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Read our full Alltel Prepaid review

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 262 reviews)
5 star26%
4 star11%
3 star29%
2 star8%
1 star26%

Consumer Review

December 17, 2007

Horrible Horrible service. I bought a phone and it worked for about 15 days. Then they wouldn't stand behind the phone and said i would have to go to a retailer to replace the battery because it was a prepaid service. When i tried to cancel the service they said they weren’;t cancelling services. I would have to just wait 120 days for it to expire”. Worst customer service I've ever experienced. My husband got AT&T prepaid and it's fantastic! Never will i buy Alltel again – save your money!”Show more


Consumer Review

December 10, 2007

I agree the coverage is not what they say. It is not good for the traveler, example I have experienced roaming in Memphis, Dallas airport and San Diego


Consumer Review

December 8, 2007

Alltel is the only service that gets reception out here and I live about 1 mile from a tower so i get 4-7 bars all the time. I pay per day, with unlimited texting and night and weekends. The customer service is great and I bought a Alltel SNAP U340 and it had defects and they replaced that phone with a LG AX5000 that is a 89.99 dollar phone and they gave me an extended battery (69.99) and have had great service since. The customer care reps are always helpful but some times i get a french or italian person which is just fine, but they are a little hard to understand. I don't get service in Detroit, Michigan or Las Vegas Nevada. 2 HUGE CITIES AND DON'T GET SERVICE. but they have sprint, tmobile and cingular for them areas. IF YOUR GOING TO BUY AN ALLTEL PREPAID PHONE, IT WILL BE WELL WORTH IT IN THE END!!! YOU WILL REALLY ENJOY THIS PHONE!Show more


Consumer Review

December 3, 2007

they have the worst service ,no drpped calles ,texinjg wonderful,but incomming calls were the worst some times the outgoing as well


Consumer Review

December 3, 2007

I would give this product a higher rating, but it appears that within the last 6 to 9 months, they've shifted the Customer Service from something based in the south US (at least based on the accents)to something offshore, perhaps in Costa Rica. It is very difficult and frustrating to deal with thefolks at the new CS center. I have had a couple of instances of incorrect charges or changes to my account thatthey said would take effect – and they did not. The service itself seems good. Strong coverage throughout most of the region. However, text messages seem to take their sweet time reaching me sometimes.On another bright side, the price point is great for the light user, though…Show more


Consumer Review

November 30, 2007

I got the prepaid, with no expiration. Reception is usally good, but a major inconvenience is that for many(most)calls, the caller is asked to redial the number called then press pound. If a number is in memory in the telephone and you are asked to redial, you must have the number written down or memorized.Show more


Consumer Review

November 19, 2007

Where do I begin. I went online to get a prepaid plan for Allel. I already had a phone. The option said “getting started” The next page has you select” I already have a phone or order a phone. I selected 1st option went thru the reminding selection. At the end it said, “Online activation is currently unavailable call 800#. Called 800# they said they could not activation. I would have to go to a store. Went to an Alltel store and they told me they did not know what I was talking about and they would not call the 800#. So I asked if my desired areas was covered. I did not want to pay for roaming charges .59 cents instead of .15 cents. Reply, “I do not know but probably” I said I need more then a probably if I am giving them $100. He just said, “most likely”. I left the store. Next day called a friend who had called that area and they said, they were not charged roaming fees. Went back to the store next day. I arrived at 9:20 and finally left the store at 10:50!!!!!!!!! Only Sales rep there had not updated fusion file could not process my order. She called helpdesk and we were on hold for an hour(did not have my watch or I would have left). Manager was there and did nothing sat in his office even after rep told him I had been waiting more then 20 minutes. As I waited I got more upset and said to the rep, “don't take this personally but I had read reviews online and they say that Alltel's 800# was not very good.” She got defensive and snippy so I got snippy and told her that the reviews also said that the reps needed customer training. She really did not like this. I asked if another system could be used or maybe the manager could do it. She said no he does not do this stuff and she could not access other computers. I went in to talk to manager and told him the rep was getting snippy and he said, well he could understand that because she was frustrated having to wait on hold for the helpdesk. I said that is her job and she should not get snippy with me and what about me? What about how I felt waiting for the helpdesk and putting up with this rep? He said will maybe we can get someone else to assist you. Another rep just came in. This rep said I have to log in and then went to the back room and left me there. The end of this long story is I did (because Verizon has some noncoverage spots in that area)finally get my phone activation. I called the customer service 800″ to complain and it was just as bad. I called to complain about the website saying I could not activate online. She told me this was for Walmart purchased phones. (IT does not says that online) I also told her in the pay per minute it says “free long distance” I told her it was not free but is at the same rate as local calls. ALLTEL had a lot of problems not just one or the employees but many many problems. BEWARE!!!!!!!!! I was on a time frame to leave and needed this phone but I am going to investigate the other carriers and find another.Show more

More then Frustrated

Consumer Review

November 14, 2007

As Deidre said, they have really cheap phones and the wireless web, with NO contracts! You can get a razor for $90 with no contracts!Get a camera phone for $15! Love nights and weekends and free mobile to mobile cause everyone has Alltel where I live!


