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3.2 out of 5 stars (based on 2,266 reviews)
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2 star5%
1 star26%

Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

I gave the wrong address initially. In the same phone conversation I corrected the mistake. The number to the phone was based on the old address. When I tried to explain the operator told me to purchase another ($45) phone card in which I had just got in order to change my number or wait 30 days until my next payment. I feel that since I recognzed the error during the initial activation that my number should be changed to the area I am in at the time. My family shouldn't have to pay for long distance and I am in the same house. Not happy.

Martha Burnett

Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

DO NOT ORDER THE PHONE ONLINE!!! Get it from walmart if your going with ST I ordered mine 7 days ago still not here and its late sat. So if i get it Monday that will be 9 days when i payed for 3 day shipping. NOT HAPPY AT ALL!! I Switching from boost but makes me think I Should have stayed with it.


Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

If you have had a bad experience, please go to and file a complaint against Straight Talk and TracFone. It is very easy to do. Here is my complaint number: 10-C00184577. If neither Wal-Mart nor TracFone want to do anything about it, I am sure the new FCC would love to hear from everyone. If more people complain, the government will bring suit on behalf of the slighted consumers.

To Everyone

Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

I had my phone for about a month and love it has not had any of the problems i've been readin about,the only thing i want to get to work is the mp3 player i bought a sd card and the converter drive to transfer from my phone to my computer,when i put songs on there from my computer and then insert the card into my phone it says nothing is on the card when there is do anybody no how to solve that if so email me the info at bigtye35To thnx.


Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

My husband bought me a new ‘Straight Talk' cell phone from Wal-Mart for Christmas. DO NOT BUY ONE OF THESE PHONES. I've been talking with customer service reps & techs (all of which do not speak real English) over the last two days for a total of almost 4 hrs. and this phone still has no service. Now they have said that I should be reach from their Miami, FL tech center within the next 24 hrs. I repeat DO NOT BUY A STRAIGHT TALK PHONE FROM WAL-MART. Please share this info with family & friends. Oh ya, and Wal-Mart is no longer carrying any other pay as you go cell phones but this one. Also, my husband bought the ‘Unlimited' 30 day phone card for $45, they activated the phone card yesterday, which means that 2 days of the card have now been used up without my being able to make any calls. NO SERVICE / Phone not activated.

Gail DeBoer

Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

After reading several pages of reviews, I have come to the conclusion that those who activate online have a much better time than those who call Cust Service. I activated online, porting my number from Verizon, and expected the service to work 15 minutes after my Verizon phone stopped working as stated in their instructions. Well it took 8 hours. When I tried to call Cust Serv, they were closed. Next morning I tried the phone and it worked so I never have had the experience of phone customer service. Probably a good thing, from what I have read.


Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

Here is a letter I wrote to the chairman of the FCC: Dear Mr. Genachowski: I am very concerned about the corporate behavior of Straight Talk, a prepaid wireless company owned by TracFone. Straight Talk has had numerous instances of losing numbers during porting from other service providers, double billing on purchases of ring tones and graphics, using a working telephone number from one customer ad assigning it to another, and deactivating service that has been fully paid for without explanation of any kind. I do understand that Straight Talk is a new company with its various issues to be worked out, but it has had 6 months to get these issues ironed out. It would appear that neither TracFone nor its parent company America Movil have any intention of fixing these isses and I hearby ask for your commission's intervention in the form of an investigation and/or sanctions. In a time when many Americans are seeking to save money because they have fallen victim to the economy, they are now twice a victim. Straight Talk advertises that thousands of dollars can be saved per year but this slogan only holds true so long as the service provided works as advertised. A sampling of the consumer horror stories, albeit with very poor grammar, can be read at Please reference the official complaint that I filed via the internet. The complaint's reference number is 10-C00184577. I await your response and plan for providing fairness to the consumer. Thank you very much for your time and best wishes in the New Year,


Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

i love my phone and the service its affordable and the customers service itsnt too bad there respectfull when helping with your problems


Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

This is the BEST phone i've owned. ZERO problems for me. As long as you know what you're doing you'll be fine getting one of these phones. For those who had problems: There aren't any problems with these phones that you wouldn't have with another company. Besides, what other company is as inexpensive as this one? This is the least expensive one and you get way more minutes!


Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

Overall it gave me more than what T-mobile was offering at the time and I am very pleased with it. The only thing that I don't get is I don't think I have call waiting. I got the Samsung slider and I kill my battery all the time cause I stay on the internet (Facebook/Myspace) I was paying like $70 (after fees and taxes and blah) with T-mobile and that just gave me like 600 minutes and 1000 texts….I didn't even have the internet before. I was literally wasting money. This deal is a relief on my pockets especially since I work part-time and can't afford to fork over a whole paycheck to talk for 600 minutes.

Angel Lee

Consumer Review

January 2, 2010

Received the phone xmas day as a present. My husband calls ST cust service to activate phone. Big mistake trying to port my old number, should of gone with a new number in the first place. It is now Jan 2nd and I am still waiting for ST to activate my phone. CS is awful, language barrier is awful. Constantly being placed on hold and passed from one CS agent to another. We have called about 7-8 x since xmas day and keep hearing the same thing, your phone will be activated within 24-48 hours. 8 days later I am still waiting. I just got of the phone with CS and I have to wait another 48 hours and then I have to call them!!!! Not impressed so far, couldn't tell you much about the actual service as I have yet to see for my self. I just hope once the phone starts working I never have to call CS again. Wish I would of read the reviews before purchasing a ST phone.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

Have had the ST plan for about a month, no problems! Straight fee per month, no extra charges. Simple, the way things should be! Phones are basic, but if you just need to talk and text, they are all you need


