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Read our full Verizon Prepaid review

2.8 out of 5 stars (based on 611 reviews)
5 star21%
4 star10%
3 star27%
2 star7%
1 star35%

Consumer Review

June 6, 2008

it's so cool but 15 dollars is not enuff for anyone and there are no free weekends and inpluse texting is to much……


Consumer Review

June 3, 2008

Verizon use to be the number one prepaid I dont know what happened to them they use to have the best plans now there crappy.For seventy dollars you use to get 700 mins with free nights and weekends now they charge 99 cents off the top or 1.99 off the top or even 2.99 of the top thats alot of money to keep a phone on plus it cost u when you talk if verizon customers started to complain I think they would switch it back. Virgin mobile and boost mobile got good deals 60.00 dollars u get 600 mins free after 7:00 pm cant beat that verizon needs to step it up before they start losing customers im on my way out and ive been a customer for a long time.

Douglas Hopper

Consumer Review

June 2, 2008

Inpulse help is not available 24/7.


Consumer Review

May 26, 2008

I had a VZW phone, the 2366i. I bought it on the INPulse plan, VZW's pre-paid plan, becaust it was in my knowledge, cheap. NOT true. The daily activation fee costed me $0.99 A DAY, as well as losing minutes, just for having the phone on. I couldn't even go more than a week without having to pay for more minutes. It ended up costing me a fortune.


Consumer Review

May 23, 2008

I love Verizon. Im not going to say its better than other phones but other than that its treating my well.

Raven f

Consumer Review

May 21, 2008

The most expensive pre-paid by far. I'd only recommend if: 1) Verizon is the only reliable cell provider in your area 2) You will be specifically speaking with other Verizon wireless customers…where you can take advantage of their free mobile-to-mobile.


Consumer Review

May 19, 2008

5-19-08 I have had many verizon inpulse phones all my friends have verizon so the calling is cool but the think that is really a kick in the balls is when a txt message is sent to your phone whether u open it or not BOOM -10 cents automatically and that happened to me some girl spammed my phone over and over with those stupid forward messages and it took 30$ in 2 days away verizon needs to include unlimited verizon to verizon txt for like 10 bucks a month if they did verizon would rise even higher the service is really cool and such and the thing 10 cents a minute ya gets pricey once u like call voicemail to check ur mail ya thats a big no no im 13 and im paying 40 dollars a month atleast because of the automatic -10 cents a txt if someone sends it to your phone and it dosent make it automatically minus 10 cents like i called my friend once and day before i added 15 my balance was like 7 dollars u know and im like wtf and looked online the culprit forward txt messages so verizon u need to include unlimited verizon to verizon txt or else ull lose customers


Consumer Review

May 19, 2008

I've used Verizon for over 10 years, recently change to the Core plan to be able to send/recieve ringtones and pics. I think the price for the prepay plan is great but would be slightly better if the minutes lasted a little longer as I don't talk much and 90 days or more would be better but as long as you get more minutes before your time is up you don't lose any minutes. I also have to consider that everyone else I know has Verizon so if I even tried to change to another company it would cost all of them a lot more money to talk to me and I think $15 a month for prepay compared to +$30 a month for a contract plan (once taxes,etc are added on) is just not worth it for me.5/19/08 TN.


Consumer Review

May 18, 2008

I have found that Verizon is a mixed bag of pros and cons. Unlike most other services, they don't offer ultra cheap poor performing phones, which in the end is a plus. Coverage is what Verizon is known for, another plus. I also like the announcement of how much time I have for the call when I dial out.


Consumer Review

May 17, 2008

verizon is the best i have had no problems with the service the phone is great and they r just the BEST!!!!!!!!


