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2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 71 reviews)
5 star13%
4 star8%
3 star21%
2 star4%
1 star54%

Consumer Review

July 19, 2013

the worst customer service i have dealt with EVER.can not understand any of them even the supervisers.i wanted to upgrade and they would not help me and told me i could go to another company which i do not want to but they convince me


Consumer Review

July 2, 2013

had the phone for a week ,still waiting for usage,not a smooth transaction with my # i wanted to keep,bad phone reception on the end of customer service,very disappointed!!!!


Consumer Review

September 30, 2012

Twenty dollars per month for 500 minutes is good. That's the only thing good about these jerks. I'm on the auto refill monthly plan, but they send me a text msg anyway to tell me my acct is about to expire. Guess when they send it……MIDNIGHT!!!!


Consumer Review

August 30, 2012

The $50 “UNLIMITED” phone and text service is simply NOT. They put a 2000-minute cap on your 30 days, and if you exceed it, they TERMINATE YOUR ACCOUNT, and tell you to buy more time. Exactly how much more than “unlimited” can you buy? I don't know how they can make an agreement to supply you with unlimited time, take your $50, and then cut you off early because you are – in their opinion – using too much time. This is legal here in the US for them to do this? Rediculous


Consumer Review

August 27, 2012



Consumer Review

June 25, 2012

The only reason i do not give far stars is because i can not send pictures i can recieve them if i have internet but i just recently paid for the 50$ plan and i have no clue if it has internet or also says unlimited texting with this plan but i dont know if that is completly true i guess i will just have to find out!


Consumer Review

June 20, 2012

Bought my phone off ebay, phone is a Sanyo SCP 7200, an older ruggedized phone brick. thats a dinosaur compared to todays lineup, but continue to get the runaround by CS. Typical of a low end, cheap, fly by night carrier, who does there Customer Service out of a run down crack house in the red light district alleys of Tijuana.


Consumer Review

April 21, 2012

I don't know how to start. Any person who has family overseas should stay away from ready mobile. It's doesn't matter if you call oversea using a phone card or oversea call you using their credit, Ready mobile charge 10 minutes for every 1 minutes you talk. I called customer service about the issue, the person i spoke with told me it is what it is and suggest me to buy unlimited for $50.00 and i did it.Because i had unlimited, I started calling haiti,jamaica and later on i received a warning text message due to high usage. I believed was a mistake from them an i keep calling haiti and jamaica and i get a 2nd warninge. I called customer service again and ask them how come i have unlimited i buy my phone card to call haiti and i keep receiving warning about high usage. The operator told me that the unlimited it's for only the 50 states and i can't call oversea. I stopped call haiti and jamaica but sometimes I received call from them and finally i received last text message from customer services telling me that: My Account is being suspended due to high usage. NOW I AM WITH SIMPLE MOBILE WHERE I PAY ONLY $40.00 A MONTH AND I GET EVERYTHING I CAN SEND UNLIMITED TEXT MESSAGE TO HAITI AND JAMAICA WITH NO PROBLEM. Everybody who has family or friends overseas must stay away of this company they just steal your money.


Consumer Review

March 9, 2012

Being double-billed for last 2 months. Never had any problems with phone, but it's nothing fancy. Customer Service reps are definitely not from America and are difficult to understand. Am trying to get them to stop double-billing me via their online option. We'll see what happens. Oh, and the minutes do NOT carry over for 90 days even if you pre-pay before they expire.


Consumer Review

March 8, 2012

terrible, clerk gave me a ready mobile pin, by her mistake, I have vigin mobile which is wat I asked for, no refund anywhere, we will jus see bout that messed up BULL!!!!!$10.00 I WILL GET BACK!!


Consumer Review

March 4, 2012

I bought my ready mobile 6 months ago, and loaded it with the 30 dollar plan. bought it at the general dollar store, I have never had any problems with my phone. I talk and text on it, maybe for some areas it does not work well, but for me it's ok.