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

I've had ST for almost a month. I'm switching to another carrier because of poor voice quality. Too many people I talk to tell me they can't hear or can't understand because of poor connection or don't want to listen to the crackle sound they get when I call them on my ST phone. This isn't working.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

I've had my ST phone now for 3 months and I've had no problems with it. I use the $45 a month unlimited plan and it works flawlessly every month. My reception is good, and I don't get constant dropped calls like I got with most other services I've used. My ST phone works perfectly and flawlessly for me, I am VERY satisfied with the phone and it's performance.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

I bought the phone from and picked it up at the store. I activated it online and had no problems. I love the feel of the phone and it has worked fine for the month I've used it. I purposely didn't port my number because of all of the horrible reviews regarding customer service and number porting. I've decided to use my Google voice number as my main number for receiving calls and transfer calls to my Straight Talk phone. I didn't use all of my minutes nor hardly any of my text messages. I do wish there was another option – maybe $15 for 500 minutes and 500 text messages. The only thing I would complain about right now is the (free) text messages from Straight Talk. Maybe there's a way to turn them off, I should check, but they are annoying. They come in threes and remind me too much that I need to renew my account, or ask me if I want to buy a ringtone. Still, for the money, it's a great deal and great phone. I don't regret the switch from T-mobile! If I ever have to deal with customer service, I'll write a new review and let you know how it goes.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

The best advertising pamphlet ever!!! The commercials on the Walmart TV's are hot!!! It makes me want to get one!!!


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

I would give this zero stars, if possible. BEWARE! My father ordered this phone for my daughter for Christmas. It has been 8 days of misinformation and many hours on the phone with their customer disservice department and I don't have any service. Additionally, they now own my phone number so I can't even return to my previous service and they are making it difficult to even return the phone! STAY AWAY!!!


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

Okay, I ported over from AT &T. The first number I ported used CS the second I ported an hour later via the ST website. Advice to everyone, don't bother activating/porting via C/S, will take longer and might run into problems. The activation/porting site asks for exactly the same information, and you have control over the correctness of the information entered. Bottom line, the line I ported via site was up and running within an hour, whereas the line ported over via C/S took about 3 hours, plus few phone calls with escalation to engineering dept. Save the hassle do it online. As far as the service, no complaints at all what so ever. Buh-bye AT &T, wish ST was here sooner. Am getting all of my friends excited about ST and a couple of them already switched.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

Well after verizon constantly putting unexplainable charges on my account I started to look else where for phone service I was skeptical at first with straight talk have had it for several weeks now husband and myself so far everything is great I chose to get a new number husband ported his due to his buisness his port went very smoothly about 12 hours and it was perfect my husband has the lg slider phone and i have samsung with qwerty board both really nice phones works well great reception no dropped calls sends and recieves messages very quickly.. the only thing i cant understand is if you email an attachement to the phone it wont open it says it has been removed so if anyone could explain that to me that would be great .. love straight talk great service great phone so glad we switch and the money we will save it wonderful..


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

I love my st phone, works great and have not had any customer service issues. It enabled me to dump verizon and save over $100.00 per month for the same exact service. I don't have to worry about surprizes on my bill anymore, like data charges they can't explain.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

It took me a real long time to activate and people don't speak English that well, but the fist month was ok cause I did $45 plan. I didnt port my number so no prolem there. But I paid for $30 plan second month instead of the $45 and its a big hazzle to find out remaining mins. Its not easy to find out from your phone and on the internet, Well they wouldn't give me a balance for a about a week and then finally got my balance but when I tried to check it again in a few day again nothing. I refuse to do auto pay because of all the problems with customer service and I have never had any one take so long to activate a phone in my life. The 411 stinks, Also since they insisted I had to give them a email address. I now get scammer type mail that I believe may be tied to the out of the country staff. Sound quality is not bad, I used the slider phone. Its not all its cracked up to be. Don't port your number, don't do auto pay, get $45 plan unlimited and don't use thier 411 and hope you never have to deal with the C.S. and you might be satisfied. Other than that I would tell you to go somewhere else.


Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

One way to get your pics from your phone to your computer is to e-mail them as a MMS. choose a picture, and when you go to input the number just put in your e-mail address and it will be sent to your email and you can retrieve and save the picture from there. I hope this helps

Message for Jimness

Consumer Review

January 1, 2010

I actually love the ST service. The $30 plan works great for my budget (actually, I wish there was an option w/ about 1/2 the minutes and texts, since I have had MEGA leftovers at the end of each of my first two months). I usually get a bare-bones phone, but I picked up the LG 290c and am very pleased with it. My only problem is that I can't get the pics off the camera onto my PC. Does anyone know if this is possible? What is the ‘online album' option for sending pics?


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

A girl I work with has had not the first problem with her service or phone,BUT she hasn't had to deal with CS yet like I have..My experience a couple of reviews down,is enough to make one wanna cry.If I don't receive my other phone when I was promised I will get a refund from them.Then move to something better like 2 tin cans and a string.


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

I purchased the 351 2 wks. ago and the downloading is awful and I called cs and the really doesn't have a clue about how too resolve ur problems. They give u the run around about techinal questions that they know they can't solve.I should have read some of the reviews before I purchased.I think that when a company advertise a new product that they should make sure that the customer gets what they pay 4 whether it's cheap or not.


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

I bought one phone from walmart and another from ST directly cuz walmart didn't have the one by husband liked in the store. Here is my question, we charged the phones but have not yet activated them. My phone says ‘roam' and my hubby's says ‘Home'. Does this mean that my phone won't work or is this just because we got his through ST? Does anybody know?


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

I love this phone.I don't have any issues except for every once in awhile the screen wont light up when I get a text msg it is solid black.


