4G LTE Coming to Page Plus in Oct.
September 10, 2014/

Page Plus has been saying that they would be getting 4G LTE services ‘soon’ for months. So much so, that we haven’t even really covered it much because I hadn’t seen any really valid evidence that it would be coming anytime in the future. However, Prepaid Phone News has posted a notice from Page Plus Cellular to their dealers stating that LTE will be available this October. Although the official announcement is lengthy and about half of it says that they don’t have all the details available, the announcement is quite exciting.
While many details couldn’t be confirmed yet, they could confirm that with the exception of the 12 plan, all other monthly plans will qualify for the 4G speeds (provided you have a compatible phone) and no price increase is expected. 3G service will still be available, and 4G LTE SIM cards will be Page Plus specific. Upon activation, the device will be assigned to 3G or 4G based on device type and compatibility. The Page Plus 4G LTE SIMS are expected to be available in October.]]>