Consumer Review

February 25, 2012

Purchased a $25 phone, $30 minutes, from Dollar General. Drove home 12 miles, logged into Ready mobile site, Zero coverage for voice and data. Returned to the store with the unopened phone and was told no refunds on phones or minutes, check the receipt. Bunch of crap, knowing sell phones that do not work in Southern Mo. and Northern Ark. No signs about returns or service coverage maps, Store Mangers said sorry we have alot of problems with those (used) phones. Call Ready mobile, and per their own web site, no returns of loaded minutes, But since the phone had not been opened, no minutes loaded, it was agreed that I was to mail the phone to Hawatha Iowa for a refund. Got ripped off, the kept everything, phone receipt, minutes, took 4 weeks to get a $25. check. I lost $45 including shipping and stress. GSM phones do not work in rural areas, But the Tracphone CDMA and Verizon CDMA work great. Never do business with Ready mobile or buy Phones from Dollar General again.


Consumer Review

February 25, 2012

This Phone Is Stupid.!! First Day It Never Worked. And The Store Want Take It Back. I'm Out Of $60. :O


Consumer Review

February 4, 2012

Had bought a phone and only had for a week then it wouldnt make or recive calls. Took back to store got a diffren phone two days later the same took back got my money back worst phne ever! PLEASE DONT WASTE UR MONEY!


Consumer Review

January 16, 2012

bought the phone never could even get it to activate. took it back to where i bought it. tried another phone off of the shelf. it would not activate either. they would only refund the money from the purchase of the phone not the 20.00 for the prepaid card. BUYER BEWARE!!! this company is a ripoff.


Consumer Review

December 7, 2011

After reading all the above, won't be getting this phone. Am a working stiff and don't have time to deal with B.S.


Consumer Review

November 29, 2011

This is the worst service I ever had buy a phone card and will not reg my min saids my account can not be valedited.Call two weeks ago said there syetems where down they still have not fix them glad I didnt have an emg.


Consumer Review

November 5, 2011

I had to agree with everyone else, the service is terrible and customer service is almost useless. They just charge be but didn't turn my phone on. Calling them just gets me hung up on before anyone ever comes to the line. I'm going back to tracfone. It was more expensive but at least it WORKS!


Consumer Review

November 5, 2011

I would give it 0 stars if I could. Worst phone, worst service, in fact, no service, other than setting up the phone I could never get a hold of another person, will have to eat $50 at my bank just to cancel their monthly withdrawl!!! My monthly service was only $20/phone both my husband and I had one! I hate pcs the phone and all of this worthless non service.


Consumer Review

October 19, 2011

I have the 20 dollars for 30 day plan i get 500 mins, 1000 text and 20mb of web i paid for the sanyo 2300 and they sent me the lg rumor i got a 72 dollar phone for under 20 dollars. the plan is great but the phone not so good all i really use it for is for calling and the costumer service is great

jacob haynes

Consumer Review

October 15, 2011

this phone SUCKS .. i hate it and regret everything about it. i wanna strap it to a grenade and throw it in the woods.

Jacob M

Consumer Review

September 29, 2011

crazyphonelady, Just walk into a walgreens or walmart and buy a Tracfone for about $20.00.(I have the LG420g flip phone). I have never had a problem in over a year now and haven't had to contact CS so I can't comment on that. Here in Colorado and the western states I have great reception almost everywhere. No problem adding minutes on line and the minutes and service time left show right on the phone display so you always know where you stand.. Check them out and see what you think.


Consumer Review

September 16, 2011

Great service i have the get ready plan with 30mbs of web using a sanyo scp-8400 bought at rite aid.Phone did'nt appeared to be refurbished infact looks to be new old stock.Phone and service Rock!


Consumer Review

September 2, 2011

the phones are all refurbished. mine didnt work after day 3. good luck getting a refund. customer service is horrific.