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

If you think you will possibly need to contact Straight Talk customer service. Beware. I paid for the $30 service level online so I didn't have a prepaid card. I called the number I was directed to and activated my line and ported my cell number from Sprint. A short while later my Sprint phone is dead and I still don't have access with Straight Talk. I called customer service. The sound quality of the call was so bad I couldn't understand much of what was said. There was no effort to resolve the situation. They passed my call through 4 or five people. With the last person I got the impression he couldn't hear my end of my call. I went with prepaid because I didn't want to sign another contract at this point.


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

be careful with auto refill on their web site. i put in the for the 45 dollar plan, they gave me the 30 plan, and then I was told they do not have the capability to credit the credit card and put the 45 dollar charge on the credit card. very strange…


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

This is the worst phone provider I have ever had. They mess up all the time! They even gave me someone elses phone number. Worst of allthey take days to repair their frequent mistakes and leave you on hold for HOURS! I'm changing ASAP!


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

Got the samsung sch-r451c for Christmas, as well as a service plan card. I love it. I got it activated very easily in just a few minutes (no problems online or with cs by phone) and was talking and texting and browsing the web a few minutes after that. I think it's an incredible deal; I have the $30 plan. And that more than fulfills my needs. Everyone in my family paying insane contracted fees now wants to switch to straight talk lol. Can't say I blame them. All of these features for only $30-$45 (no taxes, fees, etc.), and it's on verizon's network, so I've had no issues with reception.


Consumer Review

December 31, 2009

Got the phone (Samsung451) last week. Activated via the website porting my number from Verizon. Love it. Only one small problem/discrepancy from their information. The website says that when your previous service stops working that means your phone number has been transferred and to wait 15 min. My Verizon phone stopped working 20 minutes after I put in the number transfer request. I was able to activate the Straightalk phone about an hour later vial *22890 but was not able to use it to make or receive calls for about 8 hours.


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

hey, i actvated my phone of the 15 of dec and it has been great. i decided to switch phone numbers because my brother ported his it from at &t and it took 10 days and i didnt want wait that long… the real concern i have is…has anyone had problems with refilling their minutes? what is the best way to go about it? online, go to walmart and buy a card, auto refill online (although i heard they have over charged people). i dont want to deal with customer service if possible… i want to refill with the unlimited plan, if anyone knows the best way to refill without talking to customer service please email me at jordo1721To thanks your help jordan

What is the best way to refill your minutes?

Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

We just bought our phones and realized there are NO GAMES for these phones. I suppose thats not a big deal, but the above information says that games are available to download and yet there are none. I am most dissapointed with Prepaid Reviews for giving false information. I have a small child that I occasionally let play a game on my phone and now this is not an option.


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

I love my Straight Talk MOTO W385. I ordered it from, the phone has everything I need and I've got the unlimited plan, with more calls and messages than I would ever use, for $45 a month. I will save over $1000 a year! And it drops less calls than my old verizon phone!


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

i just bought this phone for the good prices which were great. After i set it all up I was unable to make phone calls or recieve tet messages. Had to spend an hour on the phone with custumer service and they finally said there was no serivce at all in the area that i had purchased the phone at. I do not see the point in them selling the phone in stores where there is no service at.


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

Just got my ST phone 5 days ago and I am loving it. I have had no issues with activating it or using it. Have not had to call customer service yet. I get wonderful service in my area and my LG slider phone is actually kind of cute for an $80 phone. The only minor complaint is the battery life of the phone. I definitely had to go out and buy a car charger. Other than that the phone and service is great so far.


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

Ipurchased my straight talk phone from walmart a week ago.Activating it was't really a problem even thought it took a minute to do it,because of the acents. My problem is I can't get on the wed to download ringtones,everytime I log on using my pc, it always say my time has timed out,so is anyone else going through this problen,and every time i call cs they say there were a problem with mobile web,but its bak working now, its been 6 days now and they are still saying it. Don't get mewrong the service is great,but it will be nice if I cn download my own favorite ringtones.


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

Purchased phone at Walmart for return policy and to avoid shipping costs. Is now activated and working fine. I need a car charger for the Samsung Slider. Anyone know a compatable item number for purchasing accessories on eBay ? Thank you…email me at……..mysatisfiedmindTo


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

– Ordered phone and received on 12/17. – Activated and transferred number same day. – Browser didn't work called on 12/19. – Tech tried to get it working couldn't. – Gave me a ticket number said get a replacement out to me and then I could return the bad phone. – morning of 12/21 they turned my phone off. – called asked why was told because I have to send it back before I get replacement. – told her what tech told me on 12/19. – she said I had to return mine first. – I told her I cant do without a phone.I work nights and drive interstate to and from work. – Then she said I still had to return mine first.I said I wanted a refund on the whole sale. – Then she turns around one minute later and said she cant because my replacement has already been sent – CONVINCE her to turn my phone back on till replacement arrived then she said I needed to buy airtime after I just activated phone like 4 days earlier. – 12/24 package arrives its a box with a Fedex overnight envelope in it thats all. – 12/26 phone gets deactivated again I put the phone in fedex envelope and mail off on 12/28. – They receive it early 12/29. – I call this morning 12/30 to ask when I would receive my new phone. – Lady tells me I will get it this morning 12/30 to be sure and stay home to sign for it. – I sit home all day waiting on Fedex never shows up. – I call 12/30 around 3:30 in the afternoon to find out where my phone is. – First call the connection was so bad I had to hang up and call back. – Second call got a lady that totally had no clue what she was doing.Sit there for 10 minutes didnt say a word to me then hung up. – Third call got a gentlemen told him my concerns and he said he would take a look at it. – 45 minutes later and having to drive with him on the line back to my house from my dads because I had no way to call to get info that should've been on the computer anyways. – Then he tells me my phone was received and signed for by someone with a totally different name then mine. – FINALLY after giving him the original order number,phone serial number,the ticket number from tech that told me to send it back,and fedex tracking number to verify they received my bad phone and a blood sample..j/k – He tells me that my phone will be here in 2 days,after being told this morning I would get it today. – So we will see in 2 days if not guess I got taken for $166 for nothing so far not impressed AT ALL!!!!!


Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

I bought my phone today at 3:20pm and my number was ported at about 7:15. Customer service is a little of a strain due to language barriers

Daywan Stephens

Consumer Review

December 30, 2009

I used Straight Talk for 30 days, very pleased with service ‘BUT' when time come to put new service card on the phone, my account had no phone listed, spoke with customer service for 35 minutes, got no where, the guy had no idea on how to fix. Called Tracphone in Fla. Got the same run around. The serial number was no where on their computers. I guess I used a ghost phone for 30 days. Took phone back to Wal Mart, they had refused a refund until I told them that Straight Talk didn't hold to the service agreement, so all in all I got back my $184.00 back and one very angry store manager who was going to call his corp office and file a complaint about Straight Talk. All I wanted to do was put one of the three extra $30 cards on the phone but couldn't do by computer. Buyer beware, no customer service except for ahyea ahyea ahyea on the other end of the phone. Your on your own with Straight Talk if you got problems.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

amazing…i've read all the reviews and my own personal experience…I would say #1 in the worst customer service.. I guess the old saying is true…u get what u pay for…


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

We had AT &T for many years. The monthly cost was getting way too high. AT &T was beginning to drop calls and my incoming voicemail messages would sometimes be days late? My wife, daughter and I use 6,000 to 7,000 minutes per month combined. I heard about Straight Talk and compared it to Cricket. Our other daughter got Cricket a few months ago and is very happy with it – she uses several thousand minutes per month. She is on the Cricket unlimited plan. My decision was for Straight Talk due to the nationwide coverage – the Verizon network. Unfortunately, with either Straight Talk or Cricket we would need to buy three new phones – so we hope we made the right decision. We bought the LG100C for my wife and daughter – and the Motorazr V3a for me. I wanted them shipped to Wal-Mart so the shipping would be free but the lady said shipping would be free in our case. They came Fed-X in two days, great. We wanted to port our previous AT &T numbers to the new phones. I called their call center and struggled with the accent (again) to register our phones and get the numbers moved over. Even though they said shipping would be free the invoice I received with the phones said $30 for shipping – I'll check with American Express to see if I was charged for shipping. (BEWARE) I called to have our three AT &T numbers moved to Straight Talk. They said it could be several hours to 7 days to make the change. (THAT'S OK) They failed to tell me that during this process you DO NOT have any service with either Straight Talk or our old carrier, AT &T. About an hour after I authorized Straight Talk to move our numbers from AT &T, our service with AT &T ended. It took 2 days to get our new service going with Straight Talk – really not acceptable. When our other daughter moved her number from AT &T to Cricket, it was done in a couple of hours with no loss in service. All three of us are on the unlimited $45 per month plan. I set us up on auto-pay with my credit card. From this point we should be good to go. So far the cell service has been good. Well, the positives are much, much greater than the negatives – WE'RE HAPPY NOW.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

I am now at the end of my first month of service and I am happy with the phone and the function. No dropped calls and dead spots were dead for other carriers as well. It's a welcome change from the HORRIBLE customer service I received while ST fumbled it's way through porting over my number. Amy- I know what you mean… after 2 weeks of no phone service, I was frustrated and furious and literally in tears. You're right, custoner service should not make the customer cry, yell, etc. After days and days of polite, vapid incompetence my furstration level was way too high! Mike- don't be a jerk. Your experience was smooth and easy. Some us have been dragged through ST CS hell and frankly, I looked extensively for days for a corporate contact number to complain and could not find one. I would have happily taken my complaint to a manager but my requests to do so were repeatedly refused. I too am in customer service and ST's CS is, from what I can tell, completely unable to serve the customer who has a problem that is not on their script. They have call centers in 7 countries and some reps speak and understand English better than others. Cs4StraighTalk- I was told by STCS that the porting of my number would be a matter of minutes once my old carrier released my number to ST. It took 12 days and ST told me that they didn't have my number even after my old carrier called to confirm the release. I was told for days that my number would be activated in 24 hours. Your customer service was unable to provide me with any actual service and my requests to talk to someone who could help me were refused. ST needs to provide a phone number for customer complaints and ‘off script' problems. Without some way to deal with problems like mine and many other customers, ST just comes off looking like a bit of a scam. The customer needs to have some way to contact the company for assistance or satisfaction. Frankly, ST hurt my business because my phone number was out of service for so long my customers thought I had gone out of business. Who do I talk to about that? If ST would provide a service level to address their customers with bigger than average service issues and make it easy to get to CS at that level, I think they will be an excellent provider.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

I got st for my daughter because of the price. However, they can't seem to get the phone working. Perhaps we need to wait the 7 days to port the number, but each time we call cs, we get a different story. Each person apologizes for the incorrect info we received before, but then their info is incorrect, too! I agree with someone else's comment…don't ask ‘can I answer any other questions' if you haven't answered my first question…when will the phone work! If I had been told to wait 7 days originally, I would have been disappointed, not disgruntled. However, after 4 days of hearing wait 2 hours, wait 1 hour, wait 48 hours…I am extremely frustrated with this service and concerned about how things will be once the phone is actually turned on! By the way, does anyone know how to contact the company to share this horrible experience?!