Consumer Review

May 9, 2008

it sux verizon takes your money its cheaper to b on a plan than pre pay but their deposits are rediculous. I have impulse and they take more than .99 i know this in 4-5 days i get messages saying my balance is low with no texting…its a giant scam


Consumer Review

May 7, 2008

you people like verizon because probably never went with other prepaid. try t-mobile and you will see the differents in your pocket. verizon rates are way out of control. paying a $1 a day if using the phone plus your minutes its crayzy. and expiring after months base on your prepaid no Goldmember like tmobile. after seeing their plans all i can say they are a ripoff. even if the tmobile wont have the service like verizon(i never had problem with tmobile, but some peoples complain)tmobile will be a much BETTER choice


Consumer Review

May 7, 2008

i love verizon


Consumer Review

May 3, 2008

Posted 5/3/08: Verizon's prepay plans are just too expensive so I switched to T-Mobile's Pay By the Day prepay plan. Customers on T-Mobile's Pay By the Day prepay plan get free m2m, free nights that start at 7PM and end at 6:59AM and all their over calls are just 10 cents a minute. T-Mobile charges a $1 a day to use this plan but only on days that the phone is used. I'm so happy that T-Mobile introduced this plan. I was paying an almost $90 a month fee($2.99 a day) just to use Verizon's Power Plus Inpulse plan. Never again!!!


Consumer Review

May 2, 2008

I think it would be very helpful if everyone dates their reviews and mentions their geographical area. This would weed out obsolete issues and and better reflect local coverage.


Consumer Review

May 1, 2008

I've had many other prepaid phones and have always been told verizon is the greatest of all prepaid phones well i finally got one and i have to agree it is it really is i tell all my friends about verizon.


Consumer Review

April 30, 2008

for .99 a day just get a Cricket pay in advance for $35 and its anyone you want day or night and text too.


Consumer Review

April 29, 2008

I recently got a Verizon prepaid cell phone at one of the corporate stores. I got the 1.99 daily access fee plan and I am pretty happy with it because I only pay the 1.99 on the days i use it. The only thing I did not like was the $25 dollar activation fee they charge you at the corporate store. People don't get charge this fee when they activate through walt-mart or target. It would be nice if they had some text packages too. What other things do you guys think they should include to make service better??????


Consumer Review

April 29, 2008

The $2.99 Inpulse plans now includes Weekends too.


Consumer Review

April 19, 2008

i have trace phone and i pay 25$ every 3 months (for minutes) and if i don't use all 500 minutes! (25$):)! they expire so i buy more minutes and then the minutes i didnt use transfer over to the minutes i just bought i want a new phone but after reading some of the comments im totally glade i have trace phone! just make sure you get a good trace phone service


Consumer Review

April 17, 2008

ok lets start by saying i spend close to 250 dollars a month on minutes and thats ridiculous but its the only phone that works everywhere i go and every time i need it so unless u have alot of money to waste dont get the phone but if u can afford it buy it you wont be dissappointed.


Consumer Review

April 14, 2008

Love Verizon cause nothing else works and for real ppl learn how to spell thigns the right way no one is going to take you seriously if all you can do is complain with spelling that is worse than a third graders HAHAHA still great service and what not EVERY company has it's faults Thanks again


Consumer Review

April 14, 2008

Ya the prices are a little too pricy but i like it, im only 16 and to me this is great, no locked in agreements, im paying $30 every couple of weeks, and its all acess and no supprises at the end of the month i like it.


Consumer Review

March 24, 2008

We purchased the verizon prepaid for our daughter and it is the best! You don't pay the daily fee if you don't answer or call off of your phone. All she very does is text message and since we have the INPulse Power plan we only pay 2 cents for each text message and we have NEVER paid a daily fee. It can be costly with V cast and I think the downloadable ringers are little costly, but other than that it isn't bad at all. Evern if you pay the $2.99 fee for a day you get minutes for $.02 and unlimited verizon to verizon. Now days thats pretty good considering almost everybody knows someone with a verizon phone. Not to crazy about the razor phone kinda think it's junk, but the plans are good.


