Tracfone provides a Lifeline in Florida
access to cell phones can boost the earning power of poor families and individuals. The idea is that this will keep them more connected, therefore more open to opportunity. The Florida Public Service Commission recognizes this. They offer a program called Lifeline, which helps lower income consumers keep their telephone lines. The commission has just approved Tracfone as an eligible provider for Lifeline. Under the plan, eligible consumers will receive a handset with E911 location technology. To cover their airtime, Tracfone also gives them 68 minutes of airtime. Additional airtime costs 20 cents per minute, and can be purchased with cards ranging from $2 to $10. It’s always nice to see lower income families get a break on services that border on essential. Phone lines might not be up there with food, water, clothing, and shelter, but they’re becoming a bigger and bigger part of American life. Kudos to Tracfone for being part of a program like this.]]>
That is great! It is wonderful to see people helping others!
I have a pre-paid At&t phone which I was going to just run out, but I think I will return the Tracfone, (even though it doesn’t cost me anything because I am on a fixed income), because at least with At&t I can make and recieve calls.
This is great now I can sell crack, and have people call me to set up the deal ahead of time. I’s be needing a free cell phone. Your tax dollars at work!
It’s about time they bring the plan to Florida! I have been tracking TracFone since they first started started this plan. I am a very low income college student who has to pay for tuition, books, etc. I need a cell phone to keep in contact with my family. I can now afford a good quality cell phone! Thanks TracFone.