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Read our full AT&T Prepaid review

2.4 out of 5 stars (based on 902 reviews)
5 star15%
4 star9%
3 star21%
2 star8%
1 star47%

Consumer Review

March 31, 2008

Pros: Excellent coverage – high data speeds (I live in a 3G area) – you can activate a SIM and use any unlocked GSM cell phone – Pick Your Plan has an unlimited data option – customer service is polite.

Dave E.

Consumer Review

March 29, 2008

I have been using pre-paid for almost four years now, and trust me, no other company offers better service. Believe me, I know. My daughter has a TracPhone, and the cost per minute on her phone is too high!


Consumer Review

March 21, 2008

AT&T sucks all the way around, anyone interested in filing a class action law suit? Everyone's horror story is mine too. Let's do something to stop this. The services they provide are great, but customer service is horrible. Something really needs to be done. Remember what happened to MCI?


Consumer Review

March 18, 2008

I'm seeing a lot of whining complaints and a few over the top kudos, but I don't really see a lot of level headed reviews of this service. For me, I add $25 every 3 months and rarely need to refill sooner. If you don't use the phone that often, the $.25 per minute flat rate is very reasonable. There is a monthly 911 fee, but those are the breaks. The reception is usually pretty good in the city and along highways, but frequently there's that annoying fraction of a second delay that makes for uncomfortable silences and awkward conversations. AT&T does polute your phone book with useless spam numbers that you cannot delete. Best deal: $25 good for 90 days at a time. I'd like to find a different phone that has better features and a higher quality of reception than the Pantech C-120 I'm currently using, but the empty “I LOVE THIS PHONE” and “AT&T IS THE EVIL” replies aren't really giving me much help. AT&T is what it is. Go phone is a no contract service, so if you don't like their service, stop using it, throw the phone away, and move on. Oh, and what kind of idiot pays $100 (the max) up front without testing to see if the service is right for them in the first place?!


Consumer Review

March 7, 2008

AT&T SUCKS… does their NEW Customer SERVICE…ha! On Feb 23 I purchased a go phone with monthly access plan of $49.99. It took 7 days to receive the phone..they put insufficeint address on the box. Received the phone finally on the 29th. (No instructions or directions included in case the phone didnt work or I wanted to cancel my service.) plugged in charged and called on the 1st to activate. Phone stopped charging after first day. Called customer NON service and was switched around to 3 different offices finally got a rep who told me I would have to buy a new phone and then send back the one that didnt work. Maybe they would refund my money. Spoke with his supervisor who told me he was not going to argue with me. He would be crazy to send me a $189 dollar phone without charging me. Needless to say I ordered the phone so that I could use the minutes I have paid for. I reminded the supervisor to put my complete address on the invoice etc…Well guess what DHL called me yesterday because there was insufficient address on the box AGAIN!!! Here it is March 7 and I have been unable to access my prepaid minutes. In total I have spent 3 hours and 19 minutes on the phone mostly on hold and being transferred from one incompetent rep to another. I can't seem to find out how to discontinue my service that is automatically deducted from my checking account, monthly. Does anyone know the answer to that? I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN SUING THEM….AT&T SUCKS DO NOT DO BUSINESS HERE


Consumer Review

March 4, 2008

this phone sucks. i rather have alltel. for a $1 a day i can have unlimted calls/text/night and weekends! this isnt even worth 1 star


Consumer Review

March 2, 2008

I love it, I love the in calling. It is even free to some other company cells (net 10 and tracfone) when they are using the att network!

Travis Longley

Consumer Review

February 28, 2008

I order the 25-cent plan yesterday. Four representatives said the plan used AT&T total coverage including parter areas, not true. You can only use the AT&T system with AT&T's prepaid plans. All representatives misrepresented the service.


Consumer Review

February 20, 2008

the worst customer service ever. their bill payment online service is down most of the time and don't even own up to and shut your phone off anyway. i spend half my time trying to pay the bill. when i do get someone on the phone they insist that it is my bank. i even went and got a gift card and they still insisted it was my bank. one rep admitted it was them because she had gotten more than one call stating they were having problem. i have a friend whose husband works there and he says they go down all the time and they don't even have at&t.


Consumer Review

February 17, 2008

i bought my phone just a week a go and i didn't know how the go phone plan works, but now that i have read all of these comments i could finally tell how it works. so far it is a bad plan.i love my phone but bad service i,m disappointed. now that i got the phone and the service, i went to shop for music” and they charged me $1.50 and i didn't even buy anything.”