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

Well, got straight talk as a Christmas present and ‘activated' it that day. Well..needless to didn't activate. I am still waiting. My dad told me not to port my number (which is were the problem lies) but I have applied to a bunch of nursing schools and had to keep my current number. I am writing b/c I wanted to warn people that before you start registering your phone online that you have to have your previous phone's account number, in able to port that number. I didn't know that and was unsure of the number and put the wrong one in and submitted it. I was unable to fix it once I found out the right account number. So I now have to wait all over again. What upsets me is that they turned my old phone off and already started charging me on this st phone. It is now saying that my ‘refill' date is on the 27 of every month when I am not even getting service and who knows how long it will take. UGH! Thanks for listening to my frustration! You guys are not alone. I do know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel b/c once you get through the crappy cs and porting dilemma, the phone works great. (my dad has had it for a couple weeks and loves it) but I hope I am up and running soon. It really does suck to not have a phone, especially when you are a working mom/student and wife. I really NEED my phone.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

I bought the Samsung slider but I haven't activated it yet. I want to make sure I can put a voice mail announcement on it for incoming calls if I don't pick it up immediately. You


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

To cs4straighttalk i've been looking to switch for about a month, is the browser a full Internet browser? Like you would find on an iPhone? If not what limits does it have? Also if I have an unlocked phone can I use it with straight talk? Thanks


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

do i have to port a number or can i just get a new one?


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

i bought straight talk phone and service . i bought the qwerty keyboard phone , samsung 🙂 they phone is good , but if you are thinking about going with the browser and internet , please do not choose it , it is very slow , and not the best . overall the phone is good and very good technical support also :]


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

Straight Talk is great for Teenage Kids with their $45 a month unlimited text & talk. HOWEVER Straight Talks customer service is VERY BAD. Cant hardly understand them. I had to hang-up and call bk 6 times before I got someone that I could understand.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

I have not got one yet, been reading all of these reviews and not sure about this. Is the Samsung slider 451 a good choice? If you call the Vorizon number is that better CS? Is Michigan a good area for this service? Thanks.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

To Cs4StraightTalk Hey CS4ST I got another question. Does Straight Talk plan on enabling youtube videos in the future? To Everyone else If you are nice to Customer Service usually they tend to be nice back. I never have a problem with CS.


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

Awful. I would love to enjoy the service, but unfortunately I am unable to receive text messages from anyone on any carrier aside from Tracfone. Even worse, customer service routinely tells me that the problem is not with my service but with other carriers. I plan to cancel the service in a week if I cant resolve the problem. Any assistance would be appreciated. dah7mTo


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

I love my st phone.Really love the low cost, no contract . Beats VW


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

My husband and I just changed to the Straight talk plan over a month ago. We have been Great coverage and now we have text and nationwide we didn't have under old plan at a LOWER price. We have been telling all our friends. Very impressed! The only thing we would prefer is that they do not tell us how many minutes we have for each call. Other than that, Great!


Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

Everything was going great till two weeks into service phone did not work. I called they said they had to re-activate my phone. I said OK and 2 seconds later my phone worked. I get my credit card bill and the re-activate cost me $49.77, I called and they told me my phone was de-activated and it cost $49.77 to activate. I explained I never de-activated it. The operator and her boss said ‘nothing they could do' My VISA is going to charge back the $49.77 and StraightTalk will de-activate my phone?

Dave S

Consumer Review

December 29, 2009

I am completely on the fence. I started to port my number over from a popular gsm provider. The port went fine and went through overnight. I used it the whole next day without issue except that if you switched off it would not always turn on again. It would turn on eventually and when it did it the yellow bar on the r451c would just go from left to right and then do it again a few times. It was if it was starting then rebooting in a loop. Anyway when it did start the phone worked fine and was clear and everything. Had the browser issue were you get the ‘Error: Requested content ‘tfdevice.home/' cannot be accessed.' message. But I figured that would get resolved over time. My wife then decided to switch and so the next night she did hers. Hers went through overnight also. Everything worked in her case even the browser. So in the case of my wives phone I would give it 5 stars. But back to my phone. I decided to take it back to Walmart to ask them what to do. They said they could exchange it. Big Mistake. The act of returning the phone I think canceled my phone and ported number and this is where my problems began. I called the next day and explained my situation. They said they would look into it and call me back. A couple of hours later they called me back and we went through the program process and they were able to get my ported number working on my phone. I even had 2000 minutes etc and so was extremely happy at this point. However a few hours later I tried to use the phone and it said insufficient funds. I called again and they again were able to reactivate me. Later that night at around 11 I checked again and once again it was giving me the insufficient funds message. I called again the next day and the man said that they would need to escalate it to the Network people and that they would call me again in 24 hours. I called back again in 24 hours, at this point I was told that there was some problem in that the number was ported but for some reason the billing system was not accepting the number. The phone was connected but the billing system would not recognize that I had an active plan. I was told that I could be activated with a new number and that my ported number was lost. I was really not happy at this point. I asked to speak to a supervisor and he was more useless than the first guy. He said he could contact the network people again but it would take another 24 hours. I said sure go ahead. At this point I placed a request with my old provider to port my number back out of desperation so that I did not lose my number. This was successful and I now have my number back with my old provider so it is not lost after all. So the upshot is that my wives port was 100% sucessfull and she is completely happy. Mine was a disaster and am back to my old provider with my ported number. An upshot is that my wife now is unable to text me. She being on Straight talk and me being on my old provider. I can get texts from everyone except my wife. I suspect though that my number is still in Straight Talks system somewhere as inactive so it is not even attempting to send it externally.The Straight talk phone gives the error that the send failed. I can text my wife just fine. So we have one way texts. Straight Talk have said that since they no longer have the number there is nothing they can do. I also refuse to believe that my old provider would randomly place a block on receiving texts from just my wives number. Now it is a case of he said she said. FRUSTRATING. I know that my exchanging the phone at Walmart likely caused the problem. But a company like tracfone who has been a wireless provider for many years should be able to fix this I would expect. In my many calls to their CS. I would say they are very polite but definitely lack in some areas. I would like rather less over done politeness and my issue fixed in 20 minutes rather than 45 minutes of politeness and nothing getting accomplished. I called also for a refund which they did process. I was on the phone for 32 minutes just to process a refund. Verified my information umpteen times. At this rate a rep could only answer 16 calls a day. I still plan on going back to Straight Talk by starting the port process again. I am wondering if I will have any issues. Does anyone know? Since my number, though not with them right now, will bound to be in their system somewhere. I am hoping that porting back, that the text issue will also fix itself. So my questions for To cs4straighttalk are 1. My text issue are likely with StraighTalk, right? 2. Should I try to port again? I will give it a week or two. So I gave a 3 stars. A 5 star for my wives phone and a 1 star for me.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