Consumer Review

November 1, 2007

Alltel has phones that are as low as .99 on prepaid, so I disagree with the expensive phones. They are very reasonable!


Consumer Review

October 30, 2007

Just wanted to thank you all for the reviews. I had decided to go with Alltel, their plans sounded really good. But after reading all the negative reviews, I'm going to keep looking. Just a reminder, though… we have to keep things in perspective; IE: I had Cingular (I loved it. No problems, ever!) Then AT&T took over, & it was nothing BUT problems! They charged me for service I never had for 5 months, and when I finally got a c/s rep that could understand what I was saying, I was told I could only get a refund for 1 mo. I couldn't get the 5 mos. back of no service, it “wasn't their policy.” This was the result of calling at least 10 times, and talking/holding for no less than 1hr 30 mins! Usually more. So now I'm looking for someone else & thought I'd try Alltel. Guess I'll keep looking. Good luck to everyone!Show more


Consumer Review

October 15, 2007

mike p, towards the bottom of the reviews, sums up my experience. I have put up with it for over a year now, but it is time to change. I won't be back with alltell. The only positive thing with this program is that there is no contract. Oh, customer service is awful too. I just held for 83 minutes, to hear from a supervisor” that they filed a trouble ticket and should get to it within 72 hrs. Whatever..not worth it.”Show more


Consumer Review

October 6, 2007



Consumer Review

October 5, 2007

yeah its okay i guess. i find that no one company is better than the other though. my minutes seem to last longer than all other companies though.


Consumer Review

October 5, 2007

no prepaid phones insurance, everytime phone stops working-it is always water damage!


Consumer Review

October 3, 2007

good deals i have pay per day love free texting an free nights an weekends features best prepaid option in my opinion


Consumer Review

September 30, 2007

09/30/07 I changed from the National Freedom plan to U-Pre Paid minutes plan to save money since I used my cell phone very little. I was paying $82.00 a month, $984.00 year for two phones, and maybe used 30 minutes a month. The Pre Paid Plan at .15 cents per minute seemed like a good deal. Now I'm lucky to get calls and when trying to make a call I get a message that I have to re-dial 1 plus the 10 digit number then the # key. I'm told that this is two-stage dialing” and it occurs in some areas. I haven't moved and had the National Freedom Plan 5+ years and NEVER had to dial twice..anywhere. No one else I know has cell service that requires dialing a number twice.The sales rep that sold me the phone was very nice…They must be paid on commision !! Customer service sucks. I'm getting used to NOT having a cell phone… I might just save some more $$ and drop the whole mess.”Show more


Consumer Review

September 25, 2007

ok phone…….acts dumb….alltel always messes up on sometyhing..


Consumer Review

September 24, 2007

ok i have it i love it i have A motorola phone and its great and not only that yes you do have internet but i tell you now they need to change there policy on phones and take care of there costumers


Consumer Review

September 22, 2007

Alltel sucks!! I hate it.I only have had my samsung sch-u340 for 3 months. and while it was sitting on my computer desk it shut off, and will not come back on. I went to the alltel store and told them bout my problem, and they said yea we will fix it but we have to give u a loaner phone for $165.00. I was like hell no!! Tha phone only cost 20.00 what do i look like paying 200.00 for a loaner phone. so i asked the lady if she could just give me a new cell phone but the same one. she said she couldnt, they changed their prepaid policy and the only way i could do that was if i paid the activation fee and got a whole new phone number.but she said that she get it fixed for me and send it in to samsung but it will take 3 months. I talk on my phone everyday, I cant wait three months. I did love my alltel phone and the plan, but once I found out that they did not care about the prepaid people I ended up changing. samsung phones suck too try to stay away from them.Show more


Consumer Review

September 14, 2007

I'll share my story from this past Sunday night; you can decide for yourself if my 1-star rating is warranted.