Consumer Review

February 17, 2008

Total piece of JUNK. I lost minutes just carrying it, I think it accidentally turns on. I made 2 phone calls & it quit. I had just forked out another $25. for future calls. Customer service says, TOUGH LUCK. I think AT&T has a business selling the phones, & a 2nd business selling minutes that never get used because the junky phone quits. I DO NOT RECOMMEND this phone.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2008

I'd give it 0 stars if it was an option. I purchased a GoPhone after Christmas for $6 at Best Buy. Intent is to use it when traveling and leave my pricey SmartPhone home. I went to activate it today, spent about 20 minutes going through their routine, couldn't get it to work. Got ahold of a live person and they said my SIM card was already used and cancelled. I told them I just took it out of packaging- how could it be used. The guy said “Well I've put it in twice and it's no good”. I asked what I was supposed to do with this. All he could say was that my card was no good. I asked him if someone could have fraudulently used these # to make more cards- no answer. It was obvious to me that he didn't believe me. I asked to talk to a higher authority and he offered his supervisor, and said “they'll tell you the same thing that I just did”. I asked if anyone else with some authority, and he said he could transfer me but I would have to wait approx 20 minutes. I hung up. GREAT! I have a phone w/a bad SIM card, lost 40 minutes of my time, and still have a brand new non-functioning phone. I am tempted to toss it.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2008

AT&T phone service is one of the worst service in industry. They don't help customers and they just cover their ass. They paid telemarkerters to call you every days, trick you into their serive. you paid huge expense a lousy phone service.


Consumer Review

February 12, 2008

I saw ATT GoPhone had a special on their website for a Nokia 2610 for $9.99.


Consumer Review

February 10, 2008

Well I've now got a Go Phone, and I can't find any information on how to activate it. It's a used phone, but i still can't activate it even using the old number. Any advice since the people at Radio Shack know diddly-squat about it?


Consumer Review

February 10, 2008

I bought a cingular go-phone 1 & 1yr. ago. It was the best option for me at the time. I paid a dollar a day when I used the phone, the text messages were 10 cents apiece and calls were 10 cents per minute with free cingular mobile to mobile. When AT&T bought them out text messages went up to 15 cents apiece and it is now 20 cents per minute not 10. I went to my local store and was told I would have to upgrade to a pick your plan phone to not get charged like that anymore. It was just another way to get you to spend more money either on the plan or on a new phone. So I am done and am looking for something else.


Consumer Review

February 7, 2008

I gave AT&T the lowest rating not because the coverage was terrible, which is was, but I gave it that rating because after having the phone 5 days and seeing such poor coverage in the city I found out that they charge a $25 fee for returning the $29 phone during the 30 day ‘free' trial period, all because I scratched off the secret number needed to activate the phone… How can you try a phone without activating it? Wish I could have chosen 0 stars.


Consumer Review

February 7, 2008

I happen to have a go phone for a little over a month now and only had problems the first two days.Which was because there policy was new to me and I did not undestand. Ever since then,I have had no problems. The dollar a day works for me because it is way cheaper than what i was paying for monthly. I have unlimited incoming and i DO NOT call out. I put $4.99 amonth for text and that rounds me up to $34.99 a month. When with a contract I was paying almost twice a month. The key is to let it work for you by first deciding what you need. Then check out what the companies have to offer.


Consumer Review

February 6, 2008

After 3 months of pre paid service, the new phone I bought (at&t product CG180) did not work. It was under warranty, so a replacement phone was sent to me (note: a re-furbished one , not a new one). BUT, I am out about one week of use waiting for the replacement to arrive. AT&T refused to adjust or credit or extend to accomodate. I am paying in advance for one month of service and because of thsir defective product I am only getting 3 weeks of service. I think that is wrong. There are plaety of choices for pre-paid, maybe it is better to go with a company that specializes in pre-paid, and not a biggie like at&t.


Consumer Review

February 4, 2008

Immediate Scam. Although they advertise .25/minute rates, the truth is they will arbitrarily set the length of the call based on disconnecting from the tower”. So it is almost impossible to make a call less than one minute! SKIP THIS SERVICE!”


Consumer Review

February 2, 2008

This “”Web Page Provider Information”” needs to be updated: The following is WRONG: “”Earliest Minute Expiration: ..but those minutes expire after being unused for one year.”” That's Not true. I've had a pre-paid Cingular/At&T for 16 years, and just switched to GoPhone. My old plan was a variable rate (but text was free) – as GoPhone gives the option for a .10 cent or .25 cent plan. If you renew before expiration the “”Unused Portion”” is rolled over, regardless of which plan or the amount you recharged. BUT the max. limit you can carry in your account is $500.00 (anything over $500 you will loose !!!!!) If you use your phone a lot, make more than 1 call a Day, the .10 cent option is best. If you don't use your phone a lot and don't talk long then the .25 option will save you a bundle. (remember the .10 plan will cost right of the bat $1.10 while the .25 plan you start at .25 cents


Consumer Review

January 31, 2008

Hi All ~ Just want to clear something up that I have seen mentioned over and over on this page. At&t and Cingular DO NOT EXIST !! These are just names that are used because the were or are in the publics vocabulary. SBC gobbled Cingular and then……..gobbled At&t!! The reason they use the AT&T name is becuase of recognition……..not because they are AT&T. The good ole boys running the show are here in San Antonio TEXAS in a bulding with SBC on it. So if you loved the company when it was Cingular and hate it now that it is AT&T and want to blame the latter, no no! Now that they have such a huge chunk of the market there is no reason to have a great product nor service, THEY WILL MAKE THE MONEY ANYWAYS!! Just want your furstration and anger to be directed in the right direction….LOL. It's all about the benjamins baby, and they could give a flip about customer satisfaction!!