febsky -I haven't heard of any plans yet that they'll add IM and if you're able to access AOL website on your ST now, you should also be able to open you AOL emails. Pete -It shouldn't take that long for your browser issue to be resolved. Issues like this are forwarded to a higher department who will work in the issue. There are those that are resolved and some are not. Those that have not been resolved will have to get their phone replaced. Your problem about your Caller ID can be easily resolved in the network. dominic -No, only phone from Straight Talk can be used for the Straight Talk service. Mike -I'm very glad everything went smoothly with you. Auto-refill means you will be charged automatically every 30 days regardless of the remaining services (minutes/messages/MB) on your phone. If you run out of any of these services, you can call to refill your account manually. Linda That's great! You are really getting more and paying less with ST! Jonny -‘Straight talk rules!' Wanda -I'm sure Vernica is happy with what you said. Thanks. Jonny -Sometimes, it would really take some time to get the browser to work. DL Yes, you can transfer both your Tracfone and Boost Mobile phone to ST, As long as the phone numbers are active.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Hey CS4Straighttalk, can I have your permission to list your email in the Howardforums under Tracfone/Net10/Straight Talk. We could really use your help. thanks.

Ike D

Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

I have been with ST since July and have had the following phones: Motorola razor, Samsung 451 and currently have Samsung 810. I have had the same problem with each phone, 90% of the time when I receive an incoming call, about 30 seconds into the conversation, it will drop the call. The latest happened at 8:20am this morning (central time). I called CS and they checked my phone and the ported number and said everything checked out alright, they even did a test call to me (but course it won't act up with them). I love ST and the plan, but what can be done to resolve my dropped calls issue? Please email me at GSipe09To


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

the VERY last thing someone wants to hear when they are frustrated and getting crappy services is the scripted and fake ‘thank you for chosing Straight Talk' (I chose u bc i am poor) ‘please hold for just three minutes' (don't put me on hold, noooo) or ‘is there anything else i can help u with today?' (no, just help me with this one problem i called u about) customer service should never make u cry..customer service soooo bad.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Yes, I had the 451 and it did the same thing to me and took forever to get the information I needed. But I am having dropped calls now from the incoming calls. It is frustrating

Message to Shawn

Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Is anybody having problems with the 411 service using Samsung R451C slider phone? I bought one to replace the Motorola W385 (on which 411 worked fine – live rep etc.), but when I dialed 411 on the Samsung, it started playing ads and seemed like it went to a useless ‘free' ad-paid 411 service. Thx.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

At first I thought things were not going to work out with straight talk because they kept telling me it would be 24hrs more hours before I could use the phone again and again. I did not mind waiting, but because they were always wrong,it made me worried that things were not working right with my port. It works great now though, just be aware that it could take a few days to port your number(3 days for me), up to 7 days to port a cell and up to 30 days for a landline number. Anyway the crappy customer service is a small price to pay for such a great deal. Everything works perfect even the web browser. So I am still giving 5 stars because every thing worked out and just took a little time, which it does say in the porting info section. If your not patient and can't live without a phone for a few days, well first off that's pathetic, unless of course you need it for business, but if for some reason you can't wait I guess you will have to keep paying $70 for the same service. Straight Talk is great!! Since it uses the Verizon network I always get service just about everywhere I go!


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

CS4StraightTalk – Thank you. My concern is that it would autobill if my phone ran out of MB's and I do NOT want that to happen. Want it to charge once every 30 days. Amy – I am a ST user, just like you. In fact, you'll see my review below. But, I read your post and found it quite curious. ‘Thank you for choosing StraightTalk' — I want to be thanked. I am not poor. I chose ST over my current plan because of the value of the service. Why continue to pay $50/mo to Sprint plus pay for the texts, plus pay a fee for mobile web, when I only get 1000 minutes, when I can ST unlimited for $45. ‘Poor' or not, it makes sense to chose ST, and I want to be thanked. ‘Please hold for…' I am a rational person and understand sometimes the agent must place me on hold. No problem. ‘Is there anything else I can help you with today…' whether your issue got resolved or not should be seperate from your issue with this question. If your issue was not resolved to your satisfaction, ask for a supervisor. I bet their willing to help you. And if that doesn't work, call the corporate office. Regardless, should they not ask if there is anything else they can help you with? Should they just hang up? *Click*. I'm sorry, I work in the CS industry myself and I just get a real kick out of consumers who have unrealistic visions of how CS works in a call center. Keep in mind, I in no way condone poor customer service, in fact, I demand excellent customer service and am very vocal when I don't receive it. I am simply vocal to the right people. One person's CS experience may be different than another's. It's delivering that exceptional customer service experience consistently that companies strive for and sometimes struggle with. I again submit my experience thus far with ST has been exceptional. I've even found that their off-shore service agents speak english very well. (Next will be complaints about that, off-shore service. As if they could possibly offer plans at these prices and pay U.S. call center costs). If your experience is not satisfactory, and you have *legitimate* complaints, get them to the right person. They will more than likely be resolved. There, I've said my piece. It's just hard for me to not comment on rediculousness.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

hey cs4straighttalk will i get good service in missouri i live in holts summit missouri 5 minutes away from jefferson city missouri i got good coverage before wit verizon but not to sure wit straight talk i know u all runj off of verizon i just want to know if anyone in my area was haveing trouble wit service i went to walmart website and check the phones out and when i put in the zip code to my city it said i wouldnt get service please tell me if that is true