Consumer Review

March 16, 2008

Well, I originally started with the $70 prepay plan that Verizon had. I had 700 minutes, unlimited night and weekend minutes, free mobile to mobile calling, and things like that. I got the plan in 2006. In November of 2007, the plan basically became obsolete. My number had been given away, and basically, there was no way I could even get the plan I had back. I went along with the INpulse b.s. It has been really expensive and a total disappointment. I purchased a card on November 24th, and the same night someone had stolen my pin number. Get this: the card had never been taken from me. It was still in my purse inside the receipt. I called Verizon, and they told me that it was someone who lived in Wisconsin that stole the number. I live in Louisiana, which is 900 and something odd miles away. They couldn't explain it for the life of me. Then, they would not give me credit. Even though, I had the receipt from Walgreens, and I had proof on my credit card statement from when I bought it. I talked to the manager or something, and he said that he would give my claim to the corporate office for further investigation. To this day, I have yet to be called. Another complaint I have is roaming. I can be sitting in my bedroom, and the little roaming triangle flashes. The cost for roaming charges is .69 per minute. That gets quite expensive. Even if the person doesn't pick up, you still pay that much. Every 30 seconds counts as a whole minute. They can improve the plans by putting the $50 and $70 plans back in. It was a lot better. As previously stated, I had no problems. $70 wasn't bad for all that I was getting. Shortly after I got my phone which was in May of 2006, they changed the $50/$70 plans to 3000 night and weekend minutes. Honestly, I would not suggest going with Verizon Wireless INpulse unless they change the plans back to the way they used to be. If you don't you will be shelling out ridiculous amounts of cash on those prepay cards and other miscellaneous experiences. Another flaw is that you cannot use PDAs on the INpulse plans. I currently own a Treo and a Moto Q, but I cannot use either of the 2 for INpulse. They are just sitting in a box because they cannot use the PDA ESNs. The Verizon contract plans are the best. The prepaid plans suck horribly. I forgot to mention how if you don't add money by the expiration date, your account will be suspended and your number will be thrown back into the pool of “new” numbers. That basically means that if you don't add money by “x” date, your number will be taken away from you. Honestly, there are no pros. The .99 cent a day charge is outrageous. Half of the time my phone isn't on, but I'm still being charged. Point blank: DO NOT GET PREPAID SERVICE FROM VERIZON WIRELESS. It will be the worst mistake you will ever make. I'm sorry that I didn't find out sooner.


Consumer Review

March 11, 2008

i think they should make there inpluse prepaid plans with verizon to verizon intexting soon either in 2008 or 2009


Consumer Review

March 7, 2008

I really enjoy my phone and my service. The dollar a day is not bad if you know how to manage your minutes. You can't get a basic calling plan for $30.00. If you find one, it will be more after the fees and taxes that are added on.


Consumer Review

March 2, 2008

I have the 70 Easypay Plan…its pretty decent but notice i dont have service in areas where contract phones do? also need to get with it and offer a txt msg plan for prepay….I spend more on txt than I do airtime, all in all good plan though.


Consumer Review

February 28, 2008



Consumer Review

February 27, 2008

VERIZON LET A TEXT MESAGE CO. TAKE MONEY OFF MY ACOUNT WITH OUT ME KNOWING OR MY can not get Voice mail with out my code but some can take money from my acount. I stopped at verizon store IN ASHLAND OHIO but after it was understood my phone was a perpay I was told we do not do prepay acounts. I was made to feel that becuse I did not have the credit for a plan they could not help me. it was as if my monye has been going to a nother verizon not the same as there verizion in ashland ohio.I MUST ADD THAT ONE VERIZON PERSON DID HELP ME, SHE GAVE ME 5.00 CREDIT TO KEEP MY PHONE ON UNTELL MY NEXT PAYDAY. AS OF THIS I STILL HAVE NOT RECOVERED THE MONEY TOOK FROM MY ACOUNT. SO I AM SAVEING UP FOR DEPOSIT FOR A NONE PRE PAY PHONE WITH A NOTHER SERVICE.PS THIS IS HOW THEY A THERED PARTY GOT THE MONEY OFF MY PHONE THEY SENT ME A PREMEION TEXT AND TO MAKE IT STOP I HAD TO SEND THEM A TEXT TO SAY STOP OR THEY WOOD TAKE $10.95 A MONTH FROM MY PHONE.