South Texas

Consumer Review

January 27, 2008

I got my phone the other day and luv it so far, havent had any problems w/ it. the only bad thing about it is that the minutes go 2 fast.


Consumer Review

January 24, 2008

GO PHONE is terrible in voice quality and dropped calls. It does not have the same geographic coverage as the regular voice plans. I was stuck this weekend in OR where AT&T GO PHONE does NOT work but the regular AT&T voice plans work. When I bought AT&T GO PHONE I was not aware of this significant difference.

johnb brown

Consumer Review

January 22, 2008

I purchased the go phone plan and found it very expensive as everything seems to be extra. I called to cancel the plan and was told without my secret number I couldn't …. I asked how to get it and she told me I had to go through the website. I cannot sign into the website with the secret number (pin) and customer service email will not take go phone correspondence. What the heck! Horrible customer service and terrible reception … avoid at all cost.


Consumer Review

January 21, 2008

Avoid at all costs. If one purchases a 365 day renewal, the 365 days begin from your date of purchase, not from your previous expiration date. I just lost 3 weeks of activation due to this abhorant practice. Even TracFone did this correctly.


Consumer Review

January 17, 2008

I cannot believe the BBB has not informed about AT&T. I purchased a GoPhone as a Xmas present on Dec. 14th. The phone was damaged and was returned on Dec. 26th. It is now Jan 17th a nd not only do I not have a replacement phone, i have not been credited back the money for the phone. It took the phone 12 days to go from Dallas to Ft. Worth. I could have driven there in 20 minutes. The damaged phone was received in the warehouse and was still active and waiting to process a payment on the 18th of Jan. Are you kidding me? At what point do these divisions sync up and realize that something is wrong somewhere? I will never use AT&T wireless ever again. Whether it is prepaid or plan. DON'T DO IT!Save yourself the heartache and get a Metro!

Coach D

Consumer Review

January 10, 2008

I really like being with at&t and like having the free night and weekend mins.


Consumer Review

January 10, 2008

Well this thing is allright but umm, it just explains the big question i have 1/2 way. it says “blahblah 1.00 a day when using digital voice service, does it charge 1.00 that day if you just text msg or web browse? btw if you live in the sticks like me service is horrible =/


Consumer Review

January 9, 2008

just got my phone in the mail. very cheap from website, excellent phone… pay as you go is okay, except it automatically costs 25 cents every time you dial even if its 1 second… but i dont use my phone hardly at all so it's great since i dont have a contract.


Consumer Review

January 8, 2008

Go phone sucks really bad I get dropped calls all the time…ever since AT&T took over its been nothing but BAD service. I plan to switch to another service carrier!


Consumer Review

January 8, 2008

The go phone works perfect for what I need and I am not tied to it by contract, thats probably the best thing about it. That and the sevice area is great!


Consumer Review

January 6, 2008

Well, thank you all for your comments here. I had been looking at AT&T but getting very wary because of this odd $1/day fee. On my current account with T-mobil I get telemarketers and scammers calling at least once per day so if I port my number I am sure I’;d continue to have the same problems, and have to pay $1/day. It seems like all of these cell phone companies are thieves, it's just a question of which ones are worst. We need to form a consumers organization which will sue these bastards until they start treating us well. I'd rather pay more money per minute than having all sorts of lies told to me, billing “mistakes” and complicated rules that are very hard to understand, and sometimes they change them at will and you won't even know.


Consumer Review

January 5, 2008

Just got the phone. Switched from US Cellular because of coverage reasons. ATT was the only one that works EVERYWHERE. But was on phone with customer service for ever. ATT home service SUCKS to.AS well as their Internet. No other choice so Ill just pay out the arse for the . UGG and I got a crappy phone when I WAS using a Motorola RAZR. Why pay &170 bucks for a phone I already have .I just wont work on ATT. UGGGG


Consumer Review

January 4, 2008

I've had there contract phones and you get more minutes for less money but.If your like me and barely use your phone it's only for emergency's or if someone else needs to use a phone for a second.What sense does it make to put yourself in a contract.