Mike P

Consumer Review

September 10, 2007

Excellent coverage area and service but I have one problem that occurs when I have talked for 60 minutes. The phone rings once and drops the call. I have a Kyocera Blade but I don't see any problem with the settings on the phone so I am assuming it is an Alltel thing. Is there something I can do to avoid this?Show more


Consumer Review

September 6, 2007

Prepaid phone was de-activated for lack of use. Was allowed to add twenty dollars to account but phone still would not work. Contacted so called customer service 4 time via email and 5 times by phone and always got the run around. Different answer every time I called. Once was told to go to Alltel store to fix problem. Went to store and they said no problem with phone it was activation problem. Store could not even get through to Customer service. Now I can't access anything, my phone number no longer exists and my twenty dollar credit dis-appeared.Show more


Consumer Review

September 3, 2007

great prepaid service. it is one of the best. actually, it is the best i have tried. i have had it for 2 years now. trashed the first phone and had to get a new one. of course, when i did it there was no activation fee. but still is the way to go. by far. i give it a 5 out of 5!Show more


Consumer Review

September 1, 2007

Update! They must have read my review (above). Immediately after the (above) was sent I received an e-m saying my phone was back ordered. Looks like I'm going to have a hard time from these people. I agree with those reviews saying that alltel's reps suck!


Consumer Review

August 30, 2007

Used internet and purchased phone and signed up for prepaid minutes using a debit card. Got e-m immediately after order saying they wanted me to call as there was a problem (not enough info). I called and I was asked what the problem was. You tell me! Was asked for my last 4 digits of my ss#. They said that didn't work. Asked for full ss# and that didn't work. Looks like they were doing a credit check (which they said they don't do for prepays). They said computer generated questions would be asked for me to answer and only I would know the answer to. They said they wouldn't know the answer to them. Guess I could have lied (how would they know?). Sounds like incompetency to me. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Anyway, am still waiting for the 2 day free delivery. From reviews I've read I'll probably chuck the phone and go with another provider. They certainly don't seem to want new customers. (ps: tried to enter the insert #” for this review and it said it was incorrect (it wasn't) so had to enter it again. What is wrong with these people?”Show more


Consumer Review

August 29, 2007

Here's the latest from Alltel's so-called” customer support.”


Consumer Review

August 29, 2007

Alltel just dropped another star in my eyes. I emailed customer service with a question about my online billing statement. Here's part of their response that still has me shaking my head like the AFLAC duck after hearing Yogi Berra in the barber's chair.


Consumer Review

August 28, 2007

Great plan for 75 cents per day offering unlimited nights/weekends and unlimited text messages among its four choices. Free mobile-to-mobile and unlimited favorite number calls are the other choices.Beware, though. Their customer service is horrendous. They expected ME to pay for THEIR mistakes to which they admitted. Also, customer service reps will give you wrong answers when they're clueless rather than being honest with you and telling you they don't know the answers to your questions.Show more


Consumer Review

August 23, 2007

Buyer Beware! Alltel changed the plan to include expiration dates! Now when you purchase minutes you are given a time when they would expire. Apparently, this is not across the board. My parents have the same plan and plan does not expire. When I called customer service three times, finally I was told the reason was because I signed up two days after the policy went in place! My rep did not know this at the time, but my minutes still expire! I went to refill my minutes at a store so that I could put a smaller amount on my phone than what you are allowed to online. That rep handed me a customer survey, which I answered when I got home. Today I receive a voicemail on my prepaid phone telling me to call them back. I did not even give them my prepaid or home phone number. Now I have to pay for all those minutes. I sent an email to the company and got a canned response back that had nothing to do with the email. Also, every time you call customer service and give your prepaid phone number, you are passed off to another call center located overseas (I think).So do your research before committing.Show more


Consumer Review

August 17, 2007

I agree with you Dan. It is the worst cell ever. It costs to recieve text messages. On mine at least.

Some cool girl

Consumer Review

August 9, 2007

It's worked great anytime I have used it. Works much better then AT&T go phone service and is less money if that's important to you.


