Republic Wireless to Credit Unused Data
April 22, 2015/

In theory, rollover services sound like a fantastic idea. You paid for it, you should be able to keep it, right? But realistically, if you didn’t use everything you paid for last month, what are the chances that you’ll actually use all of it, plus the rollover the next month? I’d say pretty slim, and it looks like Republic Wireless agrees.
According to a Fierce Wireless article, Republic Wireless has been beta testing a new program that will give customers credit for unused data instead of rolling it over month to month. The credit will be applied to a user’s account and put towards the next month’s bill.
“We decided to do this because we realized 80 percent of our subscribers would save considerable money if we did,” Republic Wireless CEO David Morken told Fierce Wireless.
There is no indication as to when, exactly, the program will be widely available but personally I think a credit makes a lot more sense than simply rolling over data.
Republic Wireless is a Wifi-first Sprint MVNO which provides very cheap services that prioritize wifi networks. When wifi networks are not available, the phones automatically use Sprint’s CDMA network, and customers can purchase data on a sliding scale. You can take a look at the plans and services on the Republic Wireless website.]]>
Posted in Republic Wireless