Ting Gets Hacked, Resets All Passwords
August 17, 2015/

Hackers are everywhere. Even, apparently, at postpaid no-contract Sprint and T-Mobile MVNO Ting. In a blog post earlier this month, the company admitted that they discovered some hackers had attempted to break into Ting’s servers and as a precaution, the company has reset everyone’s passwords.
Ting insists that nothing was stolen and in the blog post announcing the breach Ting assures users that it was merely “an overbundance of caution” that prompted the reset.
” We have no evidence that any accounts were accessed or sensitive details lifted, and believe us, we’ve looked. As you can imagine, our security and network engineers are working overtime to get to the bottom of this.”The blog post was time stamped August 4, 2015 so if you’ve not logged into Ting since then, then you will need to reset your password. Along with this security breach comes a few password restrictions including:
- passwords must be at least 10 characters
- only letters, numbers and the following special characters: ! @ # $ ^ * ( ) | / . , – _”. are allowed
Posted in Ting