Consumer Review

January 2, 2008

I have had AT&T/Cingular Pay As You Go for about 2 years now, the .10/min $1.00/day plan. Majority of the time things work well with the service. But ever once in a while when I call into my Voicemail from a LAN Line money comes off my phone like I was on an active call, sometimes when someone else calls and I don't pick up and it goes to voicemail or if I hit ignore and send it to voicemail- I get charged as if I answered the phone and had a conversation. Usually when I call in to let them know what's going on, I get refunded back my money, and Im always told they would open up a ticket and someone from the Tech Dept would get back to me in a couple of days. Well no one has ever gotten back to me and I'm used to their lack of follow up. Within the last 2 days, this problem started happening again, where I'm being charged for calls going to voicemail. Only this time when I called in, they're telling me they are justified in charging me airtime because when I hit ignore I acknowledged I have a call, so where's the airtime usage there I asked? And what about when I don't hit ignore and the call goes to voicemail by itslef, why am I still being charged then? Well they answered that by telling me they could charge for the phone ringing more than 30 seconds. I know for a fact I had my phone set up to go to voicemail after 20 seconds. When I told the person that, their response was, well I don't have that information in front of me. Is anyone else having this problem? It seems they are charging people just for hitting ignore on their cell phones and think they are justified in doing so, but where's the airtime usage? I was on the phone with them for about an hour, spoke to three different people, two of them being supervisors, and all of them telling me the same BS story. In the end I did get my money credited back, but a took a lot of arguing and this is a problem that happens every now and then. So I'm sure I'll be on the phone with them about this in the future. Are there any lawyers out there that can give their opinion in terms of some sort of class action lawsuit? Users out there, are you experienceing the similar problems with AT&T/Cingular?


Consumer Review

December 31, 2007

I have the $69.99 plan, and was being deducted from my credit card, and I changed my credit card info, but I still had $75 worth of time on my phone and they disconnected my phone, because they could charge my cc again. I think thats a rip off and lost my $75 worth of time that I had left. That really sucks for them to take or rip you off for your money just like that, because they couldnt charge my cc again. And this is without a contract!!!!!!!!!!!

Irma Garcia

Consumer Review

December 30, 2007

As a Employee of a AT&T customer service I find it disturbing reading these posts. I know myself from past experiances MOST the Customer service reps are well trained as well very kind and helpfull. However when we have to deal with people daily who just wish to scam the system, dont know how to use there phones and just generaly silly things (like subscribing to things liek joke a day and then complaining you get the texts).. as a customer rep these things tend to make it harder to deal with the real issues. It is hard to filter out the scammers from the legit complaints. as for the plans GO phone DO offer several plans.. from Pay as you go to a pick your plan. both have great advantages of NO CONTRACTS.. NO CREDIT CHECKS and most times phones are basicaly free or dirt cheap. I dont know why people would start complaining AFTER they buy the product. If people actually took the time to educate themself on things they buy and wish to use perhaps then the world will be a nicer place….

Big G

Consumer Review

December 27, 2007



Consumer Review

December 25, 2007

i like the phone that i got the pantech c120 but the rates are awful. 25 cents a min. plus a $1 access fee uf you use the 10 cents min. they are a rip off i went to net10 and got a phone for 10 cents a min which is not ripping me off i wouldnt reccommend it


Consumer Review

December 24, 2007

I hate gophone. It has got to be the worst thing on planet earth to even consider.


Consumer Review

December 22, 2007

Amy – It is pretty crappy that they don't give you unlimited mobile-mobile at night or weekends. But it does say so in the Terms & Conditions, you just have to read carefully. In the section called “Charges” it says “Minutes will be depleted according to usage in the following order: Night and Weekend Minutes, Mobile to Mobile Minutes and Anytime Minutes.” I came here to find out if I should buy a Go Phone. Thanks to everyones comments I now know not to even think about it.


Consumer Review

December 22, 2007

Greg.. Yes please dont waste your time with a go phone, and I did read that in the terms and conditions but when I asked them about that they said thats how your mins will come off depending on when you call (n&w would come off n&w min.and so on) Depending on which plan you buy will determine ur unlimited mobile to mobile so I chose the plan the offered the unlimited and Im not getting it…..I actually have the At&t rep involved from the store I bought it from and he said the same thing, that I should not be losing my mins for an at&t call, he said he has worked for this company for 8 years and has never heard off that!! So hopefully something will get worked out….


Consumer Review

December 12, 2007

Well first of all let me start by saying I wish they had something less then a 1 star rating because At&t don't even deserve that!!! I purchased this phone last night 12/11/07, when I got home and activated it I chose to go with the pick your plan deal instead of the pay as you go plan for a few reasons. I chose the $49.99 plan that offered 400 anytime mins. 3000 night and weekend mins. and UNLIMITED mobile to mobile (another at&t phone) seemed perfect since my husband has an At&t phone, I chose this phone because he has had this service for 2 years and never a bit of trouble, but this is when it was with cingular, NOT At&t…. Anyway came home got the phone setup, picked my plan and started calling my husbands At&t phone to make sure everything was working correctly, why not, hes At&t it will be free no mins lost because I have UNLIMITED mobile to mobile……. After I called his phone and found out mine was working i went and dialed


Consumer Review

December 10, 2007

I was shocked to learn on this week that the 49.99 rate plan no longer has free nights and weekends. I do not like the new AT&T because of all the rate changes.I will be switching to Verizon in 08


Consumer Review

December 8, 2007

Pretty good phone. But service is terrible.

Davy Jones

Consumer Review

December 5, 2007

AT&T is the worst cingular was bad before the merger, they billing is horrible, i had both regular services and pay as you go and i had to leave them all together, people go somewhere else leave AT&T they rip you off big time. you don't need them.