Consumer Review

August 8, 2007

Hi,I signed up for Alltel U Prepaid Month to month.It's so far been great!.I love the coverage I get with Alltel.I get no dropped calls,I never roam and I live in the boondocks so I still get great coverage,The nearest town nearest to me is Augusta Georgia.Im about 2 and a half hours from Atlanta.Their is more Alltel towers than any other mobile company in my area.I like that Alltel U prepaid has a national coverage same as their postpaid plans,unlike other mobile companys that only have limited coverage on prepaid due to their national postpaid plans.Alltel is the best mobile company I have been with to date.I have been with all the other big national company's they dont compare with Alltel.I would recondmend Alltel to anyone who wants a big coverge area.Alltel gains my true respect.Show more


Consumer Review

July 26, 2007

nices and most helpful alltel empoyee i have ever met with


Consumer Review

July 17, 2007

IT REALLY SUX CUZ ITS seems like a good prepaid plan but for some reason its not available in some states like the NY area


Consumer Review

July 2, 2007

Best prepaid value with the ability to roam to other networks with the fewest roaming charges for prepaid and the best coast to coast coverage. However the computer network is buggy sometimes. Just because I have a good signal on the phone it doesnt mean the phone is going to work.Unless I sign a contract with verizon I will have to grin and bear it.Show more


Consumer Review

June 14, 2007

They now have web access!!!!!


Consumer Review

June 2, 2007

alltel sucks for all prepaid phones


Consumer Review

May 28, 2007

I think that this is for sure the best basic prepaid plan out there. no i said basic because you can't access the web and all. but for what i do, which is talking with friends, it is the best. now the reason i didn't give it five stars is because the do have an expensive upfront cost. but it is for sure less expensive in the long run. i love the fact that all you have to do to keep your account running is to make at least one call a month. i would have to say that overall this has to be the best prepaid plan out there.Show more


Consumer Review

May 18, 2007

Alltel U is the best phone service I have had in a long time. It is great because I am ADDICTED to texting and i get unlimited texting and mobile to mobile for only 75 cents per day. If i only text and talk to people on the Alltel network, It only costs me about $25 per month which is way better than paying $89.99 a month that I used to do. Great service area too!Show more


Consumer Review

May 2, 2007

I traveled to south dakota and my cell service didn't work there. You have 2 choices in S.D. Alltel or Tracfone. Since I didn't live there I purchased Alltel's prepaid plan because I knew it would also work in Missouri and could just give it to my son when we got home. After S.D. it didn't work at all in Colorado and I was able to use my regular phone service. Since I've been home and my son tries to call me the calls constantly drop. I live in the city of Springfield, MO. I can't find top up cards anywhere. When I called the local Alltel store they say they don't carry them either. They told me that I could stop in and put cash down on the account. Every time I go to the store I wait at least an hour to get service. They're constantly backed up. If I use my bank card they charge a fee up and above what your applying to your phone. Whenever I call the service number it's very hard to talk to anybody. Also we recently went through an ice storm in January, 2007 and I had no cell service for 3 days with alltel, but my husband and I have cingular and virgin mobile never lost service. Alltel later told us that generators had to be hooked up to their towers in order to activate coverage. If I leave Springfield just 30 minutes away it goes into roaming. This isn't a good phone for national coverage. As soon as we can afford it I will get my son a better phone. Meanwhile if he goes out we give him ours. Alltel sucks! Constantly have dropped calls, no convenience for topping up like Virgin Mobile or Cingular, nationwide coverage is sparse and too many little fees.Show more


Consumer Review

April 25, 2007

I think it is a really good deal if you can't be approved for regular service with a contract. I signed up for the nights and weekends and mobile to mobile for 75 cents a day. My husband works out of town and he has a phone like mine, so we were able to talk unlimited every day for just that 75 cents. As long as I only talked to other alltel customers or made most of my calls after 9 or on Saturday and Sunday, I was paying about 25 bucks a month, and actually saved some on my landline by using the cell instead on the weekends. Now I have a contract and like it alot better, I got a cheaper price for a phone, more minutes for the money, etc. But like I said, it is a better deal than most prepaid, like tracfone, net10, etc.Show more


Consumer Review

April 18, 2007

this phone is great i love my phone


Consumer Review

April 16, 2007

i enjoy the servicen that alltel offer as long as they dont cut your nphone noff nin the middle of the nite

laprina patton

Consumer Review

April 5, 2007



Consumer Review

March 24, 2007

OK………………………….. I GUESS. Fair with prices. Mobile-to mobile and nights and weekends for only 5 minutes a day. You don't think about it but it adds UP! a MONTH is 25.00

