2009/

A while back I wondered if T-Mobile should offer a prepaid BlackBerry plan, like its prepaid Sidekick. That was in regards to the Pearl flip 8220. While T-Mobile won’t be offering that specific Pearl for prepaid, it does appear they will be offering the traditional Pearl for prepaid. As the ad shows, it will cost $299.99, so quite a chunk of change, but expected for prepaid. A CrackBerry commenter notes that you get 600 minutes and unlimited data and email for $65 per month, so a bit higher than the MetroPCS plan. The ad says available in New Jersey, but apparently it’s available elsewhere at Best Buy stores. I couldn’t find it on T-Mo’s or Best Buy’s websites.
Learn more about available prepaid BlackBerry devices here.]]>
Posted in T-Mobile