Consumer Review

December 4, 2007

Got mine about a month ago and it has worked perfectly i've read alot of reviewa in consumer reports about att and they've given the other three big names like, Alltel, Verizon and t-mobile pretty good stars , but i think it all just depends on what area you live in..I'm thinking of using this phone as my regular phone for my home it has great battery life i charge it about every 8-10 days with other phones like CDMA i usually charge those about every 4 days from now on i'm sticking with go phone pay as you go


Consumer Review

December 4, 2007

Can't beat this deal,1 dollar charge only the day you use your phone you can make or receive unlimited anytime calls to other att or cingular customers,and for all other calls 10cents per minute US and MEX.If most of your friends,coworkers and family have att or cingular service as are mine stop looking around,this is the best deal for your dollar.


Consumer Review

December 2, 2007

since at&t has taken over cingular I can be sure of being disconnected three times while talking to heart patients over the phone, this is not a good thing, I have had to get a home phone as well so I dont get disconnected and what good is a cell phone if you cant talk on it,,,,Tracie,11/29/2007,3,3,2,I have to agree with many of the reviews here in some aspects. I have the pay as you go phone and haven't had too many problems with coverage areas or the phone itself. I just don't agree that we need to be charged as much as ATT is now charging for texts or for the daily fee of 1.00 if the phone isn't used. If they would drop those charges I would be very pleased with the service.”


Consumer Review

December 2, 2007

Does anyone know if, on the 0.10c prepaid plan, if you call another ATT phone, does the $1.00 daily fee get charged? It says unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile, but the $1 charge would suck!


Consumer Review

November 29, 2007

I bought my phone a little while ago. The service is ok, customer service can be ok… depends. The whole time i've had it, they've never managed to be able to activate my GPRS. Oh well, I'll soon be gone.


Consumer Review

November 27, 2007

I like the service plans you have. The only promblem is the coverage area. I thought ATT would improve that!!

joseph keith

Consumer Review

November 27, 2007

Horrible, horrible, horrible. Customer service is nonexistent. They drop your service when you've paid in a timely fashion – fail to debit your checking account altogether and call you a deadbeat. When you call a customer rep, wait times are often 30 minutes or more. ANY other service is better.


Consumer Review

November 27, 2007

The coverage area seems to be one of the biggest complaints. You can get to customer service if you talk to the right people. I had a phone for over a yr. & it was stolen. Insurance came in handy.


Consumer Review

November 27, 2007

I love da repaid phone but we cant get know of free minutes unless u spend dis much or unless u have an cridit card


Consumer Review

November 26, 2007

forget this. go with tmobile. prepaid 1000 mins for $100, good for up to one year. no daily fees, etc. best deal, by far, trust me, i've checked everywhere.


Consumer Review

November 24, 2007

Customer service sux now it seems like they want to suck the money right out of my wallet.I knew att would mess everything up


Consumer Review

November 19, 2007

ATT service is TERRIBLE i live in a big town and yet cant get ANY service hardly anywhere, also they changed their rates, a couple weeks after i got my phone, it's TERRIBLE! I'm switching!!!!!!!!


Consumer Review

November 19, 2007

I like it but really hate getting the minutes for it.


Consumer Review

November 19, 2007

Cingualr prepaid was the bomb, but now that att took over they are on that bull crap thy try to charge you for ever thang it don't make no since for text messaging to cost .15 cents when .5 cents a message was just fine and they will take your dollar even if you don't use your phone!


Consumer Review

November 19, 2007

Beware, AT&T quietly takes away much of their normal National coverage on their pre-paid plans.Look at the map provided for coverage in the US.

tom riggs

Consumer Review

November 16, 2007

if you are using an unlocked or unbranded phone, cingular is begining to block them off of their network (they know) and will eliminate part of your service (i could not receive incoming calls).


Consumer Review

November 16, 2007

I'm providing a review to let the people know that thier reviews helped me from making a bigger mistake than going with Tracfone (awful). I've decided to pass on Gophone & ATT as well. Thanks


Consumer Review

November 12, 2007

I started with Cingular back in 2000. My phone was set up by Cingular Office of the President for me to have for emergency use. I had a KH668 phone. It was sooo old it said SWBELL when I turned it on.Everytime my phone screwed up. I called CServ to be told I had no phone. I go to local Cingular stores, “oh your phone is broke you need a new one($50+)”. I didn't tell the rep I had 10 more phones at home. I called the person that set up my phone–all it needed was reprogrammed..They gave me codes and just for experiment in future everytime I had problem w/phone I would go to a different Cingular store–SORRY SIR YOUR PHONE IS BROKEN($70+ for new phone). I would reenter codes and same old SWBELLphone worked fine with CINGULAR for 6 yrs. I keep my current phone shut off unless calling out and I have a little notebook ledger of my phone use but I am always getting charged for text messages–I don't even access and charged for days($1)/calls(.10) I don't make. I get told I cant use any of my old phones that new phones have to be purchased. I was totally happy w/setup I had before. .35day/.10night per minute.Free incoming. Not a lot to keep track of, now I have a new set of charges to figure out since AT&T took over. I have incurred about15 of the $1.00/day charges along w/a bunch of $.10chgs for days I never used my phone. Since AT&T crawled into bed w/Cingular I never can get help from customer service. I have 16 text messages on my phone. No one has my cell number–how can they text message me?? Why should I incur charges for 17incoming calls or 16text messages when I don't even know who they are from.