thomas kirk

Consumer Review

February 14, 2008

Verizon is the only thing that has service where I live, and the service is better than anywhere around here, but the .99 a day is crazy! Plus, you can't txt at all unless you want to add money everyday! They should make a prepaid plan where you pay maybe 10 or 15 dollars a month for unlimited texting, and don't charge you on days you don't use your phone. If they did that, it would be great, but the way it is right now is way too expensive!


Consumer Review

February 10, 2008

Since Verizon no longer charges 99 cents everyday, only on the days u use the phone, i bought one, seems to suit me fine


Consumer Review

February 6, 2008

my friend works at verizon and he said you get charged the .99 ONLY if you use the phone. you can make as many calls as you want on that particular day for .99. if you don't use the phone then you do not get charge. it says it right above under data plans.


Consumer Review

February 6, 2008

the phone break easy

jon f

Consumer Review

February 5, 2008

i love verion wireless i don't like went they take a dollar off


Consumer Review

January 31, 2008

I Love verizon its the ebst service in the whole world its better than nasty alltel, Sprint and Virgin Mobile I would never give up my verizon Phone for anything!!!!! 🙂


Consumer Review

January 27, 2008

I am very disappointed with the verizon prepaid. I went to the website for downloading ringtones that verizon referred to in there pamplet for ringtones. I got $9.99 taken off my account and canceled immediately and verizon would not credit my phone back for there misleading information in there own pamplet….This is sad and dont recommend it to anyone.. People getting taken advantage of by there misleading adds in there books and pamplets………Very misleading. I would not recommend it


Consumer Review

January 27, 2008

My phone kept freezing up, and the $1 a day when I use my phone is pathetic. I did not even use the mobile-to-mobile. I ended up switching to Tracfone to end my misery.


Consumer Review

January 18, 2008

This Plan Sort Of good U get high prices because their popular phones But then agian You have to But minutes So Your Spending a pretty penny on stuff that get broken or stolen Or taken away fom you @ school>


Consumer Review

January 11, 2008



Consumer Review

January 10, 2008

yeah horrible plans and no texting thats what most teens are doing these days if they had unlimited texting with the prepay plans they would get way way more buisness so the plan is pretty horrible


Consumer Review

January 9, 2008

This service is really a rip off! I would not recommend this to anyone. THe customer service sucks as you only get stock with a computer and never a live person. I also wanted to transfer this number (port it) to TMobile and they have given me the hardest time in providing me a passcode” that I need to cokmplete the transfer. Since two days before Christmas I have been trying and still have not been able to contact a live person to complete the phone number porting to TMobile (this time a regular contract).”


Consumer Review

January 2, 2008

i had tracfone and the double min plan i thought it was the best at 10cents a min cause i talk about 8 hrs a day and it was costing me 40 bucks a day ussually ,i had a plan but the 7 or 8 hundred min plan would run out in one day and the rate after that was expensive so i went prepaid tracfone which i thought was a good deal but i seen verizon which i knew come in everywhere ,ok i pay 3 bucks a day and 10 dollars a day in min, alot better than forty bucks anywheres else come on if they had free weekends it would be awesome ,phones are awesome too ,free m2m and free nights.if u talk alot at work its defiannaly is the best ,ilove my phone and oh they are the only ones with aplan over 2000min a month so i think verizon is number onein my book


Consumer Review

January 2, 2008

oh and i still keep my tracfone which is good till 2040 due date lol on days i dont use verizon at 10cents amin and i dont get charged 3 bucks a day


Consumer Review

December 27, 2007

LOL at ppl giving Verizon 3,4 and 5 stars and then complaining about their service: “I hate Verizon but I'll give them 5 stars.” LOL Well, I think Verizon's new prepay service is the best that's why I'M giving them 4 stars. If they included weekends with their prepay service, I would have given them 5 stars.


