MetroPCS unveils unlimited international calling

About two months ago, we learned that MetroPCS was offering unlimited calling to Mexico for $3 per month. Their newest international offering is even better. This one costs $5 per month and covers calls to over 1,000 destinations in 100 different countries. Have family in Australia? You can talk all you want (provided they’re covered) for that $5. Best of all, there are no asterisks or other notations in the ad. To make sure your friend or family member is covered, head to Metro’s number lookup. That will tell you before hand if you can call the person all you want for that $5 fee. ]]>


  1. Noki on August 17, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    This is not true, their promised to INDIA cell Phones from their webpage verifcation but removed the service by next week without any information. I am stucked as we had cancelled the landline and don’t want to go again the pain of tranferring again. FCC is not taking any actions it looks. Their are part of the Company’s partern to play with customer. As their have big paper work to submit to your concerns. Just leave the Metropcs