Alltel U User

Consumer Review

March 7, 2007

The worst ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Consumer Review

February 27, 2007

got the Samsung A645 and cut on fee + Card on 02/14/07 was back in store buying MORE min they took off min. just for looking at their on wall paper come with it and try ringtone that yet come with it THEY don't tell you that $20.oo won't make for 30 days . See Each Day 75 cent come out your min. if someone call you Yet 10 cent That Free Text is all is Free Nights & Weekends they take it out ringtone is like $1.99 To $2.99 each time phone ring so I took chip out Put in T Mobile Chip GOT Me A $100.oo Card now I'm Happy my min. are 7 cent to 10 cent a min that card last a Year 1000 min + gold Rewards 15% more each time you adds a $10 card Love the Rollover -n- won't Expire for a year Deal no day fee like in 75 cent like alltel does ROAM no* Extra Charge AND half the time Target has T Mobile cards on sale look in sunday weekly ads like Now $100 card get you a Free NOKIA 6030 for $88.oo that a True Smart Deal i use it to talk on not to keep up with the JONES the jones don't pay by bills So Do Ya'll home work on T mobile look out for the small words on paper work just like buying a car I Carfax them 2Show more


Consumer Review

February 24, 2007

I love it. My only complaint is that I can't set up my voice mail and that I have to buy the application that supplies my ringtones…before I can get ringtones…I doubt I will ever purchase an application but it makes me mad that I have to do this in the first place.Show more


Consumer Review

February 19, 2007

Great Coverage in my county and cheap refills cards and the one year repair warranty with your phone is also great, But I have to also agree the only setback is no web–MAJOR BUMMER

TJ Boone

Consumer Review

February 16, 2007

Great Prepaid PlansBad Customer Service RepsAlltel needs an ANGERMANAGEMENT program for some of their customer service reps


Consumer Review

February 16, 2007

I use to like keeping up with news, weather, sports via wireless web and I use to do that when I was a cingular prepaid customer but when I switched to alltel prepaid because of relocation–I have to agree with Tony and Angela–the only setback is not being a able to access the web featureShow more


Consumer Review

February 16, 2007

Alltel prepaid has a wide coverage area and cheap refill cards- but the only setback is their's no web access


Consumer Review

February 15, 2007



Consumer Review

February 15, 2007

good phone


Consumer Review

February 9, 2007

Everybody look no farther for this is the best plan ever in history and if you are tired of paying or top it up each month or so will dont miss this chance cause this could save you a life time of minute and money cause your minute never expired for the the pay by day or even the pay by minute and not only that with the pay by day with alltel and it is alot better than the cingular cause you get the choice of two things rather than one, like unlimited mobile and thats all for the the cingular which is for a $1 for a day and .10 cent a minute while in the alltel u only pay .75 cent a day and .10 cents a mintues and you can chose two option like free text or free night and weekend or one favorite call number or mobile to mobile and only for .25 cent to add another option since you can only pick two for free. The only downside is that the phone can be expensesive but its worth it and the cheapest phone on alltel is for 19.99 but with the activition free is $35 plus a $20 start than total is going to be $70 buckShow more


Consumer Review

February 5, 2007

Customer Service or lack thereof is horrible, i forgot my VM password, i have emailed, called, been hung up on, rode the automated operator around and round, no help whatsoever, when i was buying it, they answered in one ring.


Consumer Review

January 24, 2007

3 stars for the goodside and 2 stars on the downside. First star for the good side, quality cause u get very nice sound and speaker and the phone is like the real thing (if u know what i mean). Second star would be for their phone connection which is very good since it coverage almost everywhere in the US. Third, the 15 cents a minute plan is the best of the best cause ur minute wont expired unless u use one minute every month. Now for the other 2 stars for the downside is for the Access connection which is so dead and u cant hardly get to download a things and plus u cant access to the web. Last, u cant send picture message.So dont go on buying an camera phone or an expenses phone with this plan, cause its just an basic prepaid plan that let u talk and text message.Show more


Consumer Review

January 5, 2007

Its really great I would say the same thing as Brent very well done


Consumer Review

December 19, 2006

Great packages…but their national coverage area” is not what they say. I travel quite a bit and it seems that almost every time I leave my home state my phone doesn't want to let me make calls or receive them. I would stick with a GSM service if you travel around a lot. Alltel's Prepaid network just isn't reliable for the traveler.”Show more


Consumer Review

November 19, 2006

Great service. The reception is good and my calls don't get dropped. The coverage area is huge – not just along major cities or highways, like many other plans – and almost all of that is non-roaming. Alltel is the only prepaid plan I've found that does not require you to purchase airtime on a regular basis. Their minute-to-minute plan has no daily fee, which is also unusual. Their website is useful and their phone selection is good. The customer service is excellent, both in person and on the phone. (US-based call centers! Imagine that!) I'm very happy with Alltel's service.Show more


Consumer Review

November 11, 2006

great reception have never had a droped calli really like that the minutes dont expire


Consumer Review

October 15, 2006

drops calls to much cuts out while talking. and they wont stand behind any phones they sell. i got one and never buy another one save your money


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