Consumer Review

December 25, 2007

Great network but rates are too pricey .


Consumer Review

December 22, 2007

I like perpay verizon wireless phone ,cause it doesn't really take my mins.

Nellie Abeyta

Consumer Review

December 19, 2007

^^^OK, What the hell? Anyway, yes, I'm loving Verizon's new prepay Inpulse plans, too. I've signed up for the Inpulse Plus Plan. $1.99 Daily fee (but only on days when I use my phone), free night minutes, m2m, 5 cent texting and 5 cents a minute for every other calls. It's great!!! I only wish Verizon included free weekends with the plans…that would have been great!!!


Consumer Review

December 11, 2007

The new Verizon Prepay is working out great we like the new way much better !Keep up the good work Verizon !!


Consumer Review

December 10, 2007

I love the new Prepay that Verizon has out now you only pay on the day that you use your phone .Verizon works everywere it's alot better then most Prepay phones .


Consumer Review

December 10, 2007

It really is too bad verizon deleated the EASY PAY option as it was a much cheaper choice. Im sure verizon will soon loose their cutomer base abd loose money by makeing the poor choice to deleate EASY PAY. one of two things will happen ither VZW will reenstate EASY PAY or just drop out of the pre paid bussiness altogeather. I hope they make a good informed choice to bring back EASY PAY!!!

easy pays disappearence!

Consumer Review

December 5, 2007

**WARNING** AS OF 11/01/07 THE EASYPAY PLAN IS NOT AVAILABLE. I have had a regular verizon account for 6 years and have been very happy with the service. I wanted to get the easypay plan for my boyfriend's 16 year old daughter for christmas, and customer service informed me that it's no longer available. I REFUSE to pay their outrageous prices for InPulse, and to add a teenager to my plan would be suicide for my wallet. As much as I like their service, I'm going elsewhere for prepay. CAVEAT EMPTOR!!!


Consumer Review

December 3, 2007

I give it 3 stars because I like the service it provides except with a prepaid cell phone it takes of $1.00 a day and when somebody txt you it takes of 10 cents. I think that if it is a verizon customer it should be free. and to the whore Samantha stop being cheap and get a life.


Consumer Review

December 3, 2007

Costs way too much money. Just buy a tracfone for like, half the price. The phones aren't as nice but it will save you a ton of money.


Consumer Review

December 2, 2007

Verizon wireless seems like a HUGE rip off.I hope they find this site, read the comments, and discover that they are being ridiculous.My boyfriend bought one of their phones for me for Christmas this year and I'm going to ask him to take it back, because their prices are just ricidulous!I run off a $100 allowance per month and I don't want to have to spent close to half of that to keep a cell that I'm not going to use every day.I sometimes go even 5 days without using my cell because I'm actually with people. I don't want to be lacking $5 at the end of the week just because I have an in-person social life.Verizon wirless is ridiculous. Don't go with them.


Consumer Review

November 30, 2007

they got some good phones online and thats what i want


Consumer Review

November 20, 2007

I give the plan 4 stars when ever they give free weekends also on the plan then i'll give it a 5 till then it remains at a 4!


