MetroPCS looking at cheap LTE handsets

MetroPCS operated an LTE network, they claimed that the best was yet to come. While they offered a few LTE handsets, their lineup was mostly bare. They said that’s because cost-effective LTE handsets wouldn’t become readily available until the second half of 2012. It appears that they’re ready to make good on that claim. Speaking at a conference yesterday, MetroPCS’s Keith Terreri covered a number of issues related to LTE. Of LTE handsets, Terreri said that the company is working with five manufacturers to provide smartphones in the $99 to $149 range, which is a sweet spot for MetroPCS customers. More after the jump. Terreri also revealed that in the last 18 or so months, MetroPCS has picked up 500,000 LTE customers, which account for roughly 5 percent of its overall subscribers. Most apparently choose the higher-tier $50 and $60 LTE plans, since the $40 places a 100MB cap on streaming video, which is one area where LTE holds a great advantage. Interestingly, Terreri mentioned that MetroPCS has a decent amount of money set aside to acquire additional spectrum: $1 to $1.5 billion. They’ll need it, as spectrum is an increasingly rare, and therefore expensive, commodity. It doesn’t help that companies such as T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint are also seeking spectrum reserves so they themselves can transition to LTE networks. Overall, it sounds like exciting times ahead for MetroPCS. They might have trouble on the spectrum front, but if they do make good on their $50 to $150 LTE handset claims, they might need it. That will likely attract a significant number of customers. Via FierceWireless.]]>