Consumer Review

November 10, 2007

I originally went prepaid cellular back when it was Bellsouth. They changed from requiring a $20 min. refresh to the account every 180 days to every 90 days, effectively doubling the price. It was not a deal breaker, so I stayed with them. Whey they became Cingular I stayed with them and was satisfied with the service. When I had to buy new phones due to GSM changeover, I stayed with Cingular because of that satisfaction. Now, a year later, AT&T has turned me into an increasingly dissatified customer. Despite what the person above says about it being the nature of the GSM system to charge you from the time you “send”, I was NEVER charged for an unanswered (incompleted) call by Cingular. What's more,the minutes that my phone displays should be tied directly to the per-minute charge, but apparently AT&T sees it differently. I made a call last night (I'm on the flat rate $0.25/min) that lasted 43 seconds. Should be 25 cents, right? Not according to AT&T, it was one minute and eleven seconds, therefore I was charged for two minutes. This is not surprising, AT&T has quietly and subversively changing rates without telling the customer on prepaid long distance calling cards. You may think the 1000 min. card you just bought will render 1000 min. of call time, but if the call begins and ends within the same state (e.g. Florida), you've not got only a 200 min. card because they're going to charge you 5 units (15 cents) for the in-state call that would cost you 1 unit (3 cents) if it crossed state lines. Originally they said the FCC required this, but the FCC says they don't regulate in-state calls. Then the story changed and they said the Public Service Commission required it, but the PSC says they don't regulate in-state calls either. So, I've found an alternative prepaid long distance card that charges me what it says on the card, 3 cents for in-state or out of state calls. Now I need to start looking for another prepaid cell service. Even the name “AT&T” is bogus and has no relation to the original American Telephone & Telegraph. It's owned by a conglomerate whose acronym most people wouldn't recognize. Deception appears to be their way of doing business.

El Si

Consumer Review

November 4, 2007

i luv this fone and i had a prepaid fone for 6 years and it is still workin good……….


Consumer Review

November 3, 2007

I had a package with AT&T 450 min/rollover and paid around 65 a month. Did not like it since I did not use the cell a lot. Called to cancel and they ofered a pay as you go plan that I have not seen, herad or read about. They said I would be charged $15 a month for 60 min that will rollover, plus taxes ofcourse. I have not received my first bill yet, but don't expect to pay more than $20. If I use the 60 min a month I am free to purchase more minutes, or wait until other month comes for a new 60 min. Has anyone been given this option, and if so how is it been going? Thanks, Taylor, FL


Consumer Review

October 31, 2007

i bought this grate phone from wallmart and one mouth later.sorry 3weeks after i started usein this phone.tex mes were 5 cents then i went 2 work sent my sons mother a texed and was told that i was gona b chared 15 cents because no reson so att tells me they cent out tex in aug of 07 now i bought my phone in oct of 07 so how did i get my tex in aug so they tell me 2bring it back 2 wallmatr 4refund i still have a week to do this wallmart say no yuo have 15days to do this return so att blows dont buy thir crap


Consumer Review

October 30, 2007

ATTN: DAVE… Regarding your thoughts on class action lawsuit – I've been checking into that, I know TONS of people that will join. I feel badly for these people that think they have a good deal, they'll find out the hard way, & AT&T will be laughing all the way to the bank. Question: If you agree that they suck (& we know they DO suck, like a Dyson vacuum cleaner!) why did you give them a rating of 4 stars?


Consumer Review

October 30, 2007

I HATE AT&T!!! Here's why: They are a HUGE corporate conglomeration that no one can challenge & win. They have a monopoly on landlines, & I predict they will own every nook & cranny of this country within 10 years. The United States of AT&T. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw AT&T in the top 3 rated providers! They have been the bane of my existence ever since they took over Cingular. I had no problems with Cingular, and nothing BUT problems with AT&T! They ripped me off for 5 mos. of service I never received on my DSL, told me they would only refund ONE month b/c that's “their policy.” So I told them I wouldn't pay for the cell phone they also had control of, (after I made a $70 payment!) & they promptly turned it off! I'm going to try T-mobile prepaid phone, it has very good reviews. Talk to other people before you go with AT&T… everyone I know has had ridiculous problems with them (they sold my friend's long distance contract to MCI, & never TOLD her! She found out when she got her bill at $0.90/minute!) We have an ongoing hatred for AT&T where I work – you can't EVER get through to a c/s rep, when you finally do, they don't know anything, and are rude. They have screwed up our account beyond belief, & have driven everyone that has to deal with them, insane. Seriously. I'm trying to spread the word: Beware of AT&T. They do whatever they want, & you will be at their mercy, of which they have none.