Consumer Review

November 9, 2007



Consumer Review

November 3, 2007

I hated there sevice they charge .99 a day if you uses the phone or not you have to put a large amount if you like to talk alot but I did like the phones I have swithched to vm I like it alot better


Consumer Review

October 30, 2007

we recently had a black out in our area for aprox. 2 hours and my cell pone maintained its service the whole time. i have friends with other cell service (BLUE WIRELESS/CELL ONE/VERGIN MOBIL) and during that same power outage their cell service was down and non functioning but verizon customers maintained service. I WAS SO IMPRESSED!!!!! its verizon all the way for my self and my family.

ny state

Consumer Review

October 30, 2007

thanks for the NEW INFO. on the new plans. i'll be sure to spread the word. verizon is the best. 4 years and counting here and no plans on switching ever.


Consumer Review

October 30, 2007

I had the Verizon Inpulse Plan that deducted 99 cents from your account each day, including days when you don't use the phone. I was thinking of switching to T-Mobile ToGo b'cuz the 99 cent a day charge on the Verizon Inpulse Plan was leaving me broke. Thank God that I've found this site before I switched to T-Mobile ToGo. Verizon now offers FOUR Inpulse PrePay plans!!! There's the Inpulse plan we're all used to (the plan that deducts 99 cents a day for your account even on days when you don't use the phone), there's the Inpulse Core Plan (all calls are 10 cent all day long and there's a 99 cent fee-this fee is deducted from your account ONLY on days you use the phone, the same as AT&T's Go Phone Prepaid plan), there's the Inpulse Plus plan (a $1.99 fee is deducted from your account ONLY on days you use the phone. This plan also includes 5 cent texting, m2m, night minutes and all other call are 5 cents a minute), and the Inpulse Power Plan (this plan includes night minutes, m2m, 2 cent texting and all other calls are 2 cents a minute. There's a $2.99 access fee deducted from your account but ONLY on days when you use the phone). I've just signed up for the Inpulse Plus Plan this morning and I'm happy I did. You won't find this information on Verizon's website. You'll have to call customer service for details. Drop the old Inpulse Plan and switch to 1 of Verizon's new Inpulse plans. You'll be happy you did and you'll save money.


Consumer Review

October 29, 2007

Great Coverage, Never dropped a call. I've been on both sides of the playing field (inpulse and easypay). Easypay is so much better, and cheaper. Verizon just came out with Power Inpulse for 2.99 a day, only on days you use it, 2 cent calls to everyone with the ever popular m2m and nights after 9. You have 2 talk 2 someone @ verizon 2 get this plan!!

Zack E

Consumer Review

October 28, 2007

Good coverage. Impule- Not good for the .99c daily access fee unless u r doing 2 use ur phone everyday. u get unlimited nights after 9pm. The eay pay monthly is good u have 2 put money on ur phone once a month or u lose ur monthly minutes. Verizon has just came out with 3 new impulse plans, it is not advertized as of yet on the web site. call and ask about them. i know the Core impulse is .99c on the days u use the phone, but u don't get unlimited at 9pm.


Consumer Review

October 20, 2007

TUYO? never heard of it. im sticking with a barnd name i know and trust. cheaper is not always better. i like verizons easy pay prepaid.


Consumer Review

October 19, 2007

I switched to TUYO mobile. 10 cents a minute no perday charge. lowest refill is 10.00 every 3 months, I purchased a tuyo sim on ebay and used in my razor. (tuyo is a generic company runnin on tmoble network)


Consumer Review

October 9, 2007

I think that they should make an inpulse plan with unl. verizon in texting. And if i buy an lg env can i switch my old phone to the env?


Consumer Review

October 5, 2007

I love my prepay

LAtonya Barkley Barkley

Consumer Review

October 2, 2007

Hey thanks for the information on Easy Pay! That helped me a lot! =]


Consumer Review

October 1, 2007

it's ok

dont understand

Consumer Review

September 29, 2007

VERIZON WIRELESS ALL THE WAY BABY! skip the rest and go with the best.

