Verizon customers most loyal

So we have all of our quarterly reports in, and Verizon has decided to take advantage of that with some pats on the back. For the 12th straight quarter, they’ve maintained the lowest churn rate in the industry. Their 1.3 percent rate (1.0 percent for postpaid) ranks the best among “Carrier X” (AT&T, 1.7 percent, 1.3 percent postpaid), “Carrier Y” (T-Mobile, N/A overall, 2.3 percent postpaid), and “Carrier Z” (Sprint, 2.9 percent overall, 2.0 percent postpaid). Since quarterly reports are pubic, we’re not sure why Verizon chose to make the other carriers anonymous. However, we’d like to point out an inaccuracy in the company’s reasons why it has the most loyal customers. It cites the obvious: Their declining early termination fees and the ability for customers to change their rate plan without extending their contracts. However, they make an error with their third reason:
Verizon Wireless is the only major carrier with Test Drive, offering new customers the chance to experience the Verizon Wireless network for 30 days virtually risk-free.As we learned earlier today, Sprint now offers the same service. And since we also pointed out that we were a day or so late with our reporting of this, we find it inexcusable that Verizon didn’t make the proper adjustments in their press release, which was issued at noon yesterday, certainly after Sprint’s announcement came (mid-day Wednesday). Yes, you offer many conveniences for your customers, Verizon. Please acknowledge that your competitors offer similar services. [CNN Money] ]]>