Consumer Review

August 23, 2011

finding this site, is one of the greatest days of my life. This phone is so bad, that i would like to pickett the store that sold it to me, there is nothing that every goes right with this company and i mean nothing, Customer Serivce is mentally challanged,I once asked to speak to somone american and they got so mad, i'm sorry i cant understand whatever language they speak, when every a payment has to be made it is a 3 day project, they have given me someone else number and disconnected me, I am so frustrated. I am an everyday working person, and when i do have enough to buy a new phone, i will go to my backyard and smash it into a zillion pieces (I try to get it on youtube) so I can relieve months of frustration. ABSOLUTELY THE WORST PHONE EVER MADE. they make everything difficult and treat you like your the idiot. (i know you know who this is …ready mobile)….watch for the video


Consumer Review

August 18, 2011

Here is a website where 90% of the ppl are right… ready mobile sucks! no signal and no service. customer service tried to tell me i didn't know how to use a land line phone!!!! #^%&**!


Consumer Review

August 3, 2011

Solid phone. Solid service. have had for a year. I'm staying in the confines of the city for right now. Never roaming (or pillaging anymore, either, BTW.) Cheap, good, reliable service. Get a bunch for your hordes…uhhh, clan, uhhh, family..


Consumer Review

July 20, 2011

I just bought a ready mobile phone and the battery won't stay charged. Not happy with it at all. Wish I had stayed with Straight Talk.


Consumer Review

July 16, 2011

I really like my readymobile phone.I used tracfone for years then found this at CVS. I messed up setting it up putting in the zip and got a Texes # It's ok though I did not change it my phone never roams and I live in Illinois! I bought a Sanyo 2300 because i don't care about the camera or games or other gadgets It's a phone!!! Go ReadyMobile!!!!!

James Hall

Consumer Review

July 6, 2011

I've had ready mobile for 3 years I think it's the BEST! thing out there! Phones are really great! I've found some nice ones. Plans are great too! They fit my needs and customer service is 100% awesome! Never had anything go wrong with them.. I love ready mobile pcs!!!

Teressa Rdz

Consumer Review

June 29, 2011

Excellent!! very good service 🙂


Consumer Review

June 29, 2011


Elsa del Carmen

Consumer Review

June 19, 2011

This cell phone company is a rip off. You have to keep some many minutes on your phone to receive the 30 minutes night and weekends.


Consumer Review

June 19, 2011



Consumer Review

June 3, 2011

i dont like paying 15 dollars every week and if you want to get unlimited minutes you pay over 100 dollars a month and not many people have that type of money some people have families to support, people there are easier phones to get like boost mobile unlimited everything with 50 dollars a week or virgin mobile up to 25 dollars wich is 300 free calling minutes and unlimited messaging or 60 for unlimited. we are waisting our money just paying our bills.


Consumer Review

April 27, 2011

only had this service for a few days now. so dissapointed this phone is a camera phone and i cant even get or receive pictures nor can i download ringtones or anything not to mention i picked a plan thats $50 a month and i cant even have those features?? lol i dont think ill be telling anyone to get a ready mobile phone


Consumer Review

March 13, 2011



Consumer Review

March 8, 2011

This is the worst phone ever!!! Customer service is non existant. After my minutes run out I will be moving on worst service ever did i mention!!!! And if there were no stars that's what they would get


Consumer Review

March 8, 2011

This is the worst phone ever!!! Customer service is non existant. After my minutes run out I will be moving on worst service ever did i mention!!!! And if there were no stars that's what they would get


Consumer Review

March 3, 2011

ive been on hold now for over a half hour.their website keeps kicking me off every time i get to the conformation, i have to go to the store to buy a prepaid card, and i dont really have the time to do it…this sucks, im probrably gonna buy another phone from another company instead

jason puniak

Consumer Review

February 21, 2011

After only 2 days, my refurbished LG Model PM225 keeps blinking a blank white screen on it for about 10 secs then powers off for about 3 secs then back on again over & over. Meanwhile i cannot use my phone AT ALL!!! >:(


Consumer Review

January 7, 2011

somebody tell me if i can use my sprint phone on Total Call Mobile


Consumer Review

December 15, 2010

Phone takes pictures, but no way to get them off of the phone. Website says no picture messaging available, says use online phoalbum. That's not supported on pre-paid phones. Mobile web is a joke, no google. Phone battery compartment broke first time opening, to insert the battery the first time. VERY DISAPPOINTED. says connot be returned after ten minutes of use. Says should use the free ten minutes that come with the phone. You have to MAIL the request for the free ten minutes.