desprate housewife

Consumer Review

September 29, 2007

I'm a #1 fan of verizon wireless. i read the reviews in here and most are hung up on the (INpulse) pay as you go's $0.99 a day service charge. If you are not happy with the $0.99 charge a day on the INpulse plan then switch to verizon wireless pay as you go plan called (EASY PAY). There is no daily chage for the plan and its much more simple and just as reliable service as the INpulse or contract plans just less expensive. I kicked my brother off my plan becouse he ran my contract cell through verizon over $550 dollars in one month. So i set him up with the EASY PAY plan for $70 a month for 700 min with unlimmited in calling and all the reg jazz. He used his old verizon phone from my contract plan for the easy pay. $78.00 was all the cost was to get him going. They also offer a $50.00 a mo. plan for 350 min. I't was painless and simple and verizon is the most reliable. I agree I WOULD NEVER PAY $0.99 monthly charge for the INpulse plan. GO WITH THE EASY PAY much cheaper and just as reliable.

jamestown ny

Consumer Review

September 26, 2007

Ok I like to text! && it charges me like 10 cents per message recieved and sent! They should have unlimited text like cricket and pay $5.00 a month! That would be better. I like the unlimited calling after 9 but still texting is a better option because people tend to text people more often! Like its a good thing for when You need to tell somebody something instead of calling them and running up your minutes.


Consumer Review

September 24, 2007

Wish we could have free weekends on prepaid plans.


Consumer Review

September 24, 2007

I hate the daily fee its so laim but over all its pretty good i guess


Consumer Review

September 21, 2007

What a joke. A 99 cent daily access fee even if I don't use my phone. Bloodsuckers. Look for my phone out on ebay soon. I'm dumping this piece of crap carrier.


Consumer Review

September 18, 2007

Verizon is just to high $.99 a day even if you don't use your phone thats $30.00 dollars a month thats to much .


Consumer Review

September 14, 2007

I love verizon. I had a plan with my family and i loved it!!!! But they took my phone so i was thinking of getting a pre-paid one. I'm a text-aholic tho and in prepaid u get ripped off because of that. If only verizon got a plan for texts, then i'd love them. For now, i'll check on alltel or t-mobile. 🙁


Consumer Review

September 9, 2007

I love the service. It Is free to my friends and after 9 at night1


Consumer Review

September 9, 2007

I love my verizon prepay service!


Consumer Review

September 6, 2007

If you are the world`s biggest sucker than you will buy a verizon prepaid. first of all, the selection of phones is very limited,and the features on those phones hardly have anything desirable for the price (except for the razr) and why do most of their phones have the same clamshell design? on top of that, they charge $.99 per day EVEN IF YOU DO NOT USE IT!!! so that means if you buy a $15.00 top up card, you will run out of minutes in fifteen days, and thats assuming you dont talk on it AT ALL during those fifteen days. AT&T go phone (previously cingular) doesn`t charge you $1.00 a day if you do not use it, so basically, dont buy verizon prepaid or tracfone, unless you want to get ripped off.

Josh Troop

Consumer Review

September 6, 2007

I like verizon but they are expensive it would be ok if they had a text pagkege like tmobile is 1cent per text or 1000 text for 10.00 month but verizon knows teens are going to come to them because you can choose any phone in store for prepaid and other plans you cant


Consumer Review

September 1, 2007

I have the old pre-paid plan where you just add $15.00 per month and no roaming fees. However, My phone recently got damaged so now I don't know if I have to get the new prepaid plan.


Consumer Review

August 31, 2007

I think Verizon is really taking BIG Time” advantage of mostly teens .Also I'm not crazy about contract service either!”


Consumer Review

August 29, 2007

your phones are good but some times they brake easly so but um…. i like them i am geting a nother one for chrismas so i can not wait


Consumer Review

August 24, 2007

verizon is a joke compared to other phone companies…. they nickel and dime your wallet and service areas suck.. and remember that you cant add 3 lines to one name unless $400 dollars falls out of your butt


Consumer Review

August 19, 2007

I've had Verizon Prepaid for over a year now and I always have service. The only thing that i don't like about verizon is the daily fee.


