Verizon again increases data allotment for prepaid plans
May 17, 2013/

Verizon prepaid has made many moves that cater to a prepaid crowd. While their efforts started off as typically overpriced big carrier offerings, they’ve wizened up and started offering more data and more plans. Their latest move adds even more data to their prepaid smartphone plans. The $60 smartphone plan now gets 2GB of data monthly, up from 500MB. The $70 plan now gets 4GB, up form 2GB. Remember, these smartphone plans work only on 3G EVDO and not Verizon’s 4G LTE network. These plans will be available to consumers on June 6th. Via FierceWireless.]]>
Posted in Verizon Wireless
Haha, made a little typo.
“The $60 smartphone plan now gets 2GB of data monthly, up from 500GB.”
I doubt Verizon, or any carrier using tiered plans, would offer its customers 500GB, let alone prepaid customers. LOL