Consumer Review

November 22, 2010

Just bought my second Ready Mobile phone. First one went to the ex (she still uses it btw). Happy w/ their service… very few (if any) dropped calls. The variety of payment options is the best. $5 for 50 minutes.. now that's perfect for someone who doesn't talk a lot (like me). But, if I need to do a lot of talking I can purchase an unlimited package and it won't break the bank. Keep truckin' ReadyMobilePCS!!


Consumer Review

November 15, 2010

It would be nice if i could talk to a person when i try to call Readymoble

Norman Lussier

Consumer Review

November 1, 2010

This company is a JOKE!! I have had them for almost a year,been double charged NINE TIMES and now my servic e has been CUT OFF AFTER PAYING?? For not ONE BUT TWO LINES! I am done with them… they just lost a loyal customer.


Consumer Review

September 22, 2010

Purchased phone + $10 pkg. Also, $50 unlimited month. Gift for handicapped housebound person. Phoned ReadyMobile to make sure of reception before purchase. Assured of GREAT RECEPTION. Truth is, NO RECEPTION!!! attempted 6 calls at different areas in & around home..nothing but garble..Called Ready Mobile..Foreigner Customer Serv guy kept saying he wanted to help but then couldn't help at all..said supvevisor would call me..never reimbursement of $50..took phone back to store and they finally after much talking refunded the purchase of phone. Where is the $50 pkg…in outer space!!! This SUCKS>>>Sold in this area but doesn't work refund and unsatisfactory customer service.. If you live in Louisiana…DONT BUY READY MOBILE!!!!!

Dianne LeBleu

Consumer Review

September 16, 2010

People that write bad reviews about ready mobile are retards or don't know what the heck they are doing or are just getting paid to witre a bad review. I've had ready mobile for a while now and I think it's the best thing out there! Phones are really great! I've found some nice ones. Plans are great too! They fit my needs and customer service is 100% awesome! Never had anything go wrong with them. One tho wish they had a data plan for the phones. lol other then that I like it. 🙂


Consumer Review

August 11, 2010

I've had AT&T for over 10 years and just got tired of paying the high cost. Service terrible and unresolved complaints so I cancelled my contract. But, I have to say that Ready Mobile is even worse. Thought I'd try out prepaid cause it seemed less expensive. But, I wasted alot of $ today on this piece of crap phone and have no service at all. It says digital roaming. If it's roaming then why do they sell them locally?? I would not advise anyone to purchase this product.


Consumer Review

July 17, 2010

Bought one of these phones at Food Lion for about $40. The phone was in roaming and wouldn't make a call. After checking the coverage map online, there is NO coverage anywhere in my area. Also the phone number that comes with phone was a Texas number and I live in North Carolina. The phone itself was actually refurbished and the battery door didn't fit the phone right and it kept falling off and the battery would fall out. I tried to return it to the store but they wouldn't take it back. Now I will probably have to go through a bunch of crap trying to contact the company to see if I can return it to them.


Consumer Review

June 7, 2010

Using currently, love the service and the price. It's also nice to know these phones are using refurbished.


Consumer Review

May 26, 2010

I found the $14.99 plan a great deal. It was affordable for me and it worked for my needs.


Consumer Review

May 19, 2010

Love that they offer $9.99 – 3 day Unlimited and $14.99 – 7 day Unlimited talk & text plans. It helps me afford a cell phone plan when funds are low.


Consumer Review

May 12, 2010

Unlimited service for $14.99 for 7 days. Unlimited calling and unlimited texting. That is a good deal.


Consumer Review

May 3, 2010

I am currently using readymobile and I am loving it. It's affordable and the coverage is great. I'm also a fan of the product being green…It's nice we are able to reuse phones that are perfectly good.


Consumer Review

April 27, 2010

The only problem I have with ReadyMobile cell service is they do not give you enough days to use your minutes. It has become very expensive and I cannot afford to pay this wen there are companys that have complete plans for cheaper than this.