Consumer Review

October 25, 2007

I love this fone but i hate how it has to take a dollar away everyday!!!


Consumer Review

October 24, 2007

I cannot get my GoPhone activated. Bought it today – went online tonight but activation failed. Called the automated service number – activation failed again. System said it was transferring me to an activation specialist” – but surprise! – that office was closed. Glad I wasn't stupid enough to go ahead and buy extra minutes – not sure now whether the service will work or not. Will give it one more try tomorrow – if no success then the GoPhone goes in the trash and I will try someone else.”


Consumer Review

October 22, 2007



Consumer Review

October 22, 2007

i love my go phone because i dont have to pay a mothly contracti love it hope everyonelse loves it to


Consumer Review

October 21, 2007

good service but sometimes i can send a text message and somtimes i can't call c/s and text support no help. i have to text the person then dail 611 and listen to that and then the text will go through.


Consumer Review

October 18, 2007

Just started having problems with my Go Phone–tried to retrieve messages as usual–dialed 1 and got recored message that “this number cannot be reached as dialed, etc.” Then tried 611 for customer service–same recording. Then tried retrieving messages via landline and went through prompts BUT automated system said my passcode was invalid! Went to AT&T website—my account opened up when I typed in my 4-digit passcode. Go Phone–go figure! Anyone else have these problems on 10/17/07?problems. No way to find out if anyone called and left a message–how frustrating. Any tips out there?


Consumer Review

October 17, 2007

I don't have a problem with the pick your plan service. What I would like to know is why ATT somehow forgets to take my automatic monthly payment when I have a decent amount of rollover waiting. They don't have a problem taking the auto payment when I have $1.10 left for the month, but if I've got $22 something, forget it… Airtime expires and of course when you go on to pay manually, it pretends you never set up a payment option. This does not occur on any kind of schedule, like the 6th month, or year of service, just when I have decent rollover to pass on.


Consumer Review

October 17, 2007

Working for ATT gophone, i can answer a few of these complaints. I'm not for ATT or against it, i'm just trying to clear a few things up.


Consumer Review

October 16, 2007

Cingular was good to great in many ways though as things started to change it has become lousy Service ares w/o good cust. service is bad. Pros-If you want to have a service that covers a broad area ok. As Cingular I came to like them fairly well though not now. Cons-areas came in when not expected and others expected did not. Plans appear to be appealing though in the long run service is the most important. They have become low and inconsiderate overall only use if you have no viable option.I have tried many. Beware former user…


Consumer Review

October 15, 2007

AT&T is thebest if you didn't know you do now so when you get time just spread the word.


Consumer Review

October 4, 2007

got my pre-pay go phone 3 weeks ago and already have used up $50. was supposed to be set up for .10/min , but ended up at .25/min. but even worse are the dead spots w/ no coverage. one dead area is 45 miles long. these peaple sell you a communication device on which you are unable to commicate. i was told that plan phone don't have this problem, but pre-pay does not use the same towers. if i knew this before i bought it, i would have used another carrier. dealing with att has turned out to be one big mistake. after reading the reviews, maybe there is grounds for a class action lawsuit. if you agree leave a review saying so


Consumer Review

October 3, 2007

I've had cingluar now Att go phone since march 2005 n before that ATT regular plan phone. Since the ATT takeover u can no longer use the go phone until your money on the phone runs to zero. you must submit a payment at least by 2 days after your payment was due. Or they turn ur phone off regardless if u have funds left on ur phone. Then when u do submit payment they wipe all the funds or rollover money u had on the phone clean. TO zero. cingular did not do this.

It suks

Consumer Review

October 1, 2007

I think they would have a pretty good service if they dropped the $1 charge a day 4 using your phone,if someone calls you they hit you for a $1,Wife has Virgin Mobile & it's far,far better and cheaper, so I will change !

Jus Poor

Consumer Review

September 22, 2007

AT&T had the absolutely worst reputation of any wireless service, then they merged changed their name to become cingular… then surprise! guess who's back from hiding…. the new At&t”….I feel sorry for those using their crap service….horrible I recommend T-mobile #1 and Verizon #2″

Double D

Consumer Review

September 21, 2007

I am in Memphis..i have taken ‘pick your plan'. here there is no signal. Hw can At&T be the top wireless provider?


Consumer Review

September 21, 2007

have had ATT prepaid for about a year w/old Nokia phone. Everything was great until I had to renew minutes (by my cell phone) and used the 800# I THOUGHT was to purchase mins. No one told me, nor did I get info that dialing 611 is free. Bottom line, it cost me $4.50 and 26 minutes on hold to get a $25.00 recharge on my service. I have since spent 1 1/2 hours on eternal hold w/ATT “customer service” an oxymoron. After talking to 10 CSRs I finally got a helpful CSR who said she is going to do a courtesy refund. It's not the $4.50 that matters, it's just the principle of paying money to buy minutes – ATT needs to upgrad their customer service, reduce the loops you go thru to even GET to a LIVE PERSON, and make their services customer oriented. Are they getting too big for their britches? didn't have these problems when it was Cingular


Consumer Review

September 21, 2007

I have had a cingular go phone for more than 9 years and now that AT&T has taken over it is not as good or the same. I just got a message yesterday that the rate is going to 15c a min. Why/ I think it is wrong to raise rates. As big as AT&T is they do not have to raise the rates. It is already to high. I am really disappointed and will most likely change companies. Sad


Consumer Review

September 13, 2007

the reception is good. the only thing i hate about the Go Phone is the minute charges.


