Republic Wireless starts sending beta invites, reveals handset specs

reopen its beta program this summer. They’ve already started sending invites, in fact, and at least one person has sent the details to Engadget. The details include a choice of three smartphone, one from an entry level tier, one mid-range, and one high-end. They didn’t note specific models, probably because they’ll all be customized to a degree. Still, after the jump we’ll take a look at the specs, along with possible matches. The entry level phone costs $199, which includes first month service, and is definitely down on the totem pole. That is, it’s a 3.5-inch screen with a 600MHz processor. Engadget thinks it could be the ZTE Libra, but since the device is labeled as being from an unknown manufacturer it could be the iNQ Cloud Touch. I haven’t even heard of that one. The mid-range handset will cost $100 more, and will be a bit more heavy duty. At a 1GHz processor, 1GB of storage, and a 3.7-inch screen, it could be the best value Republic offers. Engadget guesses the Samsung Galaxy U, HTC One V (my guess as well), or the Huawei Vision. Still, since they said well-known manufacturer, I doubt it’s Huawei. Finally, the high-end handset has a 4.3-inch screen, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 7-megapixel camera, and 8GB of storage. Galaxy S II, maybe? There are plenty of current Android handsets that nearly fit that description, though, so it’s wide open. At $499, however, it’s a bit up there in price. I still think the $299 model is the best bargain. If you want to jump in, head to Republic Wireless’s website. Considering the demand, though, it might be a while before you get an invite. ]]>
I gave RW a try back in Nov 2011, when they first opened their doors to the beta crowd. Within a month I dropped them and ended up filing complaints against them with the BBB, FCC, and FTC. Suffice it to say, STAY AWAY from this company. You will get absolutely NO customer service if anything should go wrong with your service, whether that be phone related or billing related. They will only respond to you once you file a complaint with the BBB, then they spring into action. Is this the type of company ANYONE would like to deal with? Don’t be lured in by $19/month thinking this is the greatest thing since slice bread, because it isn’t.
Borgias, do you know what Beta means? It means they have not yet “opened their doors”. They were looking for people to TEST their service. They are not targeting the low-end financially unstable crowd. You are a moron.
I spent 3 weeks in Vietnam this April. RW’s phone worked fine whenever I was in a WIFI hotspot–my hotel, for example. Calls back to my wife in Illinois were free and sounded as good as if we were in the same town!