Rod Tucker

Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Have only had this phone for a few days, bought 12/26, bought the samsung slider. It is my 1st cell ever and I am 38, so folks if I can figure it out ya'll wil be okay. I don't care for the customer service, BUT my time isn't worth the convenience of better. If I have to wait, so be it. Once the initial hassle of setting up was over it has worked like a dream. I don't care for the location of the camera button on the side (it is easily hit inadvertently) but the keyboard and keypad are fine. Haven't figured out many of the bells and whistles but admittedly haven't read the manual yet either. Battery time seems good. Browser is nt too good but was able to check yahoo email w/o too much hassle. Another site I wanted to go to wouldn't work (and does on the laptop) so I don't know what's up with that, but I am not worried. All in all I think it is a decent value. I can't decide if I want to do a auto refill thing every 30 days over the phone (and risk additional fees is that right?) or go through the hassle of going to Walmart every month (where I wind up spending too much time and money). Also, am not sure how well speaker phone really works and that will be a deciding factor in whether I get rid of house phone. (One needs an effective speaker phone thse days what with all the hold times on the phone). Does anyone know if the screen protector sold on amazon for 1.95 that says it fits the samsung r451 will actaully fit this r451c? I don't want to buy the wrong thing.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

I just bought the $30 LG phone today along with the $45 unlimited plan and have to say that I absolutely love it. The LG is a simple basic phone that offers the only things I need in a cell phone at a low price. I don't care about surfing the web, since I do have a laptop and a digital camera for pictures, plus as far as the downloading ringtones, I am not 17, so the provided ringers are A-OK! All in all, exceptional value!!


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

I love my Straightalk phone and love the $40/month savings even more. Never had a single dropped call. I only use the phone to talk/text so can't really review the data aspect.


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Nightmare!!! How bout a negative thousand Stars!!! They ripped me off right from the beginning. They falsified a S &H charge for 15.86. (It was supposed to be free) Finally when I got the phone- WHAT A JOKE! The phone was a toy. It didn't work. Then when I sent it back (3 weeks later) I lost my number because they only port your number ONCE. And finally the 1000 minutes is SHAM! I used it four times (4 calls) and they claimed I spoke for 700 minutes. (the longest call was 1/2 hour) I am now switching back to Verizon. Good luck. P.S. Lastly, the phones are made in China. The customer service is in the Philippines. The entire operation is outsourced- America gets burned again.

Tommy Reid

Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

My whole family thinks the straight talk is the best deal to buy is that true


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Dial *411 to get Verizon's 411. You won't take any additional hits. I haven't

411 Answer

Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

cs4straighttalk, is it true that phones are now programmed with Free411 instead of Verizon 411? If so, there is now an issue of truth in advertising. Free411 is available from any landline as well by dialing 1-800-Free-411. I want Verizon 411 back


Consumer Review

December 28, 2009

Since Straight Talk doesn't want to talk straight about 411, everyone program the speed dial #4 on your phone with 1-800-GOOG-411 and that way you won't have to listen to any ads and you cut TracFone out of extra profit it is trying to make without disclosing the change to its customers.


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

sandrab -The issue will be forwarded to a department who will assist you in downloading the ringtone; but if you no longer want to receive it, you can get a refund. Bonnie Dunn -I'm greatly disturbed by that performance it should have been reported to a supervisor. margaret -Since you have the $30 plan, sent and received text messages will be deducted to your 1000 text message balance. smurfsmile -Make sure you are speaking to a representative in the Technical Department. They'll know what to do. Jonny -What phone model do you have? Issues like this are forwarded to a higher department who will work in the issue. There are those that are resolved and some are not. Those that have not been resolved will have to get their phone replaced. GG5300 -I'm happy for you! Beverly -Is your problem already straightened out? Me – You're welcome. jynx – I've never encountered a payment of a $45 plan that went up to $65; highest I've seen would be about $51, while most would be about $47. Will – WEB browsing for ST compared to Tracfone is definitely better. Basically because you can browse other sites other than the ST website such as Yahoo, Google, Multiply, Facebook and more.


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

My Son has a tracfone thinking about changing us both over to the ST. Does anyone know if you can port a Boost mobile number to ST?


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

CS4StraightTalk I have the Samsung Finesse. Man I really hope I don't have to replace the phone, I don't have the time to be phoneless.


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

Phone is good – can't beat prices. Customer Service needs much improvement. Was on the phone over 2 hours to transfer an original phone number (phone was damaged) to a new phone. One rep. refused to transfer me to a manager, a second just put me on hold 20 minutes. Finally, a rep. named Vernica gave me a supervisor and Vernica stayed on the line the entire 45 minutes it took to reactivate the phone and transfer the number/minutes. She made sure I could take and make/receive calls before she hung up. SPEAK TO VERNICA if you need support – she is the only one that takes pride in her work and was truly exceptional!


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

I ordered the razor v3a from the straighttalk site on a tuesday, told me it would be here in 3 days and i recived it in 2 days was i ever happy,i got on the straighttalk site and ported my old number from cricket that i have had for 9 years, it too 3 dials of *228 and i was up and going the browers was a little slow at first , but id been with cricket for so long i didnt even relize how slow theres was,boy and now i click it with my finger and im there,i have had no dropped calls and my text gos threw quick and have not had any web problems at all and with my old service st has cut my bill by 20 bucks a month,im getting more and payen less, i love it and wont go back!