Consumer Review

September 8, 2007

If I had known what problems with customer service I'd encounter before purchasing the $100 prepaid account I would have DEFINITELY chosen a Trac Phone. The representatives don't know what they're doing and it takes a lottery of prompts and incompetent people to finally find a person who can even access” my account. As soon as I use up the time I'll definitely look elsewhere — ATT is a total ripoff.”


Consumer Review

September 7, 2007

They even charge you for the ringing time for outgoing calls!!! imagine if the person at the other end was away for a hour you will be paying a lot just for trying to contact them .. and all the utility you get is hearing the ringing tone.. Its unethical to do something like that since ringing is not a service. customers should be charged only for the service they get. when I talked this to customer service they were speachless


Consumer Review

September 7, 2007

I bought my phone at the end of july, and i am pretty satisfied with it. It has basically everything on it. This phone is the nokia 6102i prepaid phone. The only thing I do not like about it is that it doesn`t have a lot of memory or storage space for games, ringtones, etc. for example, say you dont have any ringtones or pictures saved on it. If you put about 3 or 4 ringtones (125kbs. each) on it, you could only hold about 9 pictures on it whereas if you had over 35 pictures on it, you could have only 1 ringtone on it. Its a good phone, it just has only about 1.5 megabytes of storage space on it, which really sucks. Another thing is that this phone has a radio on it. But you cant use the radio feature on this phone BECAUSE it is a prepaid phone. And that is very idiotic because why put a radio on it if you cant use it. Though if you buy this phone with a contract or plan, you can use the radio. However there are much better plan phones you can buy. Overall, my service is pretty good, and I have not had any problems with anything so far. I MILDLY recommend this phone and MILDLY recommend AT&T prepaid gophones.

Josh Troop

Consumer Review

August 23, 2007

CSR from which I bought my phones placed me on the wrong plan initially. Had to return to office to have minutes refunded. Often I am charged double for short calls.


Consumer Review

August 19, 2007

I bought my phone when cingular had it. One year prepaid. Now I do not get service when other people with cell phones get good service. I have no bars in same areas.


Consumer Review

August 12, 2007

I switched from a contract phone to the gophone as I was only using 250 minutes a month and paying for 500. My service would not offer any other plan for less money and other contracts did not have a lesser plan that really accomodated my usage. MY COMPLAINTS with gophone: ATT seems to be taking more money for my calls. EXAMPLE: I made a call last night to my son no longer than 3 minutes, but I was charged $.60 cents. I've noticed this on several calls. My other complaint is that I should get the same areas as anyone who has ATT. I was travelling with my sister and she had service and I had no bars. ATT is making money off me and therefore I should be able to get usage from the towers along the way if another ATT users can get them. I have dealt with customer service once (english speaking)and have no complaints. I would advise users to watch that minutes bought are applied as that is why I had to call. My service in the areas I have bars, which is very limited, is great.


Consumer Review

August 6, 2007

I HATE CINUGLAR PAY AS YOU GO!!!…they messed up the wireing on my phone and didnt do any thing bout it!!!


Consumer Review

August 2, 2007



Consumer Review

August 2, 2007

ATT Go phone: don't do it if you have an iphone. They will give you continual pop ups on your iphone every 3 seconds. Also, the customer service is the worst!


Consumer Review

August 2, 2007

Worst Customer service experience ever. I originally set up a prepaid plan on June 30 with my new iphone. I set up an ATT plan on July 20 after being convinced I could sign a contract and the phone was solid. I had to get a new phone number to set up my new phone but the ATT rep told me I would not have to worry about the old phone/ basically it would be cancelled and the prepaid amount would dissolve. This is where it get's ugly. ATT billed me for the old phone I had not been using on July 31. Not cool. Today I called customer care to resolve the issue and to learn that I was misinformed, I actually had to call to cancel my go phone plan and interesingly it seems like they are 2 different companies. After being on the phone for 55 min. and talking with over 3 reps. I ended up in the payment center with a rep named Karen. Absolutely rude, unhelpful, and definetely the worst customer service experience. The icing on the cake was as I asked for her supervisors name, she would not give me that info and hung up on me in the middle of me explaining that I was late for a meeting and needed to make sure that my issue was handled…. click.


Consumer Review

July 31, 2007

this service was great with cingular but sucks under ATT I bought minutes that usually lasted me 3 months barely lasted 1 month I hate being ripped off went straight out and bought a NET 10 phone 10 cents a minute 5 cents for texting in and out LOTS CHEAPER and I don't have to worry about PLANS>>>>plus buying minutes


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