Consumer Review

August 17, 2007

I was thinking of getting a prepaid phone but after reading the comments I will shop around first thank you.


Consumer Review

August 13, 2007

i dont like this service because the min. runs out to fast and u have to buy credits to get ringtones and u cant send or recive picture messages.


Consumer Review

July 31, 2007

bad. cant get a way to activate my cell, theres no directions

Lord vadyr

Consumer Review

July 19, 2007

I believe Verizon is the worse at prepay. They do have good service, but the amount one has to pay a month to keep up their account is rediculus. They charge $0.99/day wether or not you use the phone. A 15 dollar card will last at a maximum of 15 days. Altell only charges $0.75/day and allows you to choose your account options. You get to choose two from: free nights and weekends, free texting, free mobile to mobile, and free favorite number. If you are looking for a plan that is cheaper on the money, and yet good on the overall plan, Altell is the way to go. Before I would pay over $45 dollars for one month of Verizon. $45 on Altell gives you TWO months! Now, which one sounds better?


Consumer Review

July 17, 2007

I hate the fact that they charge .99 cents per day! I don't even use it sometimes, and I am still .99 cents shorter every day. I hate the fact that by 15 your phone is out of minutes. Which means you are spending about $30-$45 every month. If I were to spend that much I'd be better of with a contrat.


Consumer Review

July 2, 2007

I think they get you with the daily fee, they are making more money off you to further develop the monthly plans. What marketing strategy. They take the daily rip-off fee from prepaid and put it into regular monthly plans.What suckers we are???????


Consumer Review

May 26, 2007

I did get one for my teenage son, but realized he wasn't using it every day and it wasn't worth it. A lot of Boys just don't talk alot on cell phones.. just quick calls to friends. I got out of it quickly….Cellular one had a better deal…no daily charge and we could choose any phone in the store (mind we paid for it) but it was so much cheaper than have a cell contract and we come out ahead!! Do the math if your teenager can use the regular phone at home..and use the phone texting and calling at school and out once in awhile. It was cheaper for us to let him use the home phone and just have prepaid for running around!!


Consumer Review

May 20, 2007

Verizon 99cents/day, even when not using the phone, plus minutes is the greediest prepaid plan. And they charge you big bucks for roaming” in areas not charged their other plans. Switched to T-Mobile $100 prepaid plan.”

John Doe

Consumer Review

May 18, 2007

I just got it today, and I love it! The pricing isnt that bad. For 100 min, unlimited nights and weekends and unlimited in-calling, its 40 dollars a month. I mean, you could probably get 5 times the min with a real plan, but not all of us could get a real plan. Im 18, and have zero credit. Sprint wanted a 500 dollar deposit. So, this is not a bad alternative. Plus you have access to Verizons large online services. I have the razr, and I really do like it. I would reccommend this prepaid company. I would only steer elderly peple away, the people who will use it once a month, not take advantage of the services. Its a good alterntive to a contract. But all you have to give them is your zip code!!!!


Consumer Review

May 16, 2007

I love verizon wireless from the bottom of my heart. They are the greatest network in the world. If they just stop dropping my calls then we won't have a problem. The service does make me mad sometimes but u can't go wrong with verizon. They are great. I have a plan with them but when my plan is over, I'm going to prepaid. Love the phones, just tired of paying that bill every month.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2007

A wats ^ i luv ur service it's better then virgin mobile they use 2 take my money 4rm my phone any body who read dis dnt choose virgin mobile choose verizon wireless

Marchon AKA Thickness

Consumer Review

April 25, 2007

I have the old Verizon prepaid plan (circa 2003). I like that I can refill via the web at the $15.00 minimum. The per call and per text messaging can be a bit pricey though. I recommend looking on eBay or craigslist for an old Verizon prepaid phone (pre-InPulse plan)


Consumer Review

April 25, 2007

verizon is the best


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