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

My question for CS4StraightTalk: If I have auto-refill activiated, will I be charged automatically if I run out of mobile web minutes, or will auto-refill ONLY charge me once every 30 days regardless of usage/minutes(megabytes) remaining? My review: I read the poor CS service reviews ahead of time, was porting my number, was aware of browser issues, got the corp number ahead of time, was prepared to call. Number ported WITHOUT PROBLEM, phone activated THAT DAY since I was porting to Net10 (a quick phone call to CS made that happen). PHONE WORKS GREAT! Web is good, price is AWESOME. Even called CS to turn off the pre-call announcement. Customer service has been exceptional for me thus far. VERY HAPPY!


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

Can u use a phone from Verizion?


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

Do not buy straight talk, Technical support is worst, they do no know how to troubleshoot. i am having problem since i bought the phone 3 weeks a go, eveytime they said it will be fixed in 24 to 48 hours, its been 3 weeks, no one know how to troubleshoot, my browser doen’;t work, called id doent work, under my number previous owners name appears on receivers phone. doesn't know how to fix it. so pay little extra money, buy better service.


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

to a CS for Straighttalk. We came from metropcs. We missed the IM service and the accessing our aol email. Do they have plans to add that in their service? We have the samsung R451C


Consumer Review

December 27, 2009

Good news! My web works now, im even posting this from my phone. Straight talk rules!


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

cs4straighttalk -Yep!I'm actually one of the Customer Service Representatives for Straight Talk. I just thought it best that there's someone from our end who would answer back to your reviews. But I won't swear, I can answer all your questions. I just want to extend my service to all. **cs4straighttalkTo


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

have 3 tracphones now and like them all, thinking about ST mainly for web browsing, is the web service good, can i go to yahoo and check email, headlines, scores, scores etc, had VW last xmas with new Storm but phone sucked and service was too expensive


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

are you saying, if doing auto refill, the $45 plan will cost up to $65. if so this should be noted on the st web site..had i known this i would not have done auto ,refill..


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

To Jonny – Turn the phone off first. Then remove the battery. That should work.


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

my phone is great and so much cheaper than VW. the only problem i have is that no one can call me from a land line phone and i called customer service and the girl on the phone didn't know what was wrong with it and told me to call back later. my phone is still not fixed. but at least i can call and text.


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

Just switched from Net10 to Straight Talk 2 days ago. Everything is fine except for my mobile web doesn't work. I called them the first day and the guy said ‘it can take 4 to 24 hours after activation for the web to work' and I waited and after 24 hours nothing. So I called them again yesterday and told them it still wasn't working, well now they are ‘restting the web' and they said now it can take up to 72 more hours. Wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and if it really got resolved within 72 hours? To Cs4StraighTalk What do you think?


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

I switched from T-Mob to Straight Talk after T-Mob turned off the tower near my house (and then pretended not to know why the signal level went from 4 bars to zero at my house). I’m do glad T-Mob does not care about its customers because I AM EXTREMELY PLEASED WITH STRAIGHT TALK!!! I have the $45 unlimited plan and can call/receive calls from anyone without worrying about using “peak mins”, keeping track of off-peak times, etc., because all calls are “free”. AND I get unlimited texting and web, too! What a great deal! Now, I’m paying less than half of what I was paying to T-Mob and getting unlimited service. Also, my experience with Straight Talk’s customer service has been excellent! Maybe they have added additional staff (or they are better trained?) since the time other users have contacted them. Everyone in my family has switched to Straight Talk, even though all of us had to pay the $200 early termination fee. (We will recover our “loss” within 4 – 5 months because the monthly service charge for Straight Talk is only $45 for the unlimited plan vs. the $100+ we’ve been paying to T-Mob.) In case you are interested, I am NOT in any way associated with Straight Talk or any other wireless company. I’m just an average user who is sick and tired of being pushed around by T-Mob after being a loyal customer for 5+ years.


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

I wish I could give a negative star rating! Awful customer service and you can barely understand them over a shaky phone connection at best. Was sold the wrong activation number with my phone and then was shorted 5 days of service. I have had to call the company 5 times and have spent over 6 hours of talk time trying to straighten this mess out!As the old saying goes – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

To cs4straighttalk – Thank you for taking the time to respond to us. ST steadily gets better. I really like my R451C. When I have more money, it will be time to try and R810


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

To Margaret, That would count as 2 text messages, one from you to her, then one from her to you. Hope that helps.


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

straight talk is great. but i have the 30$ plan and was wondering if i was texting someone, and they texted back. would that count as 2 texts? or one?


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

To Me I did turn off the phone, remove the battery, put the battery back in and turn on the phone, but nothing. This was one of the things they told me to do when I called them. Anything I try to go to gives me and error and says ‘You do not have access to this site.'


Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

After having a phone number port issue, I called your customer service department. The man I was talking with didn't understnd how to solve my problem and hung up on me. When I called back and got technical support the next customer service rep I got was more helpful, but when I asked for a Supervisor so I could complain about my prior experience, I was refused. I was excited when I first heard about straight talk, having worked for the wireless provider whos network the service runs on. I am extremely disappointed in the poor quality and unethical service. Bonnie L Dunn

Bonnie Dunn

Consumer Review

December 26, 2009

I purchased the phone a few days ago and I like the phone but I cant download any music or graphics.I have called cs and they dont know what the problem might be.when I try 2 download,it takes my money but does not give me what i payed for.I'm a person that loves to personalize my phone and if I had known that this was going to be a problem,I would have purchased something else.I think when a person pays 4 something like a phone that they should be able 2 do simple things like download music.


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