Pamela Bing

Consumer Review

April 24, 2010

Didnt even activate the service yet and have already had problems with the phone. A blank white screen on the Sanyo S1, and I have to take out the battery each and every time to restart the battery to get it going again. There S1 phones swallow and are on the CHEAP end of the deal. It will make for a good skeet shooting target.As for the service, I plead the fifth, since I never had it even activated. Sorry Readymobile, but your NOT Ready, at this time.


Consumer Review

January 6, 2010

By the way I have a Sanyo S1 model phone.

Jack the Ripper

Consumer Review

January 6, 2010

Well, this service uses the sprint network and YES it matters because the sprint network stinks. Price is a little high but works for what it's worth I suppose. Migrating to StraightTalk in about a month.

Jack the Ripper

Consumer Review

December 3, 2009

when you text be ready to get charged like 20 times. i have had the service for 3 months and the past two months they have taken almost 200 minutes from me. when you get a text messge be sure to delete it right away cuz thats where they said that it goes. just be very careful with this company


Consumer Review

November 19, 2009

500 minutes for 25? Pretty cool. But damn those phones suck.


Consumer Review

January 3, 2009

Thanks guys for all the comments. I was thinking about purchasing one of these phone. Not now!


Consumer Review

September 16, 2008

Mojo is a coplete ripoff. They sell sprint refurbs as new without disclosure. They also charge 3 minutes for each call that lasts under a minute. RUN AWAY FROM THESE CROOKS !


Consumer Review

June 6, 2008

Customer service sucks. Did I mention customer service sucks. Have been on hold for over 4 hours and am still listening to lousy elevator music. You really cant complain about customer service cause there isn't any.


Consumer Review

February 14, 2008

i own a mojo mobile phone and recently ran out of minutes i purchased a new 50.00 card for it and when i went to reload my phone it said my account was invalid . i tried to call customer service someone finally came on the line after 15 minutes asked me to hold i waited an additional 45 minutes then they put you through to a recording that says the number is no longer in service if you dial *2 or *611 from your phone it gives you sprint customer service and they are not able to help you i would not recomend buying this phone now i am out 50 for the card and 50 for the phone neither of which is refundable and by the way there are for # on this company and all of them say the same thing


Consumer Review

February 7, 2008

had very little coverage in my area (none at my house) phone didnt come with anything (couldnt get online or download ring tones or even put songs on it threw my computer)even though the phone itself came with the functions to do nights and weekends were nice though and the camera on the phone was pretty good


Consumer Review

February 4, 2008

I don't know where to get my minutes from ….they have nothing in's stupid.


Consumer Review

February 4, 2008

I feel very upset and pissed for the fact I can't check minutes or speak with customer service. Its too costly for the minutes. Virgin Mobile gives you 600 minutes and unlimited nights + weekends and your minutes are free at 7pm only for 60 bucks compared to Mojo Mobile you pay 75 bucks for 500 minutes it's very frustrating but I needed a phone I had no choice. If you buy this phone Id say this is for people who don't talk alot then you get your money worth but if you are on the phone like me 24-7 then it's a rip off…word.


Consumer Review

December 27, 2007

In my opinion this phone steals minutes from the consumer, when you call to tell them about your problems the operators are very rude and don't seem to care that you are unhappy. The information in the package tells you that calling thier 800 number is free. But it isn't and they refuse to credit you those minutes waiting on hold for them. Voicemail is not automatic as you would expect, but has to be activated, they say in 24hrs, it has now been a wek and no voicemail, ask for a supervisor they have to call you back, but never do. I am sending in my refund for the phone and telling them to kiss where the sun don't shine


Consumer Review

November 29, 2007

Have had loss of service causeing me to remove battery and reboot phone to get it back. Also have to be carefull when makeing calls as I have found i will go into roaming where i should not be again causeing me to reboot phone to reset services. As well with lack of support makes this phone more trouble then it is worth.


Consumer Review

October 15